If he got caught in the Crossfire, it’d be north-south.
Darrien and Gates were on the wrong axis.
So were Peanut Butter and Jelly.
The FBI guy, Jack Hayes, was dead center.
而在这个位置上 只有两个人可以射中他
With him in that position, only two guys could’ve shot him.
那个电脑男米切尔 但他没有武器
Mitchell the computer guy. But he wasn’t armed.
如果排除这个可能性 那么只剩一种可能
So if you eliminate that option, there’s only one other possibility.
The murderer must be
温斯坦? – 是的
Weinstein? – Yeah.
你肯定? – 肯定
You absolutely sure? – Absolutely.
温斯坦 你在哪儿? 哦 该死
Weinstein, what’s your 20? Oh, shit.
哦 该死
Oh, Shit.
该死 他们开枪杀了对方
Shit, they shot each other.
不 不可能
No, no.
There’s no fucking way that this asshole was able to draw faster than Weinstein.
不可能 他妈的他是怎么可能有枪和消音器?
No way. And where the fuck could he get a gun and a silencer?
外星人 你是怎么看这个的?
What do you make of this, here, spaceman?
我猜因为那个电脑男邀请了两个团伙进来抢劫 所以温斯坦恼羞成怒
I reckon that Weinstein’s pissed because the computer guy invited two parties to the heist,
而因为温斯坦杀了那个联邦调查局探员 电脑男也生气了
and the computer guy, he’s mad because Weinstein killed the FBI guy.
然后他们两个互相对质 同时开枪 都死了
And they both confront each other, both draw, both die.
Why would Weinstein confront him now?
Surprise the bastard.
为什么温斯坦要在抢劫银行的时候 杀一个联邦调查局探员呢?
And why would Weinstein kill an FBI agent in the middle of a bank heist?
To surprise the bastard.
Weinstein had the computer guy at gunpoint when he came into the kitchen,
but the computer guy got two shots into him.
Well, maybe someone surprised somebody else in some other manner.
如果这不是一场冲突呢? 如果他们是一伙的?
What if it wasn’t a confrontational moment? What if they were allies?
当你谈论我朋友的时候 你最好他妈的管好你的嘴
You better watch your fucking mouth when you talk about my friend.
他绝不会出♥卖♥♥♥我 永远不会
He would never turn on me, ever.
We’ve been working together for 15 years now.
在他妈的这种行当里 这是很重要的
And that means something in this fucking business.
而且只有一部分人能来这个茶水间 呃
Besides, the only people that had access to the kitchen were, uh,
only Peanut Butter, Jelly and…
还有你 加特斯… – 哦
And you, Gates… – Oh.
…had access to the kitchen.
And the hostages upstairs in the ceiling.
等一下 人♥质♥们都蜷缩在他妈的楼上
Wait a minute. The hostages are crawling around in the fucking ceiling now.
看到没? 就这样 这活儿干不成了
You see that? This is it. This job is over.
不 不 等等 等等 你 等一下! 达里恩 兄弟 听我说
No, no, wait, wait. You, wait here! Darrien. Darrien, mate, listen.
听我说 好吗?
Listen to me, all right?
That’s kind of weird.
“花生酱” 那么我们接下来要做什么?
Well, PB, what are we gonna do now?
我也不知道要做什么 老兄
I got nothing, bro.
Except I’m gonna get this piece of ear into the freezer up there.
老兄 我发誓 如果你是个女人 我一定会娶你的
Buddy, I swear, if you was a woman, I’d marry you.
好吧 我不是女人
Well, I ain’t.
哦 老兄 你跟我一起下楼
Whoa, bro. You coming downstairs with me.
遥控器在哪里? 我们要用它出去
Where’s the clicker? We need it to get out of here.
又死了两个人 这意味着我们只能改变计划了 明白吗?
So there are a couple more dead bodies. That means we change the plan, all right?
It doesn鈥檛 mean we call off the job.
计划? 你知道他们是怎么评论计划的吗?
The plan? You know what they say about plans, don’t ya?
没有 他们说什么了?
No, what do they say?
他们说如果你想逗上帝笑 那就把你的计划全他妈告诉他
They say if you wanna make God laugh, tell him all about your fucking plans.
And believe me,
that motherfuckers up there laughing his ass off at us right now,
because ever since we entered this miserable fucking bank,
nothing has gone according to the goddamn plan!
Now where’s the goddamn clicker?
遥控器在温斯坦那里 好吧?
Weinstein had it, all right?
好吧 福尔摩斯 他把它放在哪里了?
Yeah, no shit, Sherlock. But where did he put it?
我不知道他放在哪里了 好了 听我说 达里恩
I don’t know where he put it. All right, listen, Darrien.
听我说 好吗? 冷静下来听我说 好吗?
Just listen to me, all right? Just calm down and listen to me, all right?
We should’ve gotten out of here a long fucking time ago.
不 听着 兄弟 – 一切都结束了
No, no, listen, mate. – it’s over.
我们需要那个来炸掉离合器 知道吗?
We need that to bust the clutch, yeah?
没错 我需要它来为我开路 离开这里
Yeah, well, I need it to cut my way out.
别在这儿撇下我 我还要呆在这里 继续抢这个银行
Don’t fuck me over here, right, ’cause I wanna stay here and do this bank.
The bank job is a bust!
他妈的没完蛋 就听我说
It’s not a fucking bust. Listen to me, all right.
我和你坐在这个荒芜的 只有”该死的五美元”的地方
Me and you sitting on a desert island somewhere, “sucky-sucky, 5 dollar,”
有着一大群鸟 都是些狗屎
lots of birds, all that sort of shit.
想想看 这对你来说是他妈的好机会 伙计
Think about it. It’s a good fucking option for you, mate.
I’m getting the fuck out of here.
哦 达里恩 拜托 伙计 你毁了…
Oh, look, Darrien, come on, mate. You blow the fuck…
达里恩! 拜托 老兄
Darrien! Come on, man.
活塞杆都已经缩回去了 只剩下马达需要对付了
The bolts are retracted. It’s just a motor left.
这将会彻底地… – 他妈的放开我!
This will drastically… – Get the fuck off me!
老兄 这将会彻底地影响你的排名
Look this will drastically affect your rankings, mate.
That’s all I’m fucking saying, all right.
And I thought you people had balls!
You’re a fucking disgrace to black criminals everywhere!
Fuck you.
该死! 真♥他♥妈♥该死!
Shit! Fucking shit!
I know tonight’s been a complete and utter fuck-up.
但不会再这样了! 不会了
But not any more! No, no.
现在只剩一个抢劫团伙 就是我们三个
Now there is only one robbery team, the three of us.
嘿 我们能叫”神秘闪电侠”吗?
Hey, can we be Mystic Lightning?
不行 你不能叫他妈的”神秘闪电侠” 你个傀儡
No, you can’t be fucking Mystic Lightning, you muppet.
不再有上厕所的时间 不再有特权 不再有好的待遇
No more bathroom breaks. No more perks, no more cushy treatment.
This shit just got really fucking real!
因为只有一个团伙 所以只能有一个老大
And because there is now only one army, there is now only one general.
那就是我 听明白没有? 我就是他妈的老大
Me, all right? I’m the fucking general.
I’m in complete control.
没有我的命令不能发生任何事 听明白没有?
Nothing happens here without me saying so, all right?
哦 他妈的拜托
Oh, fucking come on.
老实讲 我不知道我在烦什么
Honestly, I don’t know why I fucking bother.
现在动起来 把这些人♥质♥带到上面的办公室去 快去
Now go on, take the hostages up the office. Go on.
Go on.
好吧 各位 你们听到了老大说的了
All right, everybody, you heard the man.
快点 快点 动起来 大家都到上面去 快走
Come on, come on, get moving. Everybody up the stairs. Let’s go, let’s go.
Did you rig his blowtorch?
没有 我希望你这个傻子也没有 有吗?
No, I fucking didn’t. And I suppose you wankers didn’t either, right?
接下来要做什么? 我们是先开金库 还是先杀了所有人♥质♥?
So what’s next? Do we start with the vault or do we kill all the hostages?
哦 当然是先开金库
Oh, uh, definitely the vault.
We find that having hostages around can be real handy.
你可以把他们当成人盾 或者你可以让他们帮你拿东西 比如
You can use them as human shields, or they can fetch stuff for you, like
一袋袋的钱或者零食 – 好吧
bags of money or snacks. – Fine.
好吧 先开金库 但是有个条件
All right, we start with the vault on one condition.
当该杀他们的时候 我会杀了他们
When the time comes to do ’em, I get to do ’em all.
听到了 这不是问题 我们并不喜欢大屠♥杀♥
Yeah, that shouldn’t be a problem. We ain’t really into mass murder.
But if that’s part of your MO.,
that’s totally cool with us.
好吧 那就开始吧
All right, let’s do it.
耶? 赶快 开始工作吧
Yeah? Come on, let’s get to work.
You okay?
哦 我很好 这比坐头等舱来得好
Oh, I’m great. This is so much better than flying first class,
喝着香槟 等着去我的婚礼
drinking champagne, going to my wedding.
如果你可以带着钱离开银行 你还需要马克斯吗?
If you could walk out of the bank with the money, would you still need Max?
哦 天呐 说真的 特里普 你就别纠结这件事了
Oh, God. Seriously, Tripp, you have got to let this go.
我不能停止纠结事情 我有强迫症
I can’t let anything go. I’m obsessive.
如果你有钱了 你还需要马克斯吗?
If you had the money, would you still need Max?
是的 我还需要他
Yes, I would.
需要他干嘛? 需要他为你打开门吗? – 当然
What, to open the door for you? – Sure.
需要他在晚上要拥着你吗? – 我并不怎么喜欢拥抱
To cuddle you at night? – I’m not so big on cuddling.