噢 是和明天的演出有关吗
Is this about that gig tomorrow?
Just hammer out the details with my agent,
and make sure there’s a limo at my house.
上次我做完节目 他们把我塞进了辆丰田车的后座
Last time I did one of these gigs, they shoved me in the back of a Toyota.
记住 说嗯
Remember, mum’s the word.
当然 但
Certainly, but…
-嗯 -嗯
-Mum. -Mum.
-嗯 -嗯
-Mum. -Mum.
看那边 真美啊
Here, and beautiful!
麦迪逊 那个陌生星球的星氲
Crewman Madison, the mist of this strange planet
is filling my head with such thoughts.
在我认识你以前 我是很聪明的
It was cute when I didn’t know you.
真是个荒唐的节目 噢 真好笑
What a freak show, man. This is hilarious.
一群废物 花15美元来求一个签名
Bunch of losers! Begging for autographs at 15 bucks a pop.
而那些家伙已经20年没演过戏了 他们就这点能耐
These guys haven’t had a real acting job for 20 years. This is all they’ve got.
And did you check out Nesmith?
-他被那些自认为 -噢 是的
-He actually gets off on those retards… -Oh, yeah.
thinking he’s a space commander!
-他的朋友们 -我知道 他们也不能容忍♥他
-And his friends… -I know, they can’t stand him!
Did you hear them ragging on him in there?
老兄 他根本不知道 甚至对他的朋友来说
Dude, he has no idea he’s a laughingstock,
even to his buddies.
-他真可怜 -噢 算了吧
-He’s pathetic! -Come on, come on.
The Galaxy Quest dancers are almost on.
全力冲刺 上尉
Full speed ahead, Lieutenant.
嘿 指挥官
Hey, Commander,
so as I was saying in “The Quasar Dilemma, ”
remember, you used the auxiliary deck B for…
你了解吗 通过控制台B实现伽玛超控
Can you get this? Deck B for gamma override.
问题是 是不是设计图清楚地显示
The thing is that online blueprints clearly indicate that
deck B is independent of the guidance matrix.
我们想知道 问题出在哪里
So we were wondering, just where the error lies in that?
这只是个电视节目 仅此而已
It’s just a television show. That’s all, okay?
是 但 我们想知道 是不是量子流
Right, but… ‘Cause we were wondering if the quantum flux, now just listen…
根本没有量子流 没有什么后备动力
There is no quantum flux. There’s no auxiliary.
There’s no goddamn ship!
You got it?
我说真的 亚历
I mean it. I mean it, Alex.
I’ve never seen him lose it like that. Not to a fan.
我是说 这很奇怪
I mean, it was just weird.
格温 我说了好几年了
Gwen, I have said it for years.
He’s mentally unstable.
我 我很担心 这根本不像他
I… I’m worried. It just was not like him.
As long as there Is Injustice,
whenever a Targathian baby cries out,
wherever a distress signal sounds,
-在星海中 -在星海中
-among the stars… -Among the stars…
we’ll be there.
-这伟大的飞船和船员 -这伟大的飞船和船员
-This fine ship and this fine crew. -This fine ship and this fine crew.
-永不放弃 -永不放弃
-Never give up. -Never give up.
-永不妥协 -永不妥协
-Never surrender. -Never surrender.
Can I help you?
先生 我想你们严重违约了
Sir, I understand this is a terrible breach in protocol…
-你们不能到我家来 -请听听我们的请求
-You shouldn’t come to my house, man. -Please, I beg you to hear our plea.
We are Thermians from the Klatu Nebula.
我们的人♥民♥正被 法图格雷的萨理斯
Our people are being systematically hunted and slaughtered
by Roth’h’ar Sarris of Fatu-Krey.
We are to meet in negotiation.
为了这 我们付出了惨痛的代价
However, our efforts in this regard have been disastrous.
指挥官 你是我们最后的希望
Please, Commander. You are our last hope.
-我们的轿车很安全 -什么
-We have secured our limousine. -What?
事情是这样的 嗯
It’s the thing for the thing that’s…
Maybe I should get some pants on.
Come on in.
指挥官 我必须说能够这样站在你面前
Commander, I must say that standing here in your presence
is the greatest honor we could ever have hoped to achieve in our lifetime.
我真的 我很感激
That’s… I really appreciate that.
Would you guys look for another shoe that looks like this, please?
先生 我是高级军需官朗克
Sir, I am Lahnk, senior requisition officer.
在我们上船之前 我想知道 我们是否带齐了必需品
Before we travel to the ship, please let me know if you have any requirements.
武器 记录片 人员
Weapons, documents, personnel.
可口可乐 你们有吗
A Coca-Cola, do you have one of those?
先生 我是泰博
Sir, I am Teb.
I would like to explain the history between our people
and the Sarris dominion in greater detail.
嘿 你好吗
Hey, how you doing?
In the five million years following the Great Nebula Burst,
our people were one…
What’s your name?
-她不会说话吗 -她的翻译器坏了
-Doesn’t she talk? -Her translator is broken.
伙计们 我昨天睡得很晚
You know, guys, I had a late night with a Kreemorian fangor beast,
so I’m gonna just shut my eyes for a bit.
你继续 你说的我都能听见
Go on. You know? I’m listening to everything you say, okay?
In the five million years following the Great Nebula Burst,
our people were one people.
后来 扎克拖人移♥民♥过来 再后来梅利沙人也来了
But then came the Zactor Migration, and then the Melosian Shift
and a dark period of discontent spread through the land.
自己人起了争斗 真愚蠢
Fighting among Treeb sects and Largoths. The foolishness!
And it was in this time of dissension that Sarris…
指挥官 指挥官
Commander. Commander?
抱歉叫醒你 长官
I’m sorry to wake you, sir,
but your presence is requested on the command deck.
先生 萨理斯越过界限了
Sir, Sarris has moved the deadline.
We are approaching his ship at the Ni-Delta now.
He wants an answer to his proposal. I understand…
我在车里听懂一些 萨理斯是坏人 是吗
I got most of it in the car. Sarris is the bad guy, right?
是的 他们确实很坏
Oh, yes, sir. He’s a very bad man indeed.
He has tortured our scientists,
put us to work in the gallium arsenide mines,
为满足他下流的目的 专门掠夺我们的女性
captured our females for his own demented purposes…
好的 好的 我明白了
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I got the picture.
你们有剧本吗 或者是要我即兴发挥
Do you have pages or just want me to wing this?
I am not sure I understand you.
指挥官 欢迎来到保护者2号♥
Commander, welcome to the Protector Two.
-见到你很高兴 -你想穿上制♥服♥吗
-Good to see you. -Would you like to don your uniform?
不 知道为什么吗 我想跳过这步
No, you know what? I’d like to skip that.
15分钟前 我从范努斯买♥♥的这个 这样行吗
I got this gig in Van Nuys in about a quarter of an hour. Is that all right?
-随便您 -先生 是萨理斯 他来了
-As you wish. -Sir, it’s Sarris. He’s here.
将军 我收到消息赛米安人
General, I have just received word
the Thermians have appointed a new commander
to handle the negotiations.
很好 一般这都是用车♥库♥里的夹板做的
This is great. You know, usually it’s just cardboard walls in a garage.
先生 很抱歉 我们正在低能量模式下运行
Sir, we apologize for operating in low-power mode,
but we are experiencing a reflective flux field
this close to the galactic axis.
你知道 我想要什么 一个杯架和几片止痛药
You know, what I could use is a cup holder and a couple of Advil.
5秒钟后 我们就接近了 先生要减速吗
We’re approaching in five ticks, sir. Command to slow?
Set it on Screensaver two.
I guess, we, you know, got to…
I’m sorry to break up the mood here.
减速到两马克 上尉
Slow it down to mark two, Lieutenant.
-我感到恐惧 -很正常
-I see fear. -That is expected.
-他们有了个新指挥官 -很好
-They bring a new commander. -It’s good.
Here are my demands.
真令人害怕 我是说 他看起来
Scary. I mean, you know, it looks…
-如果你们不能满足我的要求 -真的
-And if I do not hear what I like, -real.
就会有流血 还有你们想像不到的痛苦
then there will be blood and pain as you cannot imagine!
-首先 -醉酒的后果
-First… -Backwash.
