
adj. 一阵阵的;断断续续的;不规则的;间歇的



fitful 一阵阵的,间歇的
来自fit, 一阵痉挛。


Fitful” 是一个英语形容词,用来描述行动或活动不连贯、断断续续的情况,通常指的是不规律或间歇性的。下面是包含单词 “fitful” 的50个短语,以及它们的中文解释:

  1. Fitful sleep – 不连续的睡眠
  2. Fitful breathing – 断断续续的呼吸
  3. Fitful progress – 不规律的进展
  4. Fitful efforts – 间歇性的努力
  5. Fitful bursts of energy – 能量的断断续续释放
  6. Fitful rain showers – 阵雨
  7. Fitful attention – 不持久的注意力
  8. Fitful wind gusts – 间歇性的大风阵
  9. Fitful conversation – 断断续续的对话
  10. Fitful performance – 不稳定的表现
  11. Fitful concentration – 不规律的专注
  12. Fitful appetite – 间歇性的食欲
  13. Fitful bursts of laughter – 突然的笑声
  14. Fitful economic growth – 经济增长的间歇性
  15. Fitful sleep patterns – 睡眠模式的不规律
  16. Fitful movements – 断断续续的动作
  17. Fitful attention span – 间歇性的注意力时长
  18. Fitful attempts – 断断续续的尝试
  19. Fitful productivity – 生产力的不连续
  20. Fitful rainstorms – 阵雨暴风雨
  21. Fitful memory – 间歇性的记忆
  22. Fitful work schedule – 不规律的工作时间表
  23. Fitful behavior – 不规律的行为
  24. Fitful motivation – 间歇性的动力
  25. Fitful focus – 断断续续的关注
  26. Fitful energy levels – 能量水平的不规律
  27. Fitful communication – 不连贯的沟通
  28. Fitful temperature changes – 温度的不规则变化
  29. Fitful progress in learning – 学习中的不规律进展
  30. Fitful use of technology – 技术的断断续续使用
  31. Fitful decision-making – 决策的不连贯性
  32. Fitful improvement – 不规律的改进
  33. Fitful concentration during lectures – 课堂专注力的间歇性
  34. Fitful innovation – 创新的不规律
  35. Fitful economic activity – 经济活动的间歇性
  36. Fitful response to emergencies – 应急响应的断断续续
  37. Fitful attendance – 出勤的不规律
  38. Fitful changes in weather – 天气的不连贯变化
  39. Fitful interest in hobbies – 对兴趣爱好的间歇性兴趣
  40. Fitful engagement – 参与的不规律
  41. Fitful work ethic – 工作道德的断断续续
  42. Fitful investment returns – 投资回报的不规律
  43. Fitful progress in sports – 体育进展的不连贯
  44. Fitful growth of plants – 植物生长的断断续续
  45. Fitful income streams – 收入的不规则流动
  46. Fitful supply chain disruptions – 供应链的间歇性中断
  47. Fitful financial stability – 财务稳定的不连贯性
  48. Fitful interest rates – 利率的不规律变化
  49. Fitful job market – 就业市场的不连贯
  50. Fitful sleep cycles – 睡眠周期的间歇性


fitful (FIT ful) Here’s another adjective meaning “occurring now and then”; think of the phrase “doing something by fits and starts.” This word too (like #3 and #4) originates in a medical sense—“fits” was used for convul-sions or seizures. (See second sentence below.)

  • George made several fitful attempts to begin studying vocabulary for the Graduate Record Exam, but he decided to postpone the project until after his vacation.
  • “After life’s fitful fever, he sleeps well,” says the insomniac Macbeth enviously of the king he recently murdered.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]

  • 乔治曾多次断断续续地尝试开始为研究生入学考试学习词汇,但他决定将该项目推迟到假期后
  • 失眠的麦克白羡慕地谈到他最近谋杀的国王时说:“在经历了人生断断续续的发烧之后,他睡得很好。”

