You’re… my type of woman.
Don’t be ridiculous. I’m serious.
I respect a woman like you
and I know how to treat you as well.
你知道 在我那个行业里有句老话
You know in my trade we have a saying.
We put it on the fruit.
“Don’t squeeze the goods ’til they’re yours.”
现在 你是我的了
Now that’s me.
I would never do that.
You know that don’t you
-对不起 我记得我还有个电♥话♥没有打
EXcuse me. I’ve just remembered a call I’ve got to make.
There’s no need to call the police.
What made you think I was going to call the police
Just intuition I suppose.
哦 英国产的吗
Oh! English
Yeah of course it is.
That’s a very frugal lunch you’ve got there.
and mean.
这样的午餐肯定不能 支持像你这样丰满的身材
Certainly not enough to support a lady with your opulent figure.
我想是因为以前吃得太丰盛了 所以你现在午餐才这样简单
Rather too opulent I’m afraid these days; hence the frugality.
和我一起出去 吃顿丰盛的午餐如何
Why don’t you come out and have a slap-up lunch with me
我现在真的不能 离开我的办公室
I really can’t leave the office just now.
我可以请你去市 里最好的餐馆就餐
I’d buy you the best lunch in town. No I c…
好的 一言为定
All right. It’s a deal.
你真的愿意吗 你会 和我共进午餐吗 -当然
You mean it You’ll come and have lunch with me Of course.
Just let me wash my hands. Aah!
-我想我们该吃午餐了 -当然 我们是要去吃午餐
I thought we were going to lunch. Yes of course we’re going to lunch.
好的 我知道你要什么 但不要在这里
All right. I know what you want but not here.
我们去我住的地方吧 -这就是你的地方啊
Let’s go back to my place. But this is your place.
You’ve got nothing to worry about here.
我的秘书随时都可能会回来 -真的吗
My secretary may come back in a minute. Really
-你给她多少时间吃午餐 -15分钟
How long do you give her to eat her frugal lunch Fifteen minutes.
She may be here any minute.
The outside door is locked.
She’s got her own key.
I don’t believe you.
你知道如果坏女孩 说谎话会有什么后果吗
Do you know what happens to wicked girls who tell wicked lies
别担心 别紧张
Don’t worry. Don’t worry.
You’ve got nothing to worry about.
走开 求你了
Leave me alone. Please!
我提包里有钱 你拿去好啦
T-Take the money out of my bag
but please leave me alone.
我提包里的钱足够让你找到 你需要的任何女人你拿去
In my bag there’s there’s enough money there to buy any woman you want. It’s yours.
你拿走吧 去啊
Take it! Just take it!
我不用钱买♥♥女人 我要的就是这个 你就是我要的类型
I don’t buy women. It’s you I want. You’re my type.
就是你 对
You are. Yes.
You are my type of woman.
L-Let me answer the telephone.
如果你不让我听的话 打电♥话♥的人会亲自来的
If you don’t the caller will come here in person.
我告诉过你 我已经把门 上锁了 没有人可以干扰我们
I told you I locked the outer door. We won’t be disturbed.
Oh God!
Leave me alone.
好的 好的 我不反抗了
All right. All right I won’t struggle.
我喜欢你反抗 许多女人喜欢反抗
But I like you to struggle. A lot of women like to struggle.
别 别撕烂我的外套
Please don’t tear my dress.
如果你喜欢 我自己会脱下来
I’ll take it off if you like.
你不必再为夜晚的 黑暗而感到害怕了
Thou shall not be afraid for the terror by night
真爽 -也不必为白天的明箭而担忧
Lovely. Nor for the arrow which flieth by day.
-真爽 -不必害怕阴暗里的瘟疫
Lovely. Nor for the pestilence which walketh in darkness.
-真爽 -也不必为白天的纷争而困扰
Lovely! Nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.
-真爽 -他的天使会给他应有的报应
Lovely. He shall give His angels charge over thee…
你的天使会在 天路上护送着你-真爽
to guard thee in all thy ways. Lovely!
你这个 婊♥子♥
You… bitch!
女人 都是一个德性
Women! They’re all the same.
They are.
I’ll show you.
天哪 领带
My God! The tie!
上帝 救救我 救救我
Dear Jesus help me. Help me.
Anyone there
布伦达 我是理查德
Brenda it’s Richard.
你好 是全球酒吧吗 请问米丽小姐在吗
Hello Globe May I speak to Barbara Milligan
布莱尼 是你吗 听着 你放聪明点
Is that you Blaney Listen you’ve got a bloody nerve…
别在我生意最忙 的时候打电♥话♥来
ringin’up here in my busiest time.
我不知道她在不在 她可能在其他的酒吧里
I don’t know where she is. She’s probably in the other bar.
我可不想到处去找她 她很忙的
I most certainly will not nip ’round and fetch her. She’s busy.
-你好 迪克 是你吗 -快点说 这不是聊天的酒吧
Hello Dickie. Is that you Get a move on. It’s not a lonely hearts club.
老板 给我一品脱啤酒
Here guv. Give us a pint. Yeah
我很好 你呢
I’m fine. How are you
我还好 我想取回我的东西
I’m okay. Look I need my things
but I don’t particularly fancy meeting Forsythe.
你能不能帮我收拾一下 放进包里 然后在下午送给我
Do you think you could pack ’em put ’em in my bag and meet me this afternoon
你能吗 太好了 我不想太麻烦你
Are you sure It’d be great if you could but I don’t want to mess things up for you.
别担心 我下午放假 我去哪里找你
Don’t worry. It’s my half day today. Where shall I meet you
4点钟我在利斯特 广场对面等你 好吗
I’ll be opposite the Lester Square Odeon 4OO. Okay
好的 4点钟 我要 快点去收拾了 再见
Okay at 4:00. I’ve gotta run now. Bye.
-别借钱给他 你要 不回来的-别多管闲事
Don’t start lending him money. You’ll never get it back. Mind your own business.
他不配你 巴丝 -你又好得到哪里去
He’s no good for you Babs. And you are
老板 你闻一闻这是什么
Hey guv! Take a whiff of this!
巴林小姐 你吃饭的地方离这里有多远
How far from here was the place you had lunch Miss Barling
About five or ten minutes.
下午好 先生
Good afternoon sir.
大家下午好 -这是巴林小姐
Good afternoon one and all. This is Miss Barling sir.
斯皮曼探长 你介绍 一下情况好吗 -好的 先生
Sgt. Spearman would you do the honors Certainly sir.
被谋杀的女人 叫布伦达 布莱尼
The murdered woman is a Mrs. Brenda Blaney.
这是她的公♥司♥ 是巴林小姐发现她被害的
She ran this business here sir and was found by her secretary Miss Barling
大约2点钟 当她吃完午餐回来之后
on her return from lunch at approximately 2OO sir.
-下午好-下午好 先生
Afternoon. Afternoon sir.
巴林小姐能不能记起什么 -她有一些情况要说
Has Miss Barling any ideas She certainly has.
She says she saw the murdered woman’s ex-husband…
她看见被害的女子的 丈夫 正离开这里
leaving the building just as she came back sir.
因为是白天 我看得很清楚 是布莱尼先生 没错
I saw him clear as day. It was Blaney all right.
他当时正从楼上下来 走出小路上
He came out of the door downstairs and walked down the alley.
The beast!
对不起 巴林小姐 我想要你配合一下
I’m sorry Miss Barling. I must press you.
Are you sure it was Mr. Blaney
绝对是 他就是 烧成灰我也能认识他
Absolutely! I’d know him anywhere.
他昨天下午来过 很是令人讨厌
You see he came here yesterday afternoon and it was perfectly horrid.
他当时喝醉了 坚持要见布莱尼女士
He’d been drinking and insisted on seeing Mrs. Blaney.
-他见到她了 -当然 布莱尼女士不会拒绝见人 即使是他
And did he see her Yes. She’d never turn anyone away not even him.
后来发生了什么 -哦 我不知道
What happened Oh I don’t know.
他进去后两个人就吵了起来 后来布莱尼女士出来让我先回去
They started having a row almost immediately. Mrs. Blaney came out and said I might go.
当然我不想让她难堪 所以我就离开了
Quite naturally I didn’t want to embarrass her so I left.
我走的时候 还是听见了 布莱尼先生粗暴的声音
As I did so I couldn’t help overhearing that Mr. Blaney was becoming very violent
他的语言粗鲁 行为也很粗鲁
both in his language and his behavior.
他有没有打布莱尼女士 -我想是打了
Did he strike Mrs. Blaney Yes I think so.
我听见了巴掌的声音 -哦
There was the sound of a blow. I see.
巴林小姐 你能不能 说说布莱尼先生长什么样子
Miss Barling could you describe Mr. Blaney for us
他的面貌啊 他穿什么啊之类的
What he looked like what he was wearing and so on.
Yes I think I can.
他30多岁了 5 9英尺高左右
He was a man in his thirties about an inch or so under six foot tall.