We saw howyou locked Odie outside last night.
哦 我才不信你们这些家伙 我不知道他会跑丢
Oh. I don’t believeyou guys. I didn’t know he was gonna run away.
他是只笨狗 不是针对你 路卡
He’s a dumb dog. No offense. Luca.
呃 你说什么 -你不能归罪于我
Uh. what? – You can’t blame me for that.
我们每一个都可能是下一个 -是的
Any one of us could be next. – Yeah.
There’s no room for anybody else in Garfield’s world.
哈 哦 这太夸张了吧
Huh? Oh. that’s a little dramatic.
好吧 我在捍卫自己的领地这一点上 可能有点过火
Well. I may have been a little tough about protecting my turf…
但是 呃 但是我不恨他
but. uh. I don’t hate the guy.
I understand Happy has a big surprise for us.
一个特殊的款待 海皮 今天有什么特别的
A special treat. What haveyou got for us. Hap?
啊 欢迎摩根·克里斯
Ah. guten Morgen, chris.
耶 耶 耶 我最近一直 在跟一个特别的朋友一起工作
Yeah,yeah,yeah, I have been working with a veryspecial new friend…
and I would like to introduce him to all ofyou.
看哪 是欧弟
Lookee here! I t’s Odie!
And he’s safe and sound.
虽然 他好像找到了另一种生活方式
Although. he seems to have found an alternative lifestyle.
He still can’t dance.
啊 这可以让乔恩和那帮猫狗们 原谅我了
Well. this gets me offthe hook with Jon and the gang.
那样 我就成英雄了 -真是只聪明的狗
Now I’m gonna be the hero. – That’s one talented dog.
哦 真高兴你能这么想 克里斯 因为我还有件事要宣布
Oh. I’m glad you think so. chris. because I have a little announcement to make.
老海皮·查普曼 和欧弟·斯耐泽尔
Old Happy chapman and Odieschnitzel…
将在下午三点出发 乘新阿姆斯特丹号♥到纽约
are going to be climbing aboard that New Amsterdam Limited at 3:00 p.m….
在那里 我们将有机会
bound to NewYork city. wherewe have the opportunity…
to be regular contributors on Good Day, New York.
啊 他的姓氏是—斯耐泽尔
Huh? That’s his last name– Schnitzel?
谢谢你昨天的帮助 你很 很出色
Thankyou for all your helpyesterday. You were– You were great.
乔恩 欧弟上电视了 还穿着小马褂
jon. Odie’s on TV. and he’s wearing lederhosen.
不好意思 加菲 现在不行
I-I’m sorry. Garfield. not now.
Um. I upped the reward to. um. $200.
还有 呃 我明天会贴更多的寻找启事
And. uh. I’m going to put up some more posters tomorrow.
他在跳舞 还穿着小马褂
He’s clog dancing. I think. wearing lederhosen.
不好意思 加菲 现在不行
I’m sorry. Garfiield, not now.
哦 你要错过了 -不好意思 莉斯 我呆会儿再给你打电♥话♥
Oh. you’re gonna miss it. – I’m sorry. Liz. I’ll call you later.
Garfield’s being… Garfield.
Do I have to bark like Lassie?
快点 逗逗我 好吗
come on. Humor me. would ya?
汪汪汪 快点
Arf!. Arf!. Arf!. Quickly!
趁我们还年轻 现在 快过来
While we’reyoung. Today! Let’s go!
Be happy.
哦 你要错过了 是个小家伙 那男人手里的小家伙
Oh. you’re gonna miss this. He’s the small one. The small one in the guy’s hand.
加菲 我现在没有心情
Garfield. I’m not in the mood.
你知道吗 你关掉我的电视总会很糟
You know. it’s never good when you turn off myTV.
And this may be the worst ever.
Odie’s not ready.
他 他整个月都在努力的训练 以对付一贯的表演
H-He’s months ofpositive reinforcement awayfrom consistentlyperfiorming.
海皮 你发过誓你永远不会用这个
Happy, you promised you’d never use that.
我意思是 这个项圈不人道
I mean, that collar is inhumane.
This col lar…
is the dog’s future.
Do you have a problem with that?
没有 -没有
No. – No.
Now we’ll see how smart you really are.
海皮·查普曼 海皮·查普曼 海皮·查普曼
Happy chapman. Happy chapman. Happy chapman.
现在不是时候 加菲
Not now. Garfield.
乔恩 你的脾气越来越臭
jon. you’re denser than ever.
I gotta think outside the box here.
嘿 我的盒子
Hey. the box!
Wait a second.
我的盒子 我的盒子上有东西
My box– My box had something on it.
来看看 苹果粒 雪饼 可可粉
Let’s see. Apple Jacks. Frosted Flakes. cocoa Puffs.
粗磨的茶叶 啊 在这儿
Kibbly Kat. Yes. there it is.
电报大楼 海皮·查普曼 节目在那里录制
Telegraph Tower. That’s where they make The Happy chapman Show.
好啊 不过那里能有多远
Yeah. But how faraway can that be?
或许 嗯 一个爪子的距离
Maybe– Hmm. a paw?
一只爪子 也许一只半 没问题 我一定行
A paw anda halfmaybe. This is a done deal. I can do this.

我不行 达到生理极限
can’t do this. Reached physical limits.
Shouldn’t have tried it without snacks.
Must go back and reload.
珍妮 你还好吗 欢迎来到节目
Jenny. how areyou? Welcome to the show.
嗯 嗯 嗯
Mmm! Mmm! Mmm!
嗯 嗯
Mmm. Mmm.

啊 这意味着我酒足饭饱啦
Ah. and that’s the sign that the tank is full.
我行的 这个十字路口外是另一个
I can do this. Beyond this intersection is just another intersection.
另一个 另一个 另一个
另一方面 不知道冰箱里面 还有没有肉丸
On the otherhand, I wonderifthere’s anymeat loafleft in the fridge.
不 现在不是讲肉丸的时候
No. Now’s not the time for a plate of meat loaf.
Now’s the time for a plate of courage.
女士们先生们 加菲离开了死巷
Ladies and gentlemen. Garfield has left the cul-de-sac.
歌♥词大意:他正愤怒地 在葡萄生长的土地上践踏
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes ofwrath are stored
He has–
现在 这才是我的风格
Now that’s more mystyle.
哦 出租车
Oh. taxi.
踩油门 好吗 司机
Step on it, willyou, driver?
不 欧弟不是猎犬 是的 我肯定
No. Odie’s not a hound dog. Yes. I ‘m sure.
不 我不想要另一只狗
No. I don’t want another dog.
Thanks anyway.
加菲 该吃午餐了
Garfield. Iunchtime.
你的最爱 杂碎面
I made your favorite– lasagna.
加菲 你在哪里
Garfield. where areyou?
can anyone direct me to the pink building…
粗磨茶叶 包装盒上那栋粉色大楼么
that’s shown on the back of the Kibbly Kat box?
Uh. it’s the one right by the blue-and-orange tree.
Well. this doesn’t feel pink building-ish.
你好 -你现在要去哪里 哦 这是什么
Hello? – Now whereyou going? Oh. what is that?
啊哦 老鼠 -快来 快来
Uh-oh, rats. – come on! come on!
老鼠一样大的老鼠 -快来 孩子们
Rats the size of rats. – come on, kids.
Is that big orange blob a cat?
嘿 现在 你们为什么包围我
Hey. now. why am I being surrounded here?
Some ofmybest friends are vermin.
Finally. some meat.
肉 不 不是肉 他们测量过了
Meat? No. it’s not meat. I’m– They measured.
我是百分之百的身体脂肪 没营养的
It’s 100% body fat. No nutritional value whatsoever.
嘿 脂肪对我们有好处
Hey. body fat’s good with us.
嗯 耶 耶 -呃 呃 路易斯
Mmm. Yea! Yippee! – Uh– Uh– Louis.
加菲 让我进去 嘿 发生了什么 -哦 是我的朋友
Garfiield! coming through. Hey, what’s going on here? – Oh. it’s my friend.
别这样 路易斯 我得养3000只小老鼠
come on. Louis. I got 3.000 teeny mouths to feed.
嘿 退后 加菲 你在这里干什么
Hey. back off. Garfield? What are you doing here?
除了保卫自己的生命之外 乔恩养了一只狗
Besides defending my life? jon got a dog…
一只被电视明星绑♥架♥了的狗 我试图拯救他
dog got kidnapped by a TV star. I’m trying to rescue him.
看起来你在做大事 哈
Seems likeyou gotyourself in a jam. huh?
I wish there was something I could do to helpyou out.
路易斯 你还欠我一个人情 记得吗
Louis. I thinkyou and I have an account still. remember?
那些坚果饼干 -我爱那些坚果
The macadamia nut cookies? – I do love the macadamia.
不好意思 鼠群们 这只猫和我一伙的 -噢 少来了
Sorry. rat pack. this cat’s with me. – Aw, come on.
你们得离开了 走吧 滚吧
Y’all got to roll. Go ahead. Roll out.
Who wants to go to the Red Lobster alley?
嘿 也许下一次吧 小家伙们
Hey. maybe next time. Iittle critters.
Good luckwith the plague and rabies and everything.
不要得寸进尺 肥猫
Don’t push your luck. fat cat.
加菲 你不能在城市里乱逛
Garfield. you can’t just be wandering around the city.
There are dangers everywhere.
水坑 地铁 动物管制会
Potholes, subways, animal control.
You thinkyou can get me to Telegraph Tower?
两片饼干就行 但是我们得低调行动
Two more cookies and you got a deal. But we gotta keep it on the down-low.
