

  1. foster positive relationships: 培养积极的关系
  2. foster creativity: 培养创造力
  3. foster teamwork: 培养团队合作
  4. foster personal growth: 促进个人成长
  5. foster a supportive environment: 培育支持性环境
  6. foster independence: 培养独立性
  7. foster a sense of belonging: 培养归属感
  8. foster learning opportunities: 促进学习机会
  9. foster innovation: 培养创新
  10. foster self-confidence: 培养自信心
  11. foster emotional intelligence: 培养情商
  12. foster inclusive practices: 培养包容性做法
  13. foster resilience: 培养韧性
  14. foster critical thinking: 培养批判性思维
  15. foster social skills: 培养社交技巧
  16. foster cultural awareness: 培养文化意识
  17. foster effective communication: 培养有效沟通
  18. foster empathy: 培养同理心
  19. foster healthy habits: 培养健康习惯
  20. foster community engagement: 促进社区参与
  21. foster environmental sustainability: 促进环境可持续性
  22. foster career development: 促进职业发展
  23. foster positive self-image: 培养积极的自我形象
  24. foster academic success: 促进学业成功
  25. foster lifelong learning: 培养终身学习
  26. foster ethical behavior: 培养道德行为
  27. foster cultural exchange: 促进文化交流
  28. foster physical fitness: 培养身体健康
  29. foster financial literacy: 培养金融素养
  30. foster community empowerment: 促进社区赋权
  31. foster positive attitudes: 培养积极态度
  32. foster intercultural understanding: 促进跨文化理解
  33. foster academic achievement: 促进学术成就
  34. foster conflict resolution: 培养解决冲突能力
  35. foster social responsibility: 培养社会责任感
  36. foster inclusive education: 促进包容性教育
  37. foster parental involvement: 促进家长参与
  38. foster digital literacy: 培养数字素养
  39. foster career exploration: 促进职业探索
  40. foster global citizenship: 培养全球公民意识
  41. foster healthy relationships: 培养健康关系
  42. foster cultural sensitivity: 培养文化敏感性
  43. foster problem-solving skills: 培养解决问题的能力
  44. foster social justice: 促进社会公正
  45. foster technological innovation: 促进技术创新
  46. foster inclusive leadership: 培养包容性领导力
  47. foster academic motivation: 促进学术动力
  48. foster environmental conservation: 促进环境保护
  49. foster intergenerational relationships: 培养代际关系
  50. foster cultural diversity: 培养文化多样性


foster (FAWS ter) This verb means “to nurture” or “to promote the growth and development of.” “Foster parents” are called that because they nur-ture children who are not related to them by blood. The word comes to us from the Old English word for food or nourishment.

•Headmaster Owens insists on a stringent dress code because he believes that a tidy appearance in school fosters a student’s respect for his teachers, for his peers, and for his academic work.

•Carmine brushed his teeth three times a day, remembering the words of his dentist, Dr. Payne: “Proper dental hygiene fosters healthy gums and teeth.”
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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福斯特(FAWS ter)这个动词的意思是“养育”或“促进……的成长和发展”。“养育父母”之所以被称为“养育”,是因为他们养育的孩子与他们没有血缘关系。这个词来自古英语中表示食物或营养的单词。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
