
n. 前院;前场


forecourt 大片空地
fore-,在前。court, 庭院。


“Forecourt” 是一个名词,通常指的是建筑物前面的开放空地或院子。以下是包含单词 “forecourt” 的50个短语,附上中文解释:

  1. Service station forecourt – 加油站前院
  2. Hotel forecourt – 酒店前院
  3. Shopping mall forecourt – 购物中心前院
  4. Apartment building forecourt – 公寓楼前院
  5. Stadium forecourt – 体育场前院
  6. Courtyard forecourt – 庭院前院
  7. Museum forecourt – 博物馆前院
  8. Church forecourt – 教堂前院
  9. Restaurant forecourt – 餐厅前院
  10. Theater forecourt – 剧院前院
  11. School forecourt – 学校前院
  12. Shopping center forecourt – 购物中心前院
  13. Courtyard and forecourt design – 庭院和前院设计
  14. Office building forecourt – 办公楼前院
  15. Historic building forecourt – 历史建筑前院
  16. Hospital forecourt – 医院前院
  17. Courtyard and forecourt landscaping – 庭院和前院的园林设计
  18. Apartment complex forecourt – 公寓综合体前院
  19. University forecourt – 大学前院
  20. Shopping plaza forecourt – 购物广场前院
  21. Courtyard and forecourt paving – 庭院和前院的铺路
  22. Restaurant patio and forecourt – 餐厅露台和前院
  23. Courtyard and forecourt lighting – 庭院和前院的照明
  24. Park forecourt – 公园前院
  25. Courtyard and forecourt fountain – 庭院和前院的喷泉
  26. Residential complex forecourt – 住宅综合体前院
  27. Forecourt landscaping ideas – 前院园林设计想法
  28. Courtyard and forecourt entrance – 庭院和前院入口
  29. Courtyard and forecourt architecture – 庭院和前院建筑
  30. Courtyard and forecourt seating – 庭院和前院座位
  31. Courtyard and forecourt maintenance – 庭院和前院维护
  32. Courtyard and forecourt gate – 庭院和前院大门
  33. Courtyard and forecourt security – 庭院和前院安全
  34. Courtyard and forecourt renovation – 庭院和前院翻新
  35. Courtyard and forecourt sculptures – 庭院和前院雕塑
  36. Courtyard and forecourt pathways – 庭院和前院路径
  37. Courtyard and forecourt decorations – 庭院和前院装饰
  38. Courtyard and forecourt view – 庭院和前院景观
  39. Courtyard and forecourt atmosphere – 庭院和前院氛围
  40. Courtyard and forecourt expansion – 庭院和前院扩建
  41. Courtyard and forecourt planting – 庭院和前院植被
  42. Courtyard and forecourt privacy – 庭院和前院隐私
  43. Courtyard and forecourt gatehouse – 庭院和前院门卫
  44. Courtyard and forecourt entrance design – 庭院和前院入口设计
  45. Courtyard and forecourt sculptures – 庭院和前院雕塑
  46. Courtyard and forecourt walkway – 庭院和前院人行道
  47. Courtyard and forecourt seating area – 庭院和前院休息区
  48. Courtyard and forecourt water feature – 庭院和前院水景
  49. Courtyard and forecourt landscaping plan – 庭院和前院园林规划
  50. Courtyard and forecourt paving stones – 庭院和前院铺石
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
