

[verb] omit or decline to take (something pleasant or valuable)
[动词] 未做或拒绝接受(令人愉快或有价值的事物)


Forgo 是一个只比熟词 forgot 少了末尾字母 t 的单词,同时也与小站(微信公众号:田间小站)之前推送过的 forge 只隔最后一个字母不同。

该词源自古英语 forgan (戒绝、未做、忽略),相应也是用来表示“放弃、摒弃、弃绝”,常作正式用语使用,主要指决定不去做自己想做的事或拒绝接受令人愉快或有价值的东西,特别是为了原则、权宜之计或他人的福利等而放弃自己已经享受、沉迷或者触手可及的事物,比如:

  • 那个疲惫不堪的旅人在城里四处寻觅,想找一家合适的旅馆。他为了完成一项工作而放弃了他的假期。
    The weary traveller roamed about the town trying to find a suitable hotel. He forwent his holiday in order to finish a job.

值得注意的是, forgo 有时也拼作 forego ,不过后者并不太常见。


The beautiful weather seemed to mock them; Harry could imagine how it would have been if Dumbledore had not died, and they had had this time together at the very end of the year, Ginny’s examinations finished, the pressure of homework lifted…and hour by hour, he put off saying the thing that he knew he must say, doing what he knew was right to do, because it was too hard to forgo his best source of comfort.

出自英国作家J·K·罗琳的奇幻小说《哈利·波特》系列的第六本《哈利·波特与混血王子》(Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince)。


  • Governments will not want to forgo its benefits.
  • Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin deemed the comment a violation of the (PLO) Chairman’s pledge to forgo violence and threatened to stop the peace process.



食物和饮食(Food and Diet):

  1. Forgo dessert – 放弃甜点:不吃或不享用甜点。
  2. Forgo alcohol – 戒酒:不喝酒或放弃饮酒。
  3. Forgo meat – 放弃肉食:不吃或不食用肉类。
  4. Forgo sugary drinks – 放弃含糖饮料:不喝含糖饮料。
  5. Forgo fried food – 放弃油炸食品:不吃或不食用油炸食品。

活动和娱乐(Activities and Leisure):

  1. Forgo a vacation – 放弃度假:不去度假或取消原计划的假期。
  2. Forgo a party – 放弃参加派对:不参加或取消参加派对的计划。
  3. Forgo a movie – 放弃观看电影:不看电影或取消观影计划。
  4. Forgo social media – 放弃社交媒体:不使用或停止使用社交媒体。
  5. Forgo shopping – 放弃购物:不购物或抑制购物欲望。

金钱和财务(Money and Finance):

  1. Forgo luxury items – 放弃奢侈品:不购买或不追求奢侈品。
  2. Forgo unnecessary expenses – 放弃不必要的开支:避免或减少不必要的花费。
  3. Forgo a raise – 放弃加薪:不要求或不接受加薪。
  4. Forgo a bonus – 放弃奖金:不要求或不接受奖金。

时间和计划(Time and Plans):

  1. Forgo sleep – 放弃睡眠:不睡觉或削减睡眠时间。
  2. Forgo leisure time – 放弃休闲时间:不安排或减少休闲时间。
  3. Forgo a break – 放弃休息:不休息或取消休息时间。
  4. Forgo a day off – 放弃休假:不请假或取消休假计划。

其他短语(Other Phrases):

  1. Forgo a goal – 放弃目标:放弃或放弃追求某个目标。
  2. Forgo an opportunity – 放弃机会:不利用或不抓住机会。
  3. Forgo a habit – 放弃习惯:戒掉或改变某个习惯。
  4. Forgo a plan – 放弃计划:取消或放弃原计划。
  5. Forgo a relationship – 放弃关系:结束或放弃一段关系。
  6. Forgo an argument – 放弃争论:不争论或避免争吵。
  7. Forgo expectations – 放弃期望:不抱有或放弃期望。


eschew: deliberately avoid using; abstain from
relinquish: voluntarily cease to keep or claim; give up
renounce: refuse or resign a right or position, especially one as an heir or trustee

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
