I require the Omega 13.
第二 我要一个技师
Second, I will require a technician…
好的 我们开火 蓝色粒子炮装填
Okey-dokey! Okey-dokey! Let’s fire blue particle cannons full,
red particle cannons full,
gannet magnets,
把他们赶到斜槽上去 我们在那里等他们
fire them left and right and let them run all chutes.
你为什么不狠狠揍他们 杀手
And while you’re at it, why don’t you toss that at them, killer?
那就足够对付那个龙虾脑袋了 是吗
That should take care of old lobster head, shouldn’t it?
指挥官 你去哪里
Commander, where are you going?
-回家 -你是说 地球
-Home. -You mean Earth?
是的 我要回地球 小子
Yeah, Earth. I need to get back to Earth, kids.
但谈判怎么办 你已经向他开火了
But the negotiations, you fired on him.
是 万岁 你们的星球叫什么来着
Yeah. Yeah. Long live… What was your planet called?
-赛米安 -万岁赛米安 这边走吗
-Thermia. -Long live Thermia. This way?
What if Sarris survives?
-不可能吧 我给了他两炮了 -他的飞船很坚固
-I doubt it. We gave him both barrels. -He has a very powerful ship.
If you got any more problems with the guy,
just, you know, give me a call.
-一个星际对讲器 -一个什么
-An interstellar vox. -A what? Hey.
我们怎么感谢你呢 指挥官
How can we thank you, Commander?
You have saved our people.
噢 好了
Yeah. Okay.
你们表现得很好 真的很好
You know, you kids have been great. You really have.
This thing is real-looking.
哟嗬 喂
Yoo-hoo. Hello?
嘿 我的豪华轿车呢
Hey! Where’s my limo?
拿去吧 我们到过宇宙各地
Take it from us, we’ve been all over the universe.
但我们从来没见过 像这里的东西这么有价值
But we’ve never seen space-age values like we’ve seen here at…
Tech Value Electronics Superstore!
By Grabthar’s hammer,
what a savings.
好的 我们来听听NSEA保护者
All right! Yeah, let’s hear it for the NSEA Protector.
Vacuum laser…
什么 不 不 你搞错了
What, no, no, no, no. You’ve got it all wrong.
是的 假如他坠落在欧米茄13上
Yes, if he’s down in the Omega 13…
-布兰登 你还好吗 -指挥官 抱歉
-Brandon, are you okay? -Commander! My apologies.
关于那次旅行 很明显出了些通讯问题
You know, evidently we had a little miscommunication
对于航行 你没有出现
regarding the voyage. You didn’t show up.
-他 -他又来了
-He… -He did it again.
Do you know what time it is?
Why do you even bother to show up at all?
不 不是现在 我去过那里 伙计们
No, no, no, no. Guys, I was there.
I was up there.
Remember yesterday at the convention, those people dressed like aliens?
他们真是外星人 他们是特米特人或者说是达尔马特人
They were aliens. They were Termites or Dalmatians.
我不记得了 酒还没醒
I can’t really remember ’cause I was kind of hung-over.
他们造的飞船很出色 那是个大飞船
But what they built was extraordinary. It was a huge spaceship.
I got to fight this guy named Sarris
and I kicked his ass!
我知道你们怎么想 我有证据 他们给了我这个
I know what you’re thinking. But I can prove it. They gave me this.
不 你能用这个和太空里的人交谈吗
No, no, no, no, no. But can you talk to people in space on those?
保护者 这是指挥官
Protector, this is the Commander. Over.
-噢 看在上帝份上 -就这样 是时候走了
-Oh, for God’s sake. -That’s it. It’s time to go!
This isn’t mine.
That kid. Where’s that kid?
什么 指挥官 坏消息 萨理斯还活着
Begging your pardon, Commander, we come with news. Sarris lives.
-你走了之后 -听着
-He was able upon your departure… -Listen.
-他跑掉了 -告诉他们
-to make an escape. -Tell them.
-但是 他联络我们 -萨理斯
-However, he has contacted us… -Sarris.
and wishes to negotiate a surrender.
We humbly implore you to come and negotiate the terms.
他们要我回去 你们要我回去
They want me back? You want me back?
太神奇了 他们要我回去
Is this amazing? They want me back,
我想你们和我一起去 可以吗
and I want you guys to go with me, please.
想想看 走吧 好啊
Don’t even think about it. Let’s go. Yes!
你去吗 亚历山大 这可不是 我没开玩笑
You’re going? Alexander, this is not… I’m not kidding here!
这不是什么恶作剧 我没开玩笑 伙计们 听着
This isn’t some kind of prank! I’m not kidding. Guys, guys, listen.
来吧 格温 停一停 到这边来
Come on. Gwen, Gwen, Gwen, Gwen. Stop, come here.
你知道我的 我不是疯子
You know me. I’m a lot of things, but am I crazy?
You know, it’s one thing to treat us this way.
It’s another thing to do it to your fans.
她不是影迷 她是特米特人
She’s not a fan! This is a Termite!
You should’ve just let me hit him.
孩子们 你们不该想那么多
Boy, I didn’t know you could get that loaded.
I think we should’ve just taken the gig.
我意思是 谁知道下次他会要我们做什么
I mean, who knows the next time he’ll ask us.
佛莱德 他醉了 你认为他真的是在说一个活儿吗
Fred, he was drunk. Do you really think he was talking about a job?
But you live with your mother.
-贾森来了吗 -是的 他在 伙计们
-Did Jason come through here? -Yeah, he’s in there. Hey, guys.
We are coming, too.
-你们都愿意到飞船上去 -是的 我们都愿意去
-All of you wish to go to the ship? -Yes, we wish to go to the ship.
你看 我们要不一起工作 要不就不工作
You see, we work together, or not at all.
太好了 如果你们改变主意了
Wonderful. The Commander had me continue transmission
in case you changed your mind.
-保护者 请求4个太空茧 -我也去
-Protector, requesting four interstellar… -Me, too.
5个 立即出发
Five pods for immediate departure.
伙计们 伙计们
Guys. Guys?
你们到达飞船时 我很想赶快见到你们
I look forward to meeting you all in person when you arrive at the ship.
End transmission.
噢 天哪
Oh, my God.
Anybody got any change?
Our most sincere apologies.
We forgot about our appearance generators.
你们来啦 谁想参观一下
You guys came! Who wants the grand tour?
Anybody else?
That was a hell of a thing.
-他们怎么了 -我不知道 来吧
-What’s wrong with them? -I don’t know. Come on.
对了 伙计们 继续摇摇脑袋 那样会好点
That’s right, guys, just keep shaking it off, it gets better.
-来点口香糖 那样会好点 -我们在哪儿
-Hey, try some gum. It helps. -Where are we?
The 23rd quadrant of the Gamma sector.
前面房♥间有地图 来 我指给你们看
There’s a map in the core room. I’ll show you, come on.
-欢迎 朋友们 -这是玛西撒 他们的领袖
-Welcome, my friends! -This is Mathesar, he’s their leader.
我是玛西撒 代表所有人
I am Mathesar. On behalf of all my people I wish to thank you
-万分感谢你们 -玛西撒 这是我的船员们
-from the deepest place in our hearts. -Mathesar, this is my crew.
Dr. Lazarus.
-拉扎罗斯博士 -拉扎罗斯博士
-Dr. Lazarus. -Dr. Lazarus.
Lieutenant Madison.
-麦迪逊上尉 -麦迪逊上尉
-Lieutenant Madison. -Lieutenant Madison.
小拉雷多 你长大了
Young Laredo, how you’ve grown.
-小拉雷多 -小拉雷多
-Young Laredo. -Young Laredo.
Tech Sergeant Chen.
-技师陈中士 -技师陈中士
-Tech Sergeant Chen. -Tech Sergeant Chen.
Crewman number… Guy.
-伙计们 -伙计们
-Guy. -Guy.
You know us?
I don’t believe there is a man, woman or child on my planet who does not.
For years since we first received transmission of your historical documents,
we have studied every facet of your missions and strategies.
You’ve been watching the show?
上尉 是历史记录片
Lieutenant, historical documents.
Historical documents from out here?
是 过去的几百年 我们一直处于混乱当中
Yes. The past 100 years, our society had fallen into disarray.
我们的目标 我们的价值观全部打破了
Our goals, our values had become scattered, but since the transmission,
we have modeled every aspect of
our society from your example,
and it has saved us.
你们在困境中表现的 勇气 团队精神和友谊
Your courage and teamwork and friendship through adversity.
实际上 你环眼四顾
In fact, all you see around you has been taken
from the lessons garnered from the historical documents.
