但重要的一点是他们都恨女人 而且都是阳痿的
The important thing to remember is they hate women and are mostly impotent.
阳痿 -别把强♥奸♥当 做是很强的人才会干的
Impotent Don’t mistake rape for potency Sergeant.
实际上 强♥奸♥精神犯人最后
In the latter stage of the disease
只是为了追求勒死别人的 快♥感♥ 而不是为了强♥奸♥
it’s the strangling not the sex that brings them on.
当然 他们都是虐待狂
Above all of course they’re sadists.
我想这一点你也很清楚的 -对 先生
You know what they are Sergeant I’m sure. Oh yes sir.
如果你还不知道 看看这个 布莱尼先生的离婚上诉书
If you don’t read all about it in there Mrs. Blaney’s divorce petition.
It tells you a great deal about the habits of our hero.
对 帮我椄进来 我是牛津区的警督
Right. Put him on. Yes Chief Inspector Oxford speaking.
警督先生 我叫福赛
My name is Forsythe Inspector. Felix Forsythe.
我是一家全球酒吧的老板 在科文特市场
I run the Globe Public House Covent Garden.
我从报纸上得知 你负责领带谋杀案
I see from the newspaper you’re in charge of these strangling cases.
Yes that is so.
好的 我有些信息要告诉你
Good because I’ve got some information to impart.
你要找的那个人 那个手肘上有补丁的人
Now this man you’re looking for the one with the patches on his suit.
我认识他 他在这里当过服务员
I know him. He worked here as a barman.
他叫理查德布莱尼 他真是个畜生
His name is Richard Blaney. He’s a right bastard.
Are you quite certain it’s the same man
他和你的女服务员私奔了 你说的”私奔”是什么意思
Gone off with your barmaid What exactly do you mean by “gone off”
She’s been out all night with him and hasn’t yet returned.
我想我应该向你报告 因为她有很大的危险
I felt it my duty to tell you that I consider her to be in great danger.
当然 如果她现在还活着的话
That is of course if she’s still alive and kicking.
谢谢你的信息 福赛先生
Thank you for your information Mr. Forsythe.
告诉我 你的这个 女服务员长得什么样子
Tell me what does this barmaid of yours look like
我可以让你放心 她今天早上8点钟还活着
I can set your mind at rest on one point. She was alive at 8OO this morning.
8OO this morning
那她现在在哪里 我们11点就开门了
Well where is she now We opened at 11 OO!
我想知道的是 她会不会回来 她把衣服都落在这里了
What I want to know is is she coming back here or not She’s left all her clothes!
I expect she’ll turn up sooner or later.
这个年代 女人总是 把尊严看得比什么都轻
These days ladies abandon their honor far more readily than their clothes.
谢谢你 福赛先生 我会让人过去你那里看看的
Thank you for your information Mr. Forsythe. I’ll send someone over.
是一个叫福赛的 他是全球酒吧的老板 在科文特市场那里
That was Forsythe manager of the Globe Public House Covent Garden.
我告诉你 金 幸好我没有卖♥♥土豆
I tell you what Jim I’m glad I’m not in the potato business.
不然我也要惹麻烦了 -你真是聪明 波布
Got enough troubles of me own. You’re not a bad judge Bob.
土豆害死人了 老是赔钱
The potato business is poison always was.
挖起来要钱 运输也要钱
It costs a fortune to dig ’em up another fortune to transport them.
最后呢 却卖♥♥不了几个钱
And what do you have at the end Hardly any money for them.
Mostly you can’t sell them.
我今晚就要运 一车土豆回林肯郡
I’ve got to send a truckload back up to Lincolnshire tonight.
-他们会怎么处理呢 -他们会把土豆种回地里
And what will they do with them They’ll plow them back in.
Can you beat it
他们说世界上还有人在埃饿 是真的 金
And they say there’s people hungry in this world. True Jim.
也有人是很渴的 来 喝一杯吧
And there are a few thirsty as well. Come on have one with your Uncle Bob.
Good afternoon !
你去哪里了 你昨天下午是休息 但现在不是
Where do you think you’ve been Your half-day was yesterday afternoon!
你是在冒险 和一个 杀人凶手呆了一个晚上
You took a hell of a chance didn’t you spending the night with a murderer
你怎么知道我和谁在一起 -别傻了
How do you know I spent the night with anyone Now come off it.
你把他的衣服给了他 你也没有回家 很明显嘛
You took his clothes to him. You didn’t come home. It stands to reason.
你做你♥他♥妈♥的生意吧 -别这样对我说话
Why don’t you mind your own bleeding business Don’t talk to me like that!
我很担心你 我想你是下 一个目标 我甚至还报了警
I was worried about you. I thought you might be next. I even phoned the police.
警♥察♥ -对 他们想找你谈谈
Police Yeah. They wanna talk to you.
他们正派人从苏格兰过来 -为什么
They’re sending a fella over from Scotland Yard. Why
为什么 因为他们 在通缉你的男朋友
Why Because they want your lover.
他们想抓住他 使他不再出来害女人
They wanna pick him up and put him where he can’t strangle any more women!
你应该帮助他们 越早将他绳之以法越好
And you’d better help ’em. The sooner that madman’s behind bars the better.
Don’t you talk about him like that!
You don’t realize how lucky you are to be alive!
天哪 巴丝 如果我不是 人手不足 我才不会雇你呢
Christ Almighty Babs if I wasn’t shorthanded I’d take you myself!
那好啊 我现在就走 我辞职了
As it is right after closing time… I won’t be here!
你自己干这他妈的工作吧 -回来 你
You can stuff your rotten job right up your jacksie! Come back you!
Oh balls!
Got a place to stay
噢 是你啊 波布
Oh it’s you Bob. Yeah.
我听到了你和福赛的 争吵 他是个混♥蛋♥
I heard that ding-dong you had with Forsythe. Oh he’s a right bastard.
Of course he is.
你可以呆在我住的 地方直到你有了头绪 如果你愿意的话
You can stay at my place ’til you get something sorted out… if you want.
我不会防碍你的 我这段时间要去北部
I won’t be in your way. I’m going up north for a few days.
你不会骚扰我吧 -我看起来是那种混小子吗
No strings Now do I look like that sort of a bloke
All blokes are that sort of a bloke.
你真的要走吗 -当然 今晚就走
Are you really goin’ away Sure! Tonight.
我的房♥间就属于你了 我现在就带你去
You can have the place to yourself. I’ll take you there now.
如果你愿意的话 我会去 全球酒店拿你的衣服给你
And if you like I’ll go back to the Globe and pick up your stuff for you.
Now I can’t say fairer than that can I
-谢谢 波布 如果你不介意的话 我呆过今晚就走
Oh thanks Bob. I’ll just stay the one night if you don’t mind.
你随意 -明天我要去
Suit yourself Tomorrow I’m gonna go to um…
I’m going to my sister in Southall.
Leaving your boyfriend in the lurch a bit aren’t you
He has to make up his own mind what to do.
我真想能够帮得上忙 他现在在哪里
I’d like to help him if I could. Where’s he hiding out
我不能告诉你 波布 我答应过他的
Can’t tell you Bob. I promised. Ohh!
巴丝 迪克和我是老朋友了 你是知道的
Come on Babs. Dick and me have always been mates. You know that.
I can’t.
好吧 保留你的小秘密吧
All right. Keep your little secret.
换工作能给你带来好运 它可以使你摆脱厄运
You know changing jobs can be a blessing in disguise. It gets you out of a rut.
像你这样的女孩应该 去旅行 去看看世界
A girl like you ought to travel see the world a bit.
看看好望角 加州 看看这些水果的生产地
The Cape California Jaffa. Where the fruit comes from
如果我不是要照看 这里的生意的话 我很想去那些地方看看
that’s where I’d like to go if I wasn’t tied down here.
你不同 你可以做如何你喜欢做的事
But you you can do as you please!
You’ve got the whole of your life ahead of you.
我们到了 我住在第三层
Here we are. I’m on the second floor.
不晓得你知不知道 巴丝
I don’t know if you know it Babs
but you’re my type of woman.
是你吗 金 -对 亲爱的
Is that you Tim Hello dear.
-你饿了吗 -对
Hungry Yes!
Good. I’ll bring it right in.
亲爱的 是一例汤
It’s a soup de poisson dear.
我知道你肯定会喜欢的 我肯定
I know you’ll enjoy it. I have no doubt of it.
你先吃吧 我看看下一道菜
Don’t wait for me. I’m just going to see to the next course.
那宗案子有什么进展吗 有什么突破吗
Well… what’s new in the case Any sensational breaks
没有 我很高兴发现了 布莱尼先生有一些线索
No. I’ll be glad when we get Mr. Richard Blaney inside though.
Any idea where he is
我们只知道他今天 早上带走了他的女朋友
No our only lead to him left her job this morning.
我也不知道他女友在哪里 -你肯定他是凶手吗
I don’t know where she is either. You’re certain he’s the one
嗯 他应该是凶手吧0
Oh yes he’s… the one all right.
There’s not even the complication of another suspect.
It has to be him.
我们有人指证他 案发时离开婚介所
We have him identified as leaving the matrimonial agency…
at the time his ex was killed.
我们找到了 他急着要洗的衣服
We have the clothes which he found necessary to send to the cleaners in a hurry.
我们有底粉的证据 也有救济院的证据
And we have the evidence of the face powder and the Salvation Army hostel.
我不知道你在说什么 亲爱的0
I don’t follow you my dear.
我不觉得救济院的 护士们会用底粉
I didn’t think the Salvation Army girls used makeup.
不 布莱尼是在前天 晚上睡在救济院的
No Blaney slept in a Salvation Army hostel the night before last.
-是吗 亲爱的-对
-Did he dear -Yes.
He was incautious enough to tell them his name.
我不认为一位前任的 少校会住在那种地方
I don’t think an ex-R.A.F. Officer would sleep in such a place…
除非他是破产了 你觉得呢 -我觉得也不会
unless he was broke do you No I don’t.
所以 我们只是假设他是凶手
So let’s assume he was.
然而 昨晚他睡在
Last night however he slept in the…
Coburg Hotel in Bayswater…
and paid for his extremely expensive room with a ten-pound note.
他的钱上面有我们从布莱尼 女士包里找到的底粉的痕迹
The note bore traces of the same face powder we found in Mrs. Blaney’s handbag.
我是说 这个凶手 不单单勒死了布莱尼女士
I mean the murderer not only strangled Mrs. Blaney
he stole money from her handbag as well.
Ergo… Blaney is the thief and also the murderer.
That ties it up then.
Well I think so.
而且 在布莱尼 女士的俱乐部
And furthermore there is a waitress…
at Mrs. Blaney’s club who can also testify…