flaunt 英 [flɔːnt] 美 [flɔːnt]


Laces and silks and braid and ribbons, all blockade run, all the more precious and more proudly worn because of it, finery flaunted with an added pride as an extra affront to the Yankees.
出自美国作家玛格丽特·米切尔(Margaret Mitchell)创作的长篇小说《飘》(Gone with the Wind)。该小说在1937年获得普利策奖,是玛格丽特·米切尔在世时出版的唯一一部作品。不但它成为美国史上最为畅销的小说之一,而且由这部小说所改编的同名电影《乱世佳人》也成为影史上不朽的经典。



[verb] display (something) ostentatiously, especially in order to provoke envy or admiration or to show defiance
[动词] 招摇地炫耀(某物),特别是为了引起嫉妒、羡慕或表现出蔑视


Flaunt 一词的词源不详,可能是 flout (公然藐视、蔑视或无视法律、规定、习俗等)或 vaunt (吹嘘、自负)的变体,现主要表示“炫耀、夸示、卖弄”,强调无耻地、自夸地或冒犯性地炫耀某物,比如:

  • 她公开夸耀自己与现任总统的恋情。
    She openly flaunted her affair with the incumbent president.
  • 他们开着劳斯莱斯到处转悠,公开炫耀和大肆挥霍他们的财富。
    They drove around in Rolls-Royces, openly flaunting and squandering their wealth.

虽然说刻意炫耀不是件好事,但有东西能够拿得出手至少说明人家确实有实力,最怕一些人牛皮吹上了天,结果却是光说不练假把式。这时候就可以用 flaunt 的一句习语来怼他:

  • If you’ve got it, flaunt it.

之前小站在 熟词僻义 | fancy 是一种怎样的以为? 中讲过 fancy oneself 这种爱慕自己是“自命不凡、自以为是”,而 flaunt oneself 这种炫耀自己则表示“(性感地)招摇过市”,比如:

  • 她那么招摇,真是在自找麻烦。
    She’s asking for trouble, flaunting herself like that.


  • It advertised partnerships with China’s biggest banks and flaunted its connections with the government, including endorsements from officials who pledged to support it.
  • This former Portuguese colony perpetually flaunts its frenetic side.


flaunt” 通常用来表示炫耀、张扬地显示或炫示某事物,常带有夸张或自豪的意味。

以下是包含单词 “flaunt” 的 50 个短语及其中文解释:

  1. flaunt one’s wealth – 炫耀财富
  2. flaunt one’s success – 炫耀成功
  3. flaunt one’s achievements – 炫耀成就
  4. flaunt one’s beauty – 炫耀美貌
  5. flaunt one’s knowledge – 炫耀知识
  6. flaunt one’s talent – 炫耀才华
  7. flaunt one’s status – 炫耀地位
  8. flaunt one’s designer clothes – 炫耀名牌服装
  9. flaunt one’s expensive car – 炫耀昂贵的车
  10. flaunt one’s luxury lifestyle – 炫耀奢华生活
  11. flaunt one’s new gadget – 炫耀新的小工具
  12. flaunt one’s brand new house – 炫耀全新的房子
  13. flaunt one’s popularity – 炫耀受欢迎
  14. flaunt one’s fashion sense – 炫耀时尚品味
  15. flaunt one’s social connections – 炫耀社会关系
  16. flaunt one’s success in front of others – 在他人面前炫耀自己的成功
  17. flaunt one’s achievements to impress – 炫耀成就以留下深刻印象
  18. flaunt one’s knowledge to intimidate – 炫耀知识以威吓
  19. flaunt one’s talent to gain recognition – 炫耀才华以获得认可
  20. flaunt one’s status to show off – 炫耀地位以炫耀
  21. flaunt one’s designer clothes with pride – 自豪地炫耀名牌服装
  22. flaunt one’s expensive car as a status symbol – 把昂贵的车当作地位的象征炫耀
  23. flaunt one’s luxury lifestyle on social media – 在社交媒体上炫耀奢华生活
  24. flaunt one’s new gadget to friends – 向朋友炫耀新的小工具
  25. flaunt one’s brand new house to neighbors – 向邻居炫耀全新的房子
  26. flaunt one’s popularity to gain attention – 炫耀受欢迎以引起注意
  27. flaunt one’s fashion sense to impress others – 炫耀时尚品味以给他人留下深刻印象
  28. flaunt one’s social connections for personal gain – 为了个人利益而炫耀社会关系
  29. flaunt one’s achievements to inspire others – 炫耀成就以鼓舞他人
  30. flaunt one’s wealth for admiration – 炫耀财富以获得赞赏
  31. flaunt one’s success to provoke envy – 炫耀成功以引起嫉妒
  32. flaunt one’s achievements to showcase hard work – 炫耀成就以展示辛勤工作
  33. flaunt one’s beauty to attract attention – 炫耀美貌以吸引注意
  34. flaunt one’s knowledge to demonstrate expertise – 炫耀知识以展示专业知识
  35. flaunt one’s talent to entertain others – 炫耀才华以娱乐他人
  36. flaunt one’s status to assert authority – 炫耀地位以显示权威
  37. flaunt one’s designer clothes as a statement – 以名牌服装为标志炫耀
  38. flaunt one’s expensive car for prestige – 为了声望而炫耀昂贵的车
  39. flaunt one’s luxury lifestyle to impress friends – 炫耀奢华生活以给朋友留下深刻印象
  40. flaunt one’s new gadget with enthusiasm – 热情洋溢地炫耀新的小工具
  41. flaunt one’s brand new house with pride – 自豪地炫耀全新的房子
  42. flaunt one’s popularity to gain influence – 炫耀受欢迎以获得影响力
  43. flaunt one’s fashion sense to set trends – 炫耀时尚品味以引领潮流
  44. flaunt one’s social connections to network – 炫耀社会关系以建立人际网络
  45. flaunt one’s achievements for recognition – 炫耀成就以获得认可
  46. flaunt one’s knowledge to educate – 炫耀知识以教育他人
  47. flaunt one’s talent for entertainment – 炫耀才华以娱乐
  48. flaunt one’s status to assert dominance – 炫耀地位以显示支配地位
  49. flaunt one’s achievements as a testament – 以成就为证明炫耀
  50. flaunt one’s beauty for self-confidence – 为了增强自信而炫耀美貌


tout: attempt to persuade people of the merits of (someone or something)
parade: display (something) publicly in order to impress or attract attention
flourish: (of a person) wave (something) around to attract the attention of others

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
