巴巴拉 我发誓我说的都是实话
Barbara I swear I’m telling the truth.
Do I look like a sex murderer to you
我会不会在伦敦四处流荡 把所有的女人用领带勒死
Can you imagine me creeping around London strangling all those women with ties
-是很可笑-其实 我只有过两个女人
That’s ridiculous. For a start I only own two.
嗯 是真的 这件夹克真的很难闻
Well it’s true. That jacket was a bit smelly.
如果你有钱的话 你不会和那些老男人住在一起
And if you had known about the money you wouldn’t have stayed with old men like that.
Then you believe me
也许很多人不信 但我相信
Thousands wouldn’t.
我一定是头脑简单 才会让一个杀人嫌疑犯
I must be soft in the head lettin’ a suspected strangler…
put his arms around me.
你真的信我 -我想是的
Shows you trust me. I suppose so.
我们椄下来做什么好呢 警♥察♥正在找你
Hey what we gonna do The police will be looking for you!
我不知道 我没有想过
I don’t know. I haven’t thought yet.
你能做的只有一样 告诉他们事情是怎么发生的
There’s only one thing you can do. Tell them what happened like you told me.
不 我办不到 -你必须这样做
No I can’t do that. You’ve got to!
他们不会相信我的 -为什么不呢 我就相信你啊
They’d never believe me. Why not I did.
你不是法律 我也许 是他们唯一的嫌疑犯
You’re not the law. I’m probably their only suspect.
你必须去说服他们 去找其他的嫌疑犯才是啊
You have to go along and persuade them to search for someone else.
不然 所有见到你的人 都会以为你是杀人狂凶手的
I mean one look at you and they’d know you wasn’t a sadistic killer.
布莱尼 -快走
Blaney! Come on!
从苏伊士运河事件后 我就没有做过间谍活动了
Haven’t done any of this cloak-and-dagger stuff since the Suez business.
这就是我第一次见 到迪克的情形 在空军里
That’s when I first met Dicko in the squadron you know.
He was a bit of a split-assed type then too.
赫迪 你还记得迪克吗
Hetty you remember Dicko don’t you
当然 进来
Of course. Come in.
-这是米丽小姐 -你好 米丽小姐
– This is Miss Milligan. – Hello Miss Milligan.
很高兴认识你 -我在公园里碰见他们的
Pleased to meet you. I bumped into them in the park.
真巧啊 我们好多年没有见面了
How fortunate! We haven’t seen you in ages Dick.
布伦达怎么样了 你还有她的消息吗
How’s Brenda Do you still hear from her
我想 她已经死了
Well uh she’s dead… I’m afraid.
对 是你杀了她的 -别激动 赫迪
Yes… and you killed her! Steady on Hetty.
他没有杀人的他刚刚把 事情都对我说了-是吗
He didn’t do it. He’s just been telling me all about it. Has he now
案发时 有人看见他在附近经过
See he was seen near the place where Brenda was murdered.
所以警♥察♥以为他就是 凶手的嫌疑犯 当然他不是
So the police think he’s the strangler chap. But he’s not of course.
他现在要的 只是一个地方栖身
All he wants is a place to hide out.
And you suggested he should stay here.
Well yes. It seemed a good idea.
Nobody ever knows who’s staying here.
你真是笨蛋 乔尼 你干吗要牵涉进去呢
You’re a bloody fool Johnny getting yourself involved like this.
但他没有杀人啊 -当然是他杀的
But he didn’t do it. Of course he did it!
-什么 老迪克会杀人 -对 你那威武的空中骑士
-What old Dicko -Yes old Dicko the chivalrous knight of the skies!
He always treated her like a chit!
I think you’re absolutely wrong.
你还记得那个 恶心的离婚上诉书吗
Don’t you remember that disgusting divorce petition
The things you did to her!
-离婚上诉书 -噢 他没有告诉过你吗
-Divorce petition -Oh didn’t he tell you
他没有说他是很 残忍♥地抛弃了他的妻子吗
Did he forget to mention he was divorced from his wife on the grounds of extreme cruelty
Thank you very much.
Well is it true
无论是肉体上还是 精神上对她都很残忍♥
Both extreme mental and physical cruelty.
我想 可以说是坠落
Depravity was mentioned I think.
随便你怎么说 事实的真♥相♥并不是这样
It had to read that way but there wasn’t a word of truth in it!
The lawyers made the whole thing up.
我们都不想分居 3年后才离成婚的
Neither of us wanted to wait three years to get a divorce on the grounds of desertion
所以我只好在很残忍♥ 的情况下和她离婚
so I allowed her to divorce me on the grounds of cruelty.
Extreme cruelty.
我想警♥察♥们 一定会看到那个上诉书的
I wonder if the police have read a copy of it.
My God!
对 我想他们一定很有兴趣的
Yes I’m sure they’ll be fascinated.
他是无辜的 我知道他是 -你知道 你知道什么
He’s innocent I know he is. You know it How do you know it
就像你说的那样 他们 离婚了 他没必要杀了她
As you say they’d been divorced. There was no call for him to do her in.
我这样说并 不是对迪克有恶意
There’s no spiteful act I’d put past old Dicko here
especially if he were drunk.
你是喝醉后才那样做的吗 是你杀的吗
Were you drunk when you did it Was that it
我没有 赫迪
I didn’t do it Hetty.
我没有杀人 我发誓
I didn’t do it! I swear!
那么 为什么你不自己 去找警♥察♥说清楚
Then why don’t you go to the police
and explain to them instead of involving Johnny
我不想牵涉他的 是他坚持要这么做的
I didn’t want to involve him. He insisted.
对 是我坚持的 你不能见死不救吧
That’s right I did. Can’t abandon a chap in trouble.
我还是要说 为什么 你不去找警♥察♥说清楚呢
I still say why don’t you go to the police and inform them
他们从来就不相信他 这就是原因
They’d never believe him that’s why.
他是他们唯一的嫌疑犯 有许多证据是指证他的
He’s the only suspect they’ve got and with all the evidence against him
他们会把他关起来 而不会让我们保释他的
they’d lock him up without so much as a by-your-leave.
收留他吧 勃特夫人 就今晚
Please hide him Mrs. Porter just for tonight
我们想好下一步 怎么做之后就走
until we can think what’s best to do.
我们会收留他 不能 把一个老伙计送给警♥察♥吧
‘Course we’ll hide him. Can’t throw an old comrade to the cops.
如果你想因为收 留通缉犯而被捕的话
Well if you want to be arrested for harboring a wanted man…
or subverting the course of justice or whatever
你就要自己承担责任 乔尼
on your own head be it Johnny.
But I wash my hands of the matter.
谢天谢地 我们明天就可以去巴黎了
Thank God we’re off to Paris tomorrow morning. That’s all I can say.
如果我们没有被捕的话 我要去购物
That is if we’re not all in jail! I’m going shopping.
我想我还是先走吧 -无聊 老家伙
Perhaps I’d better go. Nonsense old chap.
别担心赫迪 我会让她静下来的 今晚你就睡沙发
Don’t worry about Hetty. I’ll calm her down. Use the sofa tonight.
我要走了 我从来都没有这么晚回去过
I must be off. I’m ever so late already.
你干什么工作的 米丽小姐 -我在酒吧工作
What do you do Miss Milligan I work in a pub.
和他以前是在一起工作的 -真的吗
Same place he used to be. Really
你们干吗不逃出国去 直到这个案子结束呢
Why don’t both of you slip out of the country ’til this whole thing’s blown over
来帮我经营”牧羊犬”吧 -牧羊犬
Come and give me a hand at the Bulldog. Bulldog
那是我在巴黎开的 一件酒吧 在那边很受欢迎
It’s an English pub I’ve opened in Paris. They’re the new thing there.
好主意 我们为什么不这样做呢
That’s a great idea. Why don’t we
不行 我不会法语
Not likely. I never was any good at French.
你不必学法语 那是一家英国酒吧
You don’t have to be. It’s an English pub.
As long as you can say “nOn” you’ll be all right.
快点 巴丝
Well… Come on Babs.
You don’t like the Globe any more than I did.
明天在维多利亚火车站见面 在花店旁边啊
Meet me at Victoria Station tomorrow morning 11 OO by the flower stall.
我们可以从海岸上出发 一天就可以到法国 -你不必拿护照的
We can shoot down the coast and get a day trip to France. You don’t need a passport.
-好 -太好了
-Okay. -Splendid!
法国佬看见漂亮的 英国女服务员一定会晕倒的
Froggies will roll over and die at the sight of a real English barmaid.
我真的要走了 你知道福赛的脾气的
I must go now really. You know Forsythe.
顺便说一句 别告诉别人我在这里好吗
Mum’s the word eh Don’t tell a soul I’m here.
Cross me heart and hope to die.
谢谢你照顾他 -不用谢 亲爱的
Thanks for lookin’ after him. Not at all my dear.
I’ll come see you to the lift.
你喜欢吃吗 先生
Enjoying that are you sir
探长 我的老婆 现在正在上一个
Sergeant my wife is currently taking a course…
at the Continental School of Gourmet Cooking.
好像他们没有 听过我们的食谱似的
Apparently they’ve never heard of the principle To eat well in this country
one must have breakfast three times a day.
是英式的早餐 不包括咖啡
And an English breakfast at that. I don’t mean your cafe complet.
你说什么 -一杯一英寸深的咖啡
Beg pardon sir The cup of coffee half an inch deep…
上面浮着煮过的 牛奶和许多泡沫
in floating bits of boiled milk and a sweet bun full of air.
着就是我吃的早餐 -我知道你的意思了
That’s what I had this morning. I see what you mean sir.
我是一个 教友派信徒
I’m a… Quaker Oats man myself.
先生 打扰一下
Excuse me sir.
这是刚刚收到的 关于那张10英镑钞票的化验结果
This has just come in. It’s the lab report on the ten-pound note…
就是布莱尼付 给酒店的那张
that Blaney used to pay the hotel bill with. Yes.
你可以看到 钞票上有底粉的痕迹
As you’ll see the note bore traces of face powder…
就是我们在布莱尼女士 包里找到的那种底粉
identical to that which we found in Mrs. Blaney’s handbag.
谢谢你-谢谢你 先生
Thank you. Thank you sir.
探长 我们还是很有运气吧
Well Sergeant we were in luck after all.
对 真的就是他干的 看来一点没错
Yes sir. That just about does it for him I’d say. Looks very much like it.
我以前从来没有开过这种玩笑 先生
I’ve never run into any of these jokers before sir.
What are they like
Oh they vary… but not a lot.