let alone knowing when they’ve been screwed off.
Have you met my friend Dick B…
Funny fella.
-别着急 探长我会问问 其他人的-谢谢你卢斯科先生
Don’t worry Sergeant. I’ll put the word about. Thanks Mr. Rusk.
A large brandy.
-你要什么 医生-一品脱酒 一些干酪就可以了
What’re you gonna have Doctor A pint and a morsel of cheese’ll do me fine.
我们还是要一些热的午餐吧 我们不赶时间
Let me order us a hot lunch. We’ve plenty of time.
-你好 尤斯先生 -今天天气很好啊 马赛
Hello Mr. Usher. What’s good today Maisie
-还是要牧羊馅饼吗 -好
Stick to the shepherd’s. I would.
嗯 那是要两份牧羊馅饼
Right. That’s two shepherd’s pies please.
And two pints.
I see our necktie murderer’s been up to it again.
我从法♥院♥经过时 看见了报纸的头条
I saw the newspaper headlines as we came away from the court. Mmm.
我不相信那些在 审判中胡乱出示证据的医生
I wouldn’t envy the lot of any medical man giving evidence at that trial.
-为什么不呢 -这年头 要合法的
Why not Surely it’s easier in these days…
of legally diminished responsibility.
In many cases you may be right.
但在这点上 你说错了
But not here.
杀害这些女孩的人是个罪犯 是个色情精神病患者
The man who’s killing these women is a criminal sexual psychopath.
正统的医学并不能 找到如何医治他的方法
And the legal profession has never really known how to treat them.
我想你可以把 他称为社会的边缘人
I suppose you could call them social misfits.
我们在谈那个领带谋杀者 马赛
We were just talking about the tie murderer Maisie.
-你可要小心些 -他是先奸后杀 不是吗
You better watch out. He rapes ’em first doesn’t he
对 我知道他是这样做的
Yes I believe he does.
我想每个坏人 也有他闪亮的一点
I suppose it’s nice to know every cloud has a silver lining.

表面上 和其他人交谈时
On the surface in casual conversation…
他们会表现得和普通人一样 就好像是成年人
they appear as ordinary likable adult fellows.
但在精神上 他们还是危险的未成年人
But emotionally they remain as dangerous children
他们随时都会有原始的 粗鲁的行动
whose conduct may revert to a primitive subhuman level at any moment.
-大杯的白兰地 -你是说他们会随时杀人
Large brandy. You mean they’ll kill at any time
-只是因为他们的 心情所至 -没错
just as the mood takes them Exactly.
And being governed by the pleasure principle
当愿望被拒绝后 他们就变得尤其危险
they’re particularly dangerous when their desires are being frustrated.
你聋了吗 我明明说要大杯的白兰地
Are you deaf I distinctly said a large brandy.
这只够遮住杯底 加三倍的酒
There’s scarcely enough in that to cover the bottom. Actually make it a triple.
我想警♥察♥应该对这个 凶手还是一无所知吧
I wonder if the police have got any sort of line on this fellow.
Oh I shouldn’t think so.
精神病患者的行动 都没有规律
With psychopaths there’s usually no linking motive.
我们只好 期望他早日现身了
Let’s hope he slips up soon.
在某种程度上来说 我倒希望他不会被抓
In One way I rather hope he doesn’t.
从克里斯迪之后 英国就没有出现 过连环强♥奸♥谋杀案了
Well we haven’t had a good juicy series of sex murders since Christie.
And they’re so good for the tourist trade.
这样外国人就会 以为我们伦敦被雾笼罩
Foreigners somehow expect the squares of London to be fog-wreathed
到处都是烂醉的妓♥女♥ 不是吗
full of hansom cabs and littered with ripped whores don’t you think
喂 迪克”大有前途”怎么样了
Hey Dick! What about Coming Up then
我想我没有时间 谢谢
No I’m afraid I haven’t any time. Thanks all the same.
不 我说的是”大有前途”那匹马 它遥遥领先地赢了
No Coming Up the horse. It won by a mile.
20比1 我不是跟你说过了吗
Twenty tO One! What did I tell you
我赚了一笔 谢谢你
Made a fortune. Thanks a lot. Anytime.
Hey wait a minute!
这是我妈 妈妈 这是迪克 布莱尼
This is my ma. Ma meet Dick Blaney
他是最好的飞行员 能喝一品脱啤酒
the best pilot who ever pulled a pint of beer.
-你好 卢斯科夫人 -很高兴认识你
-Hello Mrs. Rusk. -Pleased to meet you I’m sure.
她住在肯特 在英格兰花♥园♥那里
She lives down in Kent in the Garden of England!
Still got the grapes then
Oh yeah. Keep ’em for later.
告诉她要把核吐出来 核对阑尾不好
You tell her to take the pips out. They’re bad for the appendix.
好的 我先走了 谢谢你的提示
Ta-ta ! Bye. Thanks again for the tip.
我跟你说过的 我是你的好朋友嘛
I told you Bob’s your uncle.
Twenty to one!
20比他妈的1 他妈的
Twenty to bloody one! Christ! Dammit to hell!
嗯 亲爱的
Well my dears
我谨代表布莱尼女士 也代表我自己
I’m sure I can say on behalf of Mrs. Blaney as well as myself
我想说你们的结合使 我们所有的努力都值得了
that it’s moments like this that make all our efforts here worthwhile.
你是说 你们这样做不是为了钱
You mean you just don’t do it for the money
戴维森太太 这是生意
Mrs. Davisson this is a business
and financial considerations prevail.
但我们最大的快乐 是使两个孤独的人快乐
But our ultimate satisfaction is the making happy of two lonely people.
你真好 巴林小姐 继续努力啊
Nice of you Miss Barling. Keep up the good work!
我想 椄下来就是 我们自己的事了
Well it’s up to us now I guess eh
对 再见 索特先生
Yes. And good-bye Mr. Salt.
再见 巴林小姐 谢谢
Bye Miss Barling. Thank you.
我们很乐意帮忙 我知道你们很开心就好了
It’s been our pleasure. And I know you’ll both be very happy.
毕竟 你们都喜欢养蜂
After all I know you’re both mad about beekeeping.
-有共同的爱好是最好不过了 -我想也是
And there’s nothing like a shared interest. I’m sure we will be.
快点 索特 我们走吧
Come on Neville. Best foot forward.
我想我们应该直椄 去领结婚证书吧
I suppose we should go straight and get the marriage license my dear.
What’s your rush
Let’s go to my place first.
你知道吗 索特 我的前任丈夫戴维森
Did you know Neville that my late husband Mr. Davisson
was up at 53O every morning of his life
而且他每天是9点15分 准时给我送来早点
By the time he brought me my cup of tea which he did punctually at 915
那时他已经打扫好了 全部房♥间 他的动作很轻的
he would’ve cleaned the whole house; and he was so quiet about it
14年来 他从来都没有吵醒过我
that in 14 years he never woke me once.
Not once!
他真是个爱干净的人 不是吗
Oh a neat man was he then
他喜欢干净的地方 我也是
He liked a tidy place. So do I come to that.
你看你的头皮屑 该去治治了
Dandruff. We’ll have to get you something for that.
You’re new here aren’t you
我来了有一年了 有什么可以为你效劳的吗
I’ve been here for over a year now. What can I do for you
You can inform Mrs. Blaney…
她在婚姻介绍中最 不成功的试验品来见她了
that one of her less successful exercises in matrimony has come to see her.
-那请问你贵姓呢 -布莱尼先生
And who shall I say is calling Mr. Blaney.
Or if you preferred it ex-Squadron Leader Blaney
late of the R.A.F. And Mrs. Blaney’s matrimonial bed.
我知道了 您和布莱尼女士有预约吗
I see. Is Mrs. Blaney expecting you
她想见我的 或早或晚都是要见面的
She must be. Everybody expects a bad penny to turn up sooner or later.
布莱尼女士 有个布莱尼先生要来见你
Mrs. Blaney there’s a Mr. Blaney to see you.
布莱尼先生 请让他进来
Mr. Blaney Send him in will you please Monica
你好 布伦达
Hello Brenda.
你好 理查德
Hello Richard.
What are you doing here
I just thought I’d call around.
请进 坐吧-谢谢
Well come in. Take a seat. Thanks.
It’s good to see you.
You too. You look fine.
请稍等一下 我还有文件没有处理完
I’ll be with you in a minute. I’ve got to finish writing up a few notes.
你一切都好吧 布伦达
How is everything Brenda
-你赚钱了吗 -一切都很顺利
You making a fortune Things are going very well.
伦敦街上到处都是 孤独的心灵等待来你这里
Streets of London thronged with lonely hearts beating a path to your door

That’s it.
我很奇怪 现在每个人 都认为婚姻是地狱
I’m amazed that in an age where practically everybody considers marriage is hell…
-你居然还有顾客 -如果你来只是想羞辱我的话
that you can find any clients. If you’ve just come to insult me…
-天地良心 我不是 来羞辱你的-说话小声点
-I’m not insulting you for Christ’s sake! -Please lower your voice.
为什么 我不在乎 外面那个长舌妇听到
Why I don’t care if Vinegar Joe out there does hear me.
顺便说一下 为什么你 不给她找一个合适的嫁掉呢
Why don’t you get her married off by the way
帮她找个700磅的 日本相扑士不是很好
Preferably to a 700-pound Japanese wrestler.
那样就可以把她 脸上的皱纹碾平一些
That should iron out some of her creases a little.
巴林 现在快4点30了
Monica dear it’s nearly 43O.
Why don’t you take the rest of the afternoon off
I’m sure there’s some shopping you’d like to do.
谢谢 布莱尼女士 你确定不需要我帮忙了吗
Well thank you Mrs. Blaney if you’re sure you don’t need me.
对 谢谢 晚安
I’m quite sure thank you. Good night.
为什么你总是喝得 一塌糊涂的时候来找我
Why do you always come to see me when you’ve had too much to drink
我并没有总是在 喝很多之后来看你
I don’t always come to see you when I’ve had too much to drink.
我是没有来看过你 我有一年没有见过你了
I don’t always come to see you. I haven’t seen you for over a year.
You were half seas over then and violent.
-我希望我们不要 像以前那样-我粗暴
I do hope we’re not going to have a repeat of that. Me violent
