有一头黑发 绿色的眼睛 有胡子
He had dark hair green eyes and a mustache.
我猜他的体重 大概在155磅左右
I estimate his weight at about 155 pounds.
他穿着一件 相当老套的杰克衫
He was wearing a rather old-fashioned jacket…
with leather patches on the shoulders and elbows.
在我看来 这样的 穿着在伦敦相当不合宜
In my opinion it was quite unsuitable for London.
He was also carrying a raincoat.
你说得很是详细 巴林小姐
That’s an extraordinarily precise description Miss Barling.
我的工作要求我 要有一双敏锐的眼睛
In my job I’ve learned to keep a sharp eye on men Inspector.
EXcuse me.
我发现了桌子上有 这个手提包 但里面没有钱
I found this handbag on the desk and there’s no sign of any money.
-这没有什么意义 -我昨天刚为她 汇兑了50英镑的支票
That doesn’t make sense. I cashed a check for 5O pounds for her yesterday lunchtime.
这是个线索 她一般 把钱放在包里的什么地方
It makes perfect sense to me. Where does she keep her money in this bag
Sometimes she zips it in the pocket. Mmm.
这些底粉化验过了吗 探长
Have this face powder identified will you Sergeant
一定有一些底粉是附在 被盗的纸币上的 太好了
There might be some on the stolen money. We might be lucky.
All right sir.
有没有指纹 -有很多人进来过
What about fingerprints With all the clowns who come in here
there’ll be dozens.
Coburg Hotel Bayswater.
等一下 你能住得起酒店吗
Hey wait a moment. How can you afford a hotel
我等一下再告诉你吧 -好的
I’ll tell you later. Okay.
你怎么了 迪克 -昨晚
So what you been up to Dick Well last night…
我昨晚在军队的 救济院里过了一夜
I allowed myself to be pampered by the handmaidens of a Salvation Army hostel.
I tell you after mixing with some of the types in there
one’s clothing needs fumigation.
你闻闻 -真臭
Smell that. Whew!
你说你在那里睡的 -偶然啦
You mean you slept there Yeah… spasmodically.
-和那些老人一起 -对
What With all the old men Yes that’s it.
我们相处得很融洽 和他们聊天很开心
We had a high old time. The conversation was mature
老人们都有许多 光辉事迹可以吹牛皮
the Red Biddy flowed down the odd throats
我们一起喝酒 很开心
and the good fellowship of the open road prevailed.
老人 喝什么酒 -掺水的葡萄酒
Red Biddy. What’s that Blended red wine.
Half vino half mentholated spirits.
为什么 迪克 -单身汉都是这样的
But why Dick Reasonable terms for bachelors that’s why.
一晚才用了30便士 -我搞不明白
Thirty pence a night in fact. I don’t understand.
你怎么能住得起 科伯格酒店的
How can you afford the Coburg
Well I managed to get some money.
-昨晚搞到的 -对
– Since last night. – Yeah.
我 嗯 收到了一笔 陈年旧帐-你真幸运
I uh I collected an old debt. That was lucky.

Thank you.
要一间双人房♥-你要 干什么 不要在这里
Double room please. What are you up to Not here!
Shh. Would that be with two singles
or the uh matrimonial-size bed
一张 两张单床的
The mat… Double bed.
好 我明白了
Please. Yes. I see.
322房♥很适合你们 那是丘比特房♥
Three-two-two should suit you. The Cupid Room.
真的吗 -对 很温暖的
Really Yes. It’s very cozy.
你签名好吗 -当然
If you’ll just sign the register. Yes of course.
奥斯卡 维尔德夫妇
Mr. And Mrs. Oscar Wilde.
-你看 布莱尼 -奥斯卡 我这样叫你好吗
-Now look here Dick Blaney! -Oscar if you don’t mind.
-你别玩了好吗 我 -对不起
-Will you stop playing games I can’t possibly… -Excuse me.
这要10英镑 加2英镑的服务费
That’ll be ten pounds plus service charge of two pounds.
Perhaps you’d care to settle now
我们现在就去 谢谢你
There we are. Thank you.
哪个房♥间 322房♥ 鲍特
Room please Three-two-two Bertie.
Follow me please.
这是322房♥ 很好吧
You’ve got 322. That’s nice.
对 你们把它叫 做丘比特房♥吗
Yes. The Cupid Room I think she called it.
爱神之箭曾射中过 不少入住这里的情侣
Love’s little arrows have struck quite a few hearts in there sir I can tell you.

Oh yeah.
-要不要我帮你从药房♥ 买♥♥些药回来 先生 -不 谢谢
Can I get you anything from the pharmacy sir No thank you.
谢谢你 先生
Sir. Thank you sir.
喂-怎么了 先生
Hey! Sir
等一下 你能不能帮我 把这个送到洗衣店里去
Hang on. Can you send this to the cleaners for me
当然 先生-还有这些 告诉他们我急着要
Certainly sir. And this. Tell them that it’s urgent.
还有 把这个也拿去洗吧
And uh might as well take the other half as well.
告诉他们我希望 他们能喷一些东西上去
Tell them that I want them sprayed.
喷 先生 喷什么
Sprayed sir With what
杀虫剂之类的 -还有什么吗 先生
D.D.T. my good man. What else Sir
把里面的蟑螂和 虱子都给我杀死
Death to the lurking roach porter. Confusion to the insidious louse.
洗好之后烫好 好吗 -好的 先生
Get ’em cleaned and pressed eh Yes sir.
哦 天哪
Oh dear!
格德 你看看这个
Hey Glad take a look at this.
噢 可怜的女人
Oh! Oh that poor woman.
格德 我是说那件夹克衫 夹克 你看里面是怎么说的
It’s the jacket Glad I’m talkin’ about. The jacket! See what it says
“The police are anxious to interview a man seen leaving the matrimonial agency…
“about the time of the murder.
他当时穿着有斜纹的 夹克衫 手肘上有补丁
“When last seen he was wearing a tweed jacket with leather patches…
在肩膀上也有补丁 还拿着一件雨衣
on the shoulders and elbows and carrying a raincoat. ”
这样的外套真难看 -你知道我在说什么吗
That’s a funny way to patch a jacket. It’s meant to be like that!
The party in 322 was wearin’ it.
你是说 你是说奥斯卡先生
Do you mean… Do you mean Mr. Oscar Wilde
傻的 那不是他的真名 他不叫奥斯卡
That’s not his real name silly. Oscar Wilde indeed!
He’s the fellow the police are looking for.
你知道吗 他就是那个领带杀手
Don’t you see He’s the necktie murderer.
And we’ve got him upstairs at this very minute!
噢 天哪 我希望那个 女孩现在脖子上没有领带
Oh dear! I only hope that girl isn’t wearing a necktie at this very moment.
我简直不能相信 不要发生在丘比特房♥就好啦
I can’t believe it! Not in the Cupid Room!
你知道 格德 想想男人的贪欲
You know Glad sometimes just thinkin’ about the lusts of men…
makes me want to heave.
Hello. Will you give me the police please
是警♥察♥局吗 我是科伯格 酒店的行李员贝斯特
Hello police I’m the porter of the Coburg Hotel Bayswater.
你能来我们酒店吗 我想你们要的那个 男人就在我们这里
Could you come at once I’ve got this fellow you’re looking for here.
You know the necktie murderer.
He came here with a girl.
走开 格德 不要做什么引人注目的事
Come away Glad. You’re not to do anything suspicious.
Open up!
开门 警♥察♥
Open up! Police!
They must’ve gone down the back stairs.
我想问你 如果有良心的话
But I ask you in all conscience
我可能谋杀一个 同床共枕了10年的女人吗
is it likely I would murder a woman I’d been married to for ten years
如果这是真的 那太恐怖了
If it was true it would be horrible.
我在结婚10年会强♥奸♥她吗 很粗鲁地强♥奸♥她吗
And rape her… after ten years of marriage Violently rape her
我不知道 我经常听到这些古怪的事 也许你是忌妒她
I don’t know. I’m always hearing of kinky things. Perhaps you was jealous of her.
忌妒布伦达 别开玩笑了
Of Brenda Oh come off it.
我不认识布伦达 但这是有可能的
I didn’t know Brenda. It’s possible.
有些你只是想摆脱她 -但我已经摆脱她了呀
Maybe you just wanted to get rid of her. But I had got rid of her.
请记住 我们已经离婚了 离婚两年了
We were divorced remember. We had been for two years.
我们没有生活费的纠纷 她比我赚的还多
There was no question of alimony. She earned far more than me.
你是从她那里拿的钱 不对吗 你没有收到帐
You got that money from her didn’t you You never collected a debt.
对 是拿了她的钱
Well yes I did.
但那是在我们一起 吃晚餐之前她给我的
But she gave it to me the night before when we had dinner.
20英镑 -那你干吗要撒谎呢
Twenty pounds. Why lie about it then
我想这样太让我惭愧了 就是这样简单
I suppose I was ashamed to admit it that’s all.
That makes sense I suppose.
但是如果布伦达给了你钱 你干吗要在救济院过夜呢
But if Brenda gave you the money at dinner why’d you sleep in the doss house
你可以住酒店的呀 -我不知道她给了钱我
You could’ve afforded a hotel. I didn’t realize that I had it.
她把钱悄悄地放在 我的雨衣里面
She slipped it into the pocket of my raincoat.
继续啊 迪克 你干嘛不再撒一个谎呢 这可是容易被揭穿的
Oh go on Dick. Why don’t you pull the other one It’s got bells on it.
这是真的 我想她是不想让我难堪吧
But it’s true! I suppose she didn’t want to embarrass me.
You’ve got to admit it is pretty tall.
-但比我住在救济院 口袋里却有20英镑要好得多
It’s not as tall as me sleeping in a doss house with 2O quid in my pocket!
如果我知道我有钱 我肯定不会去那里啦
If I knew I had it I’d never have gone there would I
-或许是吧 -或许 你闻闻这件夹克
Maybe. Maybe! You smelled that jacket!
-万不得已谁会去那里住 -夹克并没有你说的那样糟糕
Would you sleep there if you didn’t have to It wasn’t that bad that jacket.
我还是觉得你的嫌疑很大 你把这夹克拿去洗
I still think it’s a bit suspicious your sending it to the cleaners.
是不是怕什么 强♥奸♥案中 警♥察♥经常要测试衣服的
Suspicious of what In them sex cases they always do a lab test on the clothes.
It stank to high heaven!
就是这样简单 你知道原因了
That’s why. You know it did.
