
1. 动词用法: “forbear”作为一个动词,有几个不同的用法和含义:

  • 忍耐,忍受:”forbear”可以表示忍耐或忍受不愉快或困难的情况、人或事物。它指的是克制自己不表现出愤怒、不采取行动或不说话,以避免冲突或争论。例如,”I had to forbear my anger and remain calm”(我不得不忍住愤怒保持冷静)。
  • 克制,避免:”forbear”也可以表示克制自己不去做某事,避免采取行动或发表言论。这可能是出于某种尊重、谦虚或礼貌的原因。例如,”He decided to forbear making any comments during the meeting”(他决定在会议期间克制自己不发表任何评论)。
  • 放弃,不要求:在法律或合同方面,”forbear”可以表示放弃或不追求某种权利、要求或索赔。当一方选择不行使其法定权力或要求对方做出某种补偿时,我们可以说他们”forbear”。例如,”The landlord agreed to forbear the rent increase for the next six months”(房东同意在接下来的六个月里放弃租金增加)。
  • 宽容,忍耐:”forbear”还可以表示宽容和忍耐的态度。它指的是对他人的错误、过失或缺点表现出宽容和谅解的行为。例如,”She had the ability to forbear the shortcomings of others”(她有能力宽容他人的缺点)。

2. 名词用法: “forbear”也可以用作名词,表示”祖先”或”家族成员”。这种用法较为罕见,在较古老或文学性质的文本中可能会遇到。



  1. forbear from doing something – 克制不做某事
  2. forbearance with someone – 对某人的忍耐
  3. forbear to comment – 克制不评论
  4. forbear to interfere – 克制不干涉
  5. forbear from complaining – 克制不抱怨
  6. forbear from judging – 克制不评判
  7. forbear from criticizing – 克制不批评
  8. forbear from making noise – 克制不制造噪音
  9. forbear from using profanity – 克制不使用粗口
  10. forbear from violence – 克制不使用暴力
  11. forbear to ask questions – 克制不提问
  12. forbear to reveal the secret – 克制不泄露秘密
  13. forbear to make demands – 克制不提出要求
  14. forbear to express anger – 克制不表达愤怒
  15. forbear to react immediately – 克制不立即反应
  16. forbear to offer advice – 克制不提供建议
  17. forbear to interrupt – 克制不打断
  18. forbear to laugh – 克制不笑
  19. forbear to correct mistakes – 克制不纠正错误
  20. forbear to complain about the weather – 克制不抱怨天气
  21. forbear to express disappointment – 克制不表达失望
  22. forbear to show emotions – 克制不展示情感
  23. forbear to confront the enemy – 克制不与敌人对抗
  24. forbear to judge others – 克制不评判他人
  25. forbear to engage in gossip – 克制不参与闲话
  26. forbear to make unnecessary noise – 克制不制造不必要的噪音
  27. forbear to impose restrictions – 克制不施加限制
  28. forbear to interrupt the conversation – 克制不打断对话
  29. forbear to criticize others’ choices – 克制不批评他人的选择
  30. forbear to retaliate – 克制不报复
  31. forbear to argue – 克制不争论
  32. forbear to make hasty decisions – 克制不草率决定
  33. forbear to judge based on appearance – 克制不以外表为依据评判
  34. forbear to react impulsively – 克制不冲动行动
  35. forbear to express frustration – 克制不表达沮丧
  36. forbear to participate in conflicts – 克制不参与冲突
  37. forbear to voice disagreement – 克制不表示不同意见
  38. forbear to complain about the situation – 克制不抱怨局势
  39. forbear to disclose confidential information – 克制不透露机密信息
  40. forbear to make personal attacks – 克制不进行人身攻击
  41. forbear to make impolite remarks – 克制不说粗鲁的话
  42. forbear to engage in harmful activities – 克制不参与有害活动
  43. forbear to confront the boss – 克制不与老板对抗
  44. forbear to use offensive language – 克制不使用冒犯性语言
  45. forbear to interrupt someone’s speech – 克制不打断某人的讲话
  46. forbear to seek revenge – 克制不寻求报复
  47. forbear to criticize someone’s appearance – 克制不批评某人的外表
  48. forbear to make negative comments – 克制不发表负面评论
  49. forbear to express dissatisfaction – 克制不表达不满
  50. forbear to engage in destructive behavior – 克制不从事破坏性行为



forbear (for BEAR) As a verb, this word expresses the idea of patiently enduring something unpleasant or refraining from something you might otherwise do. Don’t confuse the verb with the noun forbear (or forebear), which is an ancestor, even if you’re not a bear.

  • “I am noted for the kindness of my disposition,” said Gwendolyn, “but I have forborne as long as I can your insolence to me.”
  • Forbear the waving of your red handkerchief at that bull; he’s said to be excitable.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]

  • 别再向那头公牛挥舞你的红手帕了;据说他很容易激动



一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
