before she passed on.
是啊 那些不可抗拒的事 总是这么突如其来不是吗
Yep. Those acts of God really stick it in and break it off, don’t they?
Yes, they do.
Is that real?
是的 我以前也见过这种事
Yes. I’ve seen one of these things before.
我有个信教的朋友 他也任命自己为牧师
A friend of mine had himself ordained a minister of his own religion.
Some way to fuck the I.R.S. Is that what you’re doing,
or are you the real McCoy?
The real McCoy.
你是传教士 我以前是牧师
You’re a preacher? I was a minister.
“Was” as in not anymore?
对 为什么不干了
Yes. Why’d you quit?
I think I’ve gotten about…
as up close and personal with you as I’m gonna get.
我们就保持这种关系行吗 老爸 没必要太敏感
Let’s just keep this friendly, okay, Pops? Let’s not get too sensitive.
你是对的 有这种程度的了解就够了
You’re right. Enough with the gettin’toknowyou shit. All right.
I don’t give a rat’s ass about you or your fuckin’ family.
你可以长生不老 也可以马上就死
You can all live forever, or you can die this second.
And I don’t give a shit which.
我只关心我自己 还有
The only things that I care about are me,
that son of a bitch back there in the back and the money.
So you help us get across the border without incident,
今晚和我们呆一夜 别需小聪明
you stay with us through the night without trying anything funny,
without trying to escape,
and in the morning I’m gonna let you guys go, all of you.
How do I know you’ll keep your word?
You have to convince me you’re tellin’ the truth.
听着 混♥蛋♥ 你唯一要相信的
Look, dickhead, the only thing that you have to be convinced about…
就是你现在的处境 你不可能跑得过子弹
is the fact that you are a situation with a couple of real mean motor scooters.
I don’t want to have to worry about you all fuckin’night.
I don’t think you wanna be worrying about
my brother’s intentions..towards your daughter all night, either.
你注没注意到他看她的眼神 是的
Did you notice the way he was looking at her? Yes.
你不会喜欢吧 不会
You didn’t like it, did you? No, I didn’t.
我想也是 送我们到墨西哥
I didn’t think so. You get us into Mexico,
别试图逃跑 你女儿就会安然无恙
and you don’t try to escape, and your daughter will be safe.
早上我就放你们走 我向你保证 杰克
And in the morning I will let you go. I give you my word,Jacob.
他要是敢碰她 我就杀了他
If he touches her, I’ll kill him!
很公平 你不守信我就把你们全杀掉
Fair enough. You break your word, I’ll kill all of ya.
Did you mean what you said back there in the room?
In the room?
Did you mean what you said back there, or were just foolin’ around?
如果你真想要我为你那样做 我会很乐意
Because if you really want me to do that for you, I will. I’d be happy to.
做什么 你在房♥里是怎么说的
Do what? What you said back there in the room?
What did I say?
你问我是否愿意舔 里奇
You asked me if I would eat Richie.
什么 我要你看着他们 不是和他们闲聊
What? I told you to watch those kids. Not to talk to them.
既然你和另一个没话可说 那就到此为止
You don’t have nothin’ to say to one another, so let’s just cut the chatter.
晚点再说 好吗
We’ll talk later. Okay?
各位 好戏上场了
All right, everybody, it’s show time.
里奇 你带凯特去卫生间
Richie, you take Kate into the bathroom.
斯科特 坐到前边来 快点
Scott, get up here with your dad. Let’s go.
Now, what are you gonna say?
I don’t have the slightest idea.
Just keep thinking about the gun next to Kate’s head.
Get in.
这不会有用 塞思
This isn’t gonna work, Seth.
闭嘴 会一切顺利的
Shut up. It’s gonna work just fine.
What are you gonna do?
I’m gonna try and get us across the border.
爸 你得把他们说出来
Dad, you have to tell them they’re back there.
Have you forgotten about your sister?
I want to go on record right now as saying that this is a very bad idea.
尽管记 现在先闭上嘴
Duly noted. Now shut up.
他们会杀了我们 等过了境
They’re gonna kill us, Dad. They’re gonna get us across the border,
到了沙漠之后 他们就会杀了我们
take us out in the desert, then they’re gonna fuckin’ shoot us.
If they get over the border, they’re gonna let us go.
不 不会 得了吧 我看过那些纪实节目
No, they won’t. Dad, come on. I watch those reality shows.
They never let anybody go.
Any cop’ll tell you, in a situation like this, you get a chance, you go for it.
不一定是那样 我知道自己在干什么 相信我
It may not seem like it, but I know exactly what I’m doing. Trust me.
我不同意 爸
I can’t do that, Dad.
你不说我去说 现在给我听着
If you don’t tell the cops, I will. Now listen to me!
不要去干蠢事 听到没有
You ain’t gonna do a goddamn thing! You hear me?
现在我说了算 我决定了 是他说了算
I’m runnin’ the show! I make the decisions! He is runnin’ the show
我说了算 爸
I’m runnin’ the show! Dad!
Shh. I make the plays.
You back the plays I make.
I need your cover.
Cover me.
How many with you?
Just my son and I.
What’s your purpose in Mexico?
渡假 我带他来见识一下斗牛
Vacation. I’m takin’ him to see his first bull fight.
They’re gonna search the van.
只要你不表现失常象个他妈的疯子 我们就会平安无事
As long as you don’t act like a fuckin’ nut, we’re gonna be fine.
那到底是什么意思 什么
What the hell’s that supposed to mean? What?
你叫我做疯子 没有
You just called me a fuckin’ nut. No, I didn’t.
你有 你说”只要我不表现得象个疯子”
Yes, you did. You said, “As long as I don’t act like a fucking nut.”
暗示我象个他妈的疯子 吃颗药吧
Implying that I’ve been acting like a fucking nut. Take a pill.
我是说要镇定点 没错 你是这意思 可你话里有话
I just meant be cool. Yeah, you meant that, but you meant the other too.
别说了 里奇
This is not the time, Richie.
去他妈的那些墨西哥猪 你竟然说我是他妈的疯子
Hey, fuck those spic pigs, man! You called me a “fucking nut.”
现在可好 半道上就给截住了
Now, where I come from, that stops the train in its tracks.
Keep your fucking voice down.
What was that? Hmm?
哦 那是 那是我女儿在洗手间
Oh! That was just,just my daughter in the bathroom.
I thought you said it was just you and your son?
唔 我是说我和我儿子还有女儿
Um… I meant me and my son and my daughter.
开门 我要检查
Open up. I’m comin’ aboard.
我有多疯说说看 我怎么个疯法
What was the nuttiest thing I did, Seth? I’m curious. Tell me. What was it?
现在不是时候 我知道
This is not the time, Richie. I know.
Was it possibly when your ass was rotting in jail and I broke it out?
That was nutty, huh? Not to mention stupid.
我在上厕所 把门打开 临检
I’m in the bathroom. Open up. It’s Border Patrol.
It’s open.
Do you mind? Shut the fuckin’ door, please!
Excuse me.
上帝 真是刺♥激♥
Goddamn, that was intense!
宝贝 成功了 到墨西哥了
Oh, baby, we did it. We’re in Mexico.
我们在他妈的墨西哥了 小王八蛋
We’re fuckin’ in Mexico, you little piece of fuckin’ shit!
快点 凯特 出来
Come on! Kate, get out here.
好了 大家听好
All right, listen up. Everybody, listen.
Now I know that I put you all through hell,
and I know that I have been one rough pecker.
但从现在起 你们都是我的偶像
But from here on out, you guys are all in my cool book.
斯科特 我要你帮个忙
Scotty, I want you to help me with Richie.
让里奇躺到沙发上去 杰克
Lay him down on the couch over there.Jacob.
You’re gonna keep driving down
this street until you come to another street called Digallo.
When you get to Digallo, you’re gonna turn this big bastard left,
and you’re gonna go down a couple of miles
until you see a bar called the Titty Twister.
应该不会错 然后呢
From what I understand, you cannot miss it. Then?
然后停下 因为那就是目的地
And then you stop because that’s where we’re goin’.
别再这么冲动 懂吗
Don’t make a career out of this, okay?
Come on, hey.
