

[noun] (in chess) an opening in which a player makes a sacrifice, typically of a pawn, for the sake of some compensating advantage
[名词] (国际象棋中)棋手为了某种补偿性优势而做出牺牲的开局,通常是牺牲一个兵


Gambit 是一个比 ambit (权力、影响所及的范围、界限)就多了一个首字母 G 的单词。该词源自意大利语 gamba (腿),17世纪中期经意大利语 gambetto (绊倒)进入英语后,即用在国际象棋中表示“开局让棋法”,也就是开局时冒险牺牲一个棋子或多个棋子以稍后取得有利位置等补偿优势的下棋法。

从这个概念出发,等到了1855年后, gambit 很自然地就被用来表示“开头一招、精心策划的一招”,尤指带有风险的“策略、险招”,同样意味着为了未来的某种优势或利益而在局势开始时冒险牺牲某些东西,比如:

  • 她巧妙的开局险招使她抢占了先机。现在她显然正津津有味地回味着那一刻。
    Her clever opening gambit gave her an early advantage. Now she is savouring the moment with obvious relish.

此外, gambit 也可用来表示“开场白”,即为了开启与某人的对话而开口说的一段经过设计的话,比如:

  • 他最喜欢的开场白是:“你真漂亮。想喝一杯吗?”
    His favourite opening gambit is: ‘You are so beautiful. Fancy a drink?’


I am not speaking metaphorically; nor is this the opening gambit of some melodramatic, riddling, grubby appeal for pity.

出自印裔英国作家萨尔曼·鲁西迪(Salman Rushdie,又译萨尔曼·拉什迪)在1981年出版的长篇小说《午夜之子》(Midnight’s Children)。


  • A step away from globalism—Donald Trump’s most consistent campaign theme—could make for an awkward opening gambit given pockets of Republican resistance to overt protectionism.
  • Although this antibody treatment cannot distinguish between normal and misbehaving T cells, the gambit has proved successful.
    虽然这种抗体疗法无法分辨 T 细胞的正常与否,但结果证明这一招相当成功。


  1. Opening gambit: 开场策略
  2. Strategic gambit: 战略策略
  3. Bold gambit: 大胆策略
  4. Political gambit: 政治策略
  5. Chess gambit: 国际象棋策略
  6. Calculated gambit: 计算过的策略
  7. Tactical gambit: 战术策略
  8. Economic gambit: 经济策略
  9. Negotiating gambit: 谈判策略
  10. Diplomatic gambit: 外交策略
  11. Marketing gambit: 营销策略
  12. Strategic gambit: 战略策略
  13. Creative gambit: 创造性策略
  14. Bold opening gambit: 大胆的开局策略
  15. Calculated political gambit: 经过计算的政治策略
  16. Tactical gambit in negotiations: 谈判中的战术策略
  17. Economic gambit for growth: 促进经济增长的策略
  18. Diplomatic gambit for peace: 争取和平的外交策略
  19. Marketing gambit for brand awareness: 提升品牌知名度的营销策略
  20. Strategic gambit for market dominance: 实现市场主导地位的战略策略
  21. Political gambit to gain support: 获得支持的政治策略
  22. Tactical gambit to outmaneuver competitors: 击败竞争对手的战术策略
  23. Creative gambit to capture attention: 吸引注意力的创新策略
  24. Strategic gambit to expand market share: 扩大市场份额的战略策略
  25. Bold gambit for business growth: 实现业务增长的大胆策略
  26. Calculated gambit to secure a deal: 谨慎策略以达成交易
  27. Tactical gambit for customer acquisition: 获得客户的战术策略
  28. Political gambit to gain public support: 赢得公众支持的政治策略
  29. Diplomatic gambit for international cooperation: 促进国际合作的外交策略
  30. Marketing gambit to target a specific demographic: 针对特定人群的营销策略
  31. Strategic gambit to diversify revenue streams: 多元化收入来源的战略策略
  32. Bold opening gambit to set the tone: 设定基调的大胆开场策略
  33. Calculated gambit to gain a competitive edge: 获得竞争优势的谨慎策略
  34. Tactical gambit to exploit weaknesses: 利用弱点的战术策略
  35. Economic gambit for market expansion: 扩大市场的经济策略
  36. Negotiating gambit to reach a favorable agreement: 达成有利协议的谈判策略
  37. Diplomatic gambit to defuse tensions: 缓解紧张局势的外交策略
  38. Marketing gambit to generate buzz: 产生轰动效应的营销策略
  39. Strategic gambit for long-term success: 实现长期成功的战略策略
  40. Political gambit to gain electoral advantage: 获得选举优势的政治策略


stratagem: a plan or scheme, especially one used to outwit an opponent or achieve an end
tactic: an action or strategy carefully planned to achieve a specific end
maneuver: a carefully planned scheme or action, especially one involving deception

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
