布莱尼当时对他的 前妻态度是很粗鲁的
to Blaney’s aggressive behavior towards his wife the previous night.
他看上去好像没有 什么心机啊 不是吗
He doesn’t seem to have been very discreet does he
不 老谋深算并不是 精神病患者的强项
No. Discretion is not traditionally the strong suit of the psychopath.
相信我 我们是做这行的
Believe me that’s what we’re dealing with.
你应该读读他妻子的 离婚上诉书
You ought to read his wife’s divorce… petition.
What exactly is in this soup
什么 你不喜欢吗
Why Don’t you like it
嗯 很好喝
Mmm! It’s delicious.
But I find the…
ingredients are somewhat mystifying.
配料有胡瓜鱼 鳕鱼
They’re smelts ling
海鳗 海鲂
conger eel John Dory
pilchards and frog fish.
Now since that must’ve been fairly satisfying
我想再来一道 烤小鸟味道一定不错
I thought a simple roast bird would be enough.
Caille aux raisins.

Quail with… grapes.
我想说 我很担心 -担心布莱尼先生
I must say I’m very worried. About Mr. Blaney
对 他和他以前工作 过的女服务员一起走了
Yes. He’s gone off with a barmaid he used to work with.
I think she’s in very great danger.
你错了 金 完全错了
You’re wrong Tim. Absolutely wrong.
It can’t be this fellow.
How long did you say he was married
Ten years.
Well… there you are.
结婚这么久后 还有强♥奸♥的欲望吗
A crime de passion after all that time
你看我们 我们只结婚8年
Look at us. We’ve only been married eight years
你一上♥床♥连眼睛都睁不开了 -也许吧
and you can hardly keep your eyes open at night. That’s as may be.
但我不是要打击你 也不是要你干见不得人的事
But I don’t knock you about or make you do degrading things.
No the evidence speaks for itself.
而且 你不能用 常理来判断精神病凶手
Besides you can’t make normal judgments about psychopathic killers.
They can be triggered off at any time.
我们要在他的欲望 再次点燃之前找到他
We’ve got to find him before his… appetite is whetted again.
Christ all-bloody-mighty!
再见 朋友
See you mate.
婊♥子♥ 他妈的别针在哪里
You bitch! Where’s that bloody pin
Hey you’re spilling your load!
-什么 -土豆 道路上到处都是
-What -The potatoes. They’re falling on the road.
Hey do you see what I see
怎么了 -她是谁
Here what’s wrong… Who is it
Perhaps you can tell us.
醒醒 -怎么啦
Wake up ! What
出去 -怎么啦
Get out of here. What is it
杀了布伦达还不够 你还要再杀一个女孩
Brenda wasn’t enough for you. You had to kill another girl too!
什么女孩 -你知道的 就是你昨天带来的女孩
What girl You know. That girl you brought here yesterday.
巴丝 -得倒很像
Babs As if you didn’t know.
你把她像其他 女人一样勒死了
You strangled her like all the others!
She’s been strangled
别演戏了 起来滚出去
Don’t you playact with me. Get up and get out of here.
如果我知道如何不把自己 牵涉进去的话 我会报♥警♥的
I’d call the police myself if I knew how to do it without getting involved.
我不相信 我真的不相信
I don’t believe it. I just don’t believe it.
是真的 迪克 今天广播里播的
It’s true Dicko. It just came over on the radio.
他们在林肯郡的一辆 运土豆的车上找到她的
They found her in a potato truck in Lincolnshire.
你以前工作过的 酒吧的人认出了是她
The fellow at the pub where you worked identified her.
他知道他们是在哪里找到她的 就是他把她扔到那里的
He knows where they found her. He put her there!
你在说什么 我整晚都没有离开过这里
What are you talking about I haven’t left this room all night.
骗子 我不相信你 -你信不信并不重要
Liar. I don’t believe you. It doesn’t matter whether you believe him or not
因为广播里说当 今天凌晨3点被发现时
because it said on the radio Miss Milligan had been dead for at least 12 hours…
米丽小姐已经死了 至少12个小时了
when they found her at 3OO this morning.
她一定是昨天 下午3点之前被害的
She must’ve been killed before 3OO yesterday afternoon.
从当时她离开到我们上♥床♥睡觉 迪克一直和我们在一起
Dick was with us from the time she left to the time we went to bed.
So he couldn’t have done it.
可怜的米丽 -我还是不能相信
Poor kid. I still don’t believe it.
他们只是猜她是 什么时候被害的
They’re only guessing when she was killed.
我们11点才睡觉的 迪克一直和我们在一起
We didn’t go to bed ’til 11 OO and Dick was here with us then.
They can’t be eight hours adrift. Dicko
你知道这意味着什么吗 你是清白的了 我们可以为你作证
Don’t you see what this means You’re in the clear! We can give you an alibi.
对 对 我想可以
Yes. Yes I suppose you can.
不是想 我们只要告诉警方 你和我们在一起就可以了
There’s no supposing. We’ll simply tell the police you were here with us.
你会这样做吗 你会在离开之前为我作证吗
Would you do that Would you do it now before you go away
当然 我很高兴为你效劳 你没有杀人
Of course I would. Delighted. You’ll do no such thing!
什么 除非你想因为 窝藏通缉犯被关进监狱
What Not unless you want to go to jail for harboring a wanted man.
但他不是罪犯啊 -警♥察♥认为他是
But he’s not a criminal. The police think he is!
他们有许多的 对他不利的证据
And they have a lot of evidence against him.
我们知道他没杀米丽小姐 要告诉警方他当时和我们在一起
We know he didn’t kill Miss Milligan. We’ve got to tell them he was with us.
但我们不知道 他有没有杀米丽小姐
But we don’t know he didn’t kill Miss Milligan!
因为我们从广播中听到的 时间可能是一个陷阱
For all we know the time given on the radio might’ve been a trap.
可以肯定的是 如果你去警♥察♥局
What is certain if you go to the police
他们会控告你是 谋杀案的从犯
they will probably charge you with being an accessory after the fact.
他们会不让我们出国 甚至把我们关进监狱
And they certainly won’t allow us to go abroad and they will probably put us in jail.
嗯 赫迪说的对 你也明白了吧 迪克
Well Hetty’s right dammit. You can see that Dicko can’t you
你是说你不会和 我一起去警♥察♥局
You mean you won’t come to the police with me
-我不知怎么办 你听见赫迪的话了 -但你是我唯一的证人啊
-I don’t see how I can. You heard Hetty. -You’re my only alibi!
对不起 我必须今天 赶到巴黎 我不能呆在这里
I’m sorry. I’ve got to get to Paris today. I can’t afford to be kept here.
但你不能袖手旁观 看着我被判终生监禁啊
But you can afford to stand by and see me go to jail for life!
是吗 不会这样的 我是说 他们会发现
Is that it It’s not as bad as that. I mean they’ll find…
那个真正的凶手的 -你这个他妈的胆小鬼
this strangler chappie. Of all the cowardly shits!
It’s “I’m all right and haul up the ladder ” isn’t it
You pair of bastards!
如果我们帮了你这么多你却 这样认为的话 你还是走吧
If that’s how you feel after all we’ve done for you you better had go!
I’ll call the manager.
要劳驾您 别紧张 我自己会走的
And involve yourself Don’t worry I’m going.
我看错人了 把自己 最后几小时的自♥由♥ 都浪费在你们身上
I’m a little choosy with whom I spend my last hours of freedom.
真是抱歉 我建议你去巴黎 在我的酒吧里打工
Look I’m sorry about this. I’d suggest that you came to Paris and worked in a pub
但是新闻里面说所有的 港口和车站都有警♥察♥封锁了
but they’re watching all the ports and stations. It said so on the news.
那样你就出不去了 不是吗
Well that lets you out then doesn’t it
Your responsibility for me ends here.
检查一下附近的地方 -谢谢 长官-请退后些
Clear this area please. Thank you madam. Stand back please.
好像今天早上伦敦有一半的 警♥察♥都来到这个市场了
Looks as though we’ve got half the law in London in the market this morning.
对 这样偷斤少两就很难了
Yeah. It makes it very difficult to give short weight.
I suppose they’re trying to find out…
看见布莱尼把巴丝 放在卡车上的证人
if anybody saw Blaney put Babs on that potato truck.
你觉得是他干的吗 -很明显 不是吗
You think he did it do you It stands to reason doesn’t it
为什么 我不像有些人 那样急着把自己的老朋友出♥卖♥♥♥
Why Don’t you I’m not as eager as some to turn on my old mates.
你说什么 布莱尼并不是我的老朋友
What are you talkin’ about Blaney wasn’t a mate of mine.
我想你知道我曾说过 他是小偷-别乱讲
I suppose you know I had to sack him for stealin’. Get off.
对 布莱尼是个小偷 真正的混♥蛋♥
Yeah Blaney was a thief right bastard.
我甚至向警督报过料 但他怎么都不相信
I even told that Chief Inspector but he didn’t believe a word did he
我想他现在正在 什么地方偷笑呢
I suspect he’s laughing on the other side of his face now.
你肯定 -对 绝对肯定
You reckon Yeah definitely definitely.
今天早上7点我看见他是 他好像是垂头丧气的
He wasn’t so cocky when I saw him at 7OO this morning.
I’ve just been down to Scotland Yard to identify her.
从相片上可以看出 他们做得太仓卒 都没有画好相片
From photos you know. They took ’em and they… rushed ’em down special.
她真是瞎了眼睛 有些人的运气真不好
She wasn’t a pretty sight I can tell you. Some people have all the luck.
Yeah. I better get a move on.
今天的生意一定会很好的 你知道有些人是多么恐怖
Business will be pretty brisk today. You know how morbid some people are.
就是 他们一早上都在 不停的辨认那个女孩
Absolutely! Jumping up to identify dead girls at all hours of the morning.
See you later.
天啊 是你
My God Dick!
Whatcha doin’ here
对不起 波布 但我无处可去了
I’m sorry Bob but I had nowhere else to go.
我原来寄宿的那家人 今天早上去巴黎了
The people I was staying with left for Paris this morning.
我本不该来的 但你说如果我需要什么 无论何时
I wouldn’t have come but you did say if I needed anything anytime…
对 当然 但今天早上 来的太不是时候了
Yes yes of course! But you took a hell of a chance coming here this morning.
这里到处都是警♥察♥ 等一下
The whole place is teeming with coppers. Wait a minute.
你最好在我家里呆上一两天 等事态明朗了再说
Well you’d better hole up in my place for a day or two ’til we get something sorted.
对 我相不知你有没有房♥间
Yes. I thought maybe if you had the room.
我知道你现在 也是迫不得已才这样做的
I know it’s a hell of an imposition getting you involved and everything.
-你要相信我啊 -我没有杀人
You’ve got to believe me. I haven’t murdered anyone!
