
vi. 裂开,张开;打呵欠
n. 裂口,张嘴;呵欠




1. PIE base *ghai- / *ghi- “yawn, gape” => chasm (from Greek khaskein / khainein “yawn, gape”).
2. PIE base *ghai- / *ghi- “yawn, gape” => hiatus (from Latin hiare “yawn, gape”).
3. PIE base *ghai- / *ghi- “yawn, gape” => gap, gape, yawn.
4. gap => gape.


gape 张口结舌地看
来自PIE*ghai, 打呵欠,张口,词源同yawn. 引申义吃惊。


Gape 是一个动词,意味着敞开嘴巴或张大嘴巴,或者指出现大口的裂口或开口。以下是与 “gape” 相关的 50 个短语,附上中文解释:

  1. Gape in amazement: 惊讶地张大嘴巴
  2. Gape at the spectacle: 凝视着这一壮观景象
  3. Gape in awe: 敬畏地呆视
  4. Gape in shock: 震惊地目瞪口呆
  5. Gape in horror: 惊骇地瞪大眼睛
  6. Gape at the sky: 仰望天空
  7. Gape at the stars: 凝视星空
  8. Gape at the ocean: 凝视着大海
  9. Gape at the mountains: 凝视山脉
  10. Gape at a waterfall: 凝视瀑布
  11. Gape in disbelief: 怀疑地目瞪口呆
  12. Gape in wonder: 惊奇地张大嘴巴
  13. Gape at a beautiful painting: 凝视美丽的画作
  14. Gape at a remarkable sculpture: 凝视杰出的雕塑
  15. Gape at the grand architecture: 凝视宏伟的建筑
  16. Gape at a breathtaking view: 凝视着令人叹为观止的景色
  17. Gape at the full moon: 凝视着满月
  18. Gape at the fireworks: 凝视烟花
  19. Gape at a colorful sunset: 凝视多彩的日落
  20. Gape at a huge waterfall: 凝视巨大的瀑布
  21. Gape at a stunning sunrise: 凝视令人惊叹的日出
  22. Gape at a beautiful garden: 凝视美丽的花园
  23. Gape at a mesmerizing performance: 凝视着令人陶醉的表演
  24. Gape at a magnificent cathedral: 凝视宏伟的大教堂
  25. Gape at a captivating movie: 凝视迷人的电影
  26. Gape at a thrilling sports event: 凝视刺激的体育赛事
  27. Gape at a historic monument: 凝视历史纪念碑
  28. Gape at a technological marvel: 凝视技术奇迹
  29. Gape at the wonders of nature: 凝视大自然的奇观
  30. Gape at the night sky: 凝视夜空
  31. Gape at a fantastic illusion: 凝视令人震撼的错觉
  32. Gape at a mysterious phenomenon: 凝视神秘现象
  33. Gape at an impressive feat: 凝视令人印象深刻的壮举
  34. Gape at a thrilling performance: 凝视激动人心的表演
  35. Gape at a magical transformation: 凝视神奇的变化
  36. Gape at the beauty of nature: 凝视大自然之美
  37. Gape at a work of art: 凝视艺术作品
  38. Gape at a historical artifact: 凝视历史文物
  39. Gape at a technological breakthrough: 凝视技术突破
  40. Gape at a masterful creation: 凝视杰出的创作
  41. Gape at an incredible discovery: 凝视令人难以置信的发现
  42. Gape at an extraordinary achievement: 凝视非凡的成就
  43. Gape at a record-breaking performance: 凝视创纪录的表演
  44. Gape at the wonders of the universe: 凝视宇宙的奥秘
  45. Gape at the grandeur of history: 凝视历史的壮丽
  46. Gape at the enormity of the task: 震惊于任务的艰巨
  47. Gape at the complexity of the problem: 吃惊于问题的复杂性
  48. Gape at the vastness of the desert: 凝视沙漠的广袤
  49. Gape at the serenity of the lake: 凝视湖泊的宁静
  50. Gape at the power of the waterfall: 凝视瀑布的威力


一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
