This is not a bank robbery. This is an organized ambush.
Vicellous Drum has a problem.
He’s gotta kill a bunch of people who are all connected to him
but he can’t look like he’s behind it.
你是说 我们每个人都因为某种原因
So you’re saying that each of us here is connected
to this Whatever Drum person for some reason?
是的 我来帮你梳理一下
Yes. Here, let me lay it out for you.
如果我猜想是对的话 那个联邦调查局探员已经追查德伦很久了
If I am right about this, the FBI agent has been after Drum for years.
Darrien and Weinstein worked for Drum before.
The Swiss bank representative launders Drum’s money.
Mitchell Wolf is Drum’s computer hacker
Peanut Butter and Jelly have worked for him as decoys.
Each one of them could rat him out.
至于你们剩下的人 谁知道呢?
And as for the rest of you, who knows?
Maybe Mr. Blythe denied Mr. Drum a loan.
Maybe Madge and her kind, wonderful, warm tones
offended Mr. Drum in some way.
Maybe Mr. Clean flirted with him in a prison shower
牢里给人口♥交♥过一次 你就永远摆脱不了了 永远
Give one blowjob in prison and you never live it down, never.
Maybe we’re all here by accident.
比如说我 就只是附带伤害
Like me, just collateral damage.
哦 你肯定是在开玩笑吧
Oh, you have gotta be kidding me.
把我们锁在银行里 希望我们自相残杀?
Lock us in a bank and hope we all kill each other?
特别对德伦来说 这计划也太不干脆了
I mean, that is a sloppy plan, especially for Drum.
Which is why he’s here, in person.
哦 拜托
Oh, come on.
想想看 那个喷灯 那些炸♥药♥
Just think about it. The blowtorch, the explosives,
在最紧要的时候 它们全都刚好出了问题
they all went off at exactly the right time.
The FBI agent was obviously the biggest threat to Drum,
so he had Weinstein take him out first.
瞧 这就对了 温斯坦一开始就在替德伦办事
See, that’s right. Weinstein was working for Drum from the beginning.
米切尔也是 他知道什么时候安保系统会失灵
So was Mitchell, who knew when the security system would be down.
And so Drum killed them next.
Drum did his best to make it look like a double murder
But the clicker that was in Weinstein’s mouth
是最大的疑点 说明发生了奇怪的事情
was a big red flag that something strange was going on.
我最合理的猜测 就是温斯坦把控制器藏在嘴里
My best guess is that Weinstein must’ve hid the clicker in his mouth
一定是为了防止真正的杀手 维斯勒德伦逃出这间银行
to prevent the real killer, Vicellous Drum, from getting out of the bank.
接下去 德伦用动过手脚的喷灯除掉了达里恩
Next, Drum took out Darrien with a rigged blowtorch.
And then Drum shot the Swiss Miss.
死了五个人 还剩下八个
Five down, only eight to go.
哦 他妈的都是废话 你知道吗?
Oh, that is fucking bullshit. You know what?
你讲的故事还真不错啊 帅哥 但我这里还有个金库要炸呢
That’s a nice little story you told, sunshine, but I’ve got a vault to blow.
金库是打不开的 听我说 钱就像是捕蝇纸
It’s not gonna open up. Listen to me. The money’s like flypaper.
It’s just a lure to get you here so Drum can kill you.
拜托 见鬼了 这银行里根本就没有钱!
Come on, hell, there’s no money in the bank at all!
这银行里他妈的肯定有钱 你在别胡说八道
Of course there’s fucking money in a bank. Don’t even say that.
不可能的 伙计 我们已经在这里花了太多心思了
No way, dude. We have worked way too hard for this.
你们就是不听我的 这根本不是银行抢劫!
You are not listening to me. This is not a bank robbery!
好吧 这是我见过最给力的非银行抢劫了
Well, this is the best damn non-bank robbery I’ve ever seen.
你说过金库里没有钱的 对吧?
And you said there’s no money in the vault, eh?
你怎么就不明白呢 这是诱饵
You just don’t get it. It’s flypaper.
管你呢 放屁去吧 疯子
Yeah, eat your words, freak show.
哦 我的天呐!
Oh, my God!
哦 上帝啊!
Oh, my God!
So it doesn’t matter that the money is here?
Vicellous Drum is still gonna try to kill everybody?
没错 我真不敢相信 怎么就没人情绪失控呢
Yeah. I can’t believe nobody’s starting to lose their mind right now.
I don’t know which one of you is Vicellous Drum.
You stay the hell away from me.
Aren’t you gonna get a gun?
不用 这不重要
No, it doesn’t matter.
Drum’s plan was always to take out numerous armed targets.
我们唯一的希望就是 智取
Our only hope is to outthink him.
So how do you kill a bank full of armed people?
切断电源 带上夜视镜 然后杀光所有人
Cut off the lights, strap on the night-vision goggles and take everybody out.
我的天啊 你怎么想到这个主意的?
Jesus Christ, how’d you come up with that idea?
在办公室里 你提过夜视镜的事情
In the office you said something about there being night-vision goggles.
是的 在厕所就有一对 – 那你还需要什么的?
Yes, there’s a pair in the bathroom. – So what more do you need?
无论是哪个男的去拿夜视镜 他就是维斯勒德伦
Whichever guy goes for the goggles is Vicellous Drum.
Or whatever girl.
德拉克马(希腊货币)? 我们他妈的怎么换成德拉克马?
Drachmas? How the fuck we gonna fence drachmas?
嘿 你觉得我们这里有多少了?
Hey, how much you think we’ve got here?
哦 我估计大概4 5百万的样子吧
Oh, I reckon about 4 or 5 loads.
动作麻利点 知道吗? 快点 快点
So, let’s get cracking, eh? Chop-chop.
真的假的? 现在你决定拯救这银行了?
Really? Now you decide to save the bank?
没有 伙计 我要和你们一起走 这里他妈有个杀人犯啊!
No, man, I wanna go with you. There’s a fucking murderer in here!
我也是 我完全被吓傻了
Well, I’m going too. I’m totally freaked out.
我也和你一起 – 别忘了我 混♥蛋♥们
I wanna go with you. – Don’t forget me, motherfuckers.
哦 我们都到齐了
Oh, so we’re all here.
我们要不要手牵手 一起到屋顶啊?
Why don’t we hold hands as we go up to the roof, eh?
没用的 伙计们 你们不可能活着走出这间银行的
It’s no use, guys. You’re never gonna get out of this bank alive.
哦 你就不能不要这么乌鸦嘴吗?
Oh, would you not say ominous shit like that?
You gonna spook Jelly.
实际上 特里普说得没错
Actually, Tripp’s right.
你的钥匙是没用的 那个遥控器里面没有电池
Your key won’t work. There’s no battery in that Clicker.
哦 你♥他♥妈♥跟我开玩笑吧
Oh, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me.
Now which one of you bastards has the battery!
Vicellous Drum.
就是你拿走了电池 把我们困在这里 – 不是…
You took the battery to keep us here. – No…
还有 你用大半天的时间在银行里乱逛
Plus you spent half your time wandering around the bank.
You could’ve killed anyone at any time.
另外 有什么比精心设置下完美犯罪
And what’s more mastermindish than setting up the perfect crime
and then trying to solve it bit by bit?
我都不敢相信 我吻过你
I cannot believe I kissed you.
要泡你的话 用不着天才的大脑 甜心
Doesn’t take a mastermind to get under your skirt, sweetie.
哦 别吹牛了 你不可能做的到的
Oh, don’t flatter yourself that you’d ever get that far.
剩下的蠢货们 如果你们有用心观察的话
And the rest of you idiots, if you’d been paying any attention at all,
你们就会发现 所有的证据都指向了马奇!
you would’ve realised that all the evidence points to Madge!
没有 才没有!
No, it don’t!
Who turned out the lights?
哦 拜托 见什么鬼? 还来
Oh, come on. What the fuck? Not again.
谁动就朝谁开枪 除非是我
Shoot anything that moves. Unless it’s me.
是德伦 他妈的是德伦干的
It’s Drum. it’s fucking Drum.
Vicellous Drum.
Where is he?
我们什么都没看到 兄弟
We ain’t seen dick-all, bro.
Come on out.
Come on out!
快点 德伦 出来吧
Come on, Drum. Come on out.
不是我 我说过 我不是维斯勒德伦
It’s not me. I’m telling you, I am not Vicellous Drum.
我灭了所有的灯 是因为我知道 真的德伦会直接去拿夜视镜
I shut off the lights because I knew the real Drum would go for the night-vision goggles.
然后我就赶到厕所 等在那里
Then I went up to the bathroom and I waited.

The sick kindly bank manager with the heart of gold.
大家知道是你的话 所有人肯定会震惊的
Everyone’s gonna be shocked when they hear it’s you.
You think so?
Those clowns in the lobby think you’re Vicellous Drum.
所以如果我杀了你的话 我更像是个英雄
So if I kill you, I look more like a hero.
而你杀了我的话 你看上去就更像是维斯勒德伦
And you kill me, you look even more like Vicellous Drum.
不管怎么样 你都完蛋了
So either way, you’re just fucked.
故事蛮有意思的 德伦 但没人会相信的
Very entertaining story, Drum, but no one’s gonna believe it.
快点出来吧 别说谎了 游戏结束了
Come on out. No more lying. The game is over.
Not so fast.
Tripp and I set you up.
我们知道 如果灯熄灭的话
We knew when the lights went out
不管谁去拿夜视镜 他就是我们要找的人
that whoever went for those night-vision goggles was our guy.
You can’t kill all of us.
