
n. 先试;预示;先尝;试吃
vt. 先试;预尝;快乐地期待


单词 “foretaste” 的中文意思是 “预感” 或 “预兆”,通常指在事情发生之前的先行体验或感知。以下是包含单词 “foretaste” 的50个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. A foretaste of success – 成功的预感
  2. Foretaste of things to come – 即将发生的事物的预兆
  3. A sweet foretaste – 一种美好的预感
  4. Provide a foretaste – 提供一个预兆
  5. A foretaste of the future – 对未来的一种预感
  6. Get a foretaste of adventure – 体验冒险的预感
  7. Enjoy a foretaste of happiness – 享受幸福的先行体验
  8. Offer a foretaste of excitement – 提供一种兴奋的预感
  9. A foretaste of success – 成功的预感
  10. Give a foretaste of the feast – 提前尝试宴会的味道
  11. Receive a foretaste of the reward – 先行体验奖励的滋味
  12. Savor the foretaste of victory – 品味胜利的预感
  13. Provide a foretaste of luxury – 提供奢侈的预感
  14. Get a foretaste of paradise – 体验天堂的预感
  15. A foretaste of joy – 快乐的预感
  16. Offer a foretaste of delight – 提供一种愉悦的预感
  17. A foretaste of romance – 浪漫的预感
  18. Give a foretaste of love – 提前尝试爱的滋味
  19. Receive a foretaste of passion – 先行体验激情的滋味
  20. Savor the foretaste of intimacy – 品味亲密的预感
  21. Provide a foretaste of excitement – 提供一种兴奋的预感
  22. Get a foretaste of adventure – 体验冒险的预感
  23. A foretaste of danger – 危险的预感
  24. Offer a foretaste of suspense – 提供悬疑的预感
  25. A foretaste of mystery – 神秘的预感
  26. Give a foretaste of the unknown – 提前尝试未知的滋味
  27. Receive a foretaste of the supernatural – 先行体验超自然的滋味
  28. Savor the foretaste of horror – 品味恐怖的预感
  29. Provide a foretaste of fear – 提供一种害怕的预感
  30. Get a foretaste of darkness – 体验黑暗的预感
  31. A foretaste of despair – 绝望的预感
  32. Offer a foretaste of sorrow – 提供悲伤的预感
  33. A foretaste of grief – 悲伤的预感
  34. Give a foretaste of sadness – 提前尝试悲伤的滋味
  35. Receive a foretaste of loss – 先行体验失落的滋味
  36. Savor the foretaste of pain – 品味痛苦的预感
  37. Provide a foretaste of hardship – 提供困难的预感
  38. Get a foretaste of challenge – 体验挑战的预感
  39. A foretaste of adversity – 逆境的预感
  40. Offer a foretaste of struggle – 提供一种奋斗的预感
  41. A foretaste of difficulty – 困难的预感
  42. Give a foretaste of effort – 提前尝试努力的滋味
  43. Receive a foretaste of sacrifice – 先行体验牺牲的滋味
  44. Savor the foretaste of achievement – 品味成就的预感
  45. Provide a foretaste of success – 提供成功的预感
  46. Get a foretaste of accomplishment – 体验成就的预感
  47. A foretaste of victory – 胜利的预感
  48. Offer a foretaste of triumph – 提供胜利的预感
  49. A foretaste of glory – 光荣的预感
  50. Give a foretaste of honor – 提前尝试荣誉的滋味
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
