♪ Let’s find out where it goes ♪
♪ 等你探明去往何方 ♪
♪ It might be a ladder to the stars Who knows? ♪
♪ 也许是通往星星的天梯 谁又明了 ♪
♪ Come, all you no-hopers ♪
♪ 来吧 无用的 ♪
♪ You jokers and rogues ♪
♪ 滑稽的 无赖的人 ♪
You’re gonna be popular with the local tourist board.
Enough to be an honorary Cornishman?
No, you have to try harder than that.
不够 你还得再加把劲
Yeah? Did you leave your car in the bay?
什么事 是你的车停在海湾上了吗
Did you park your car down on the harbour?
Yeah. Yeah?
是我的 是你的吗
No! Oh, no, no, no!
不 天呐 不要啊
♪ So raise a glass ♪
♪ 我们共同举杯 ♪
He’s only parked his car down on the harbour!
On the harbour?
♪ Come, all you no-hopers ♪
♪ 来吧 无用的 ♪
♪ You jokers and rogues ♪
♪ 滑稽的 无赖的人 ♪
♪ We’re on the road to nowhere ♪
♪ 我们在路上游荡 ♪
♪ Let’s find out where it goes ♪
♪ 等你探明去往何方 ♪
♪ It might be a ladder to the stars ♪
♪ 也许是通往星星的天梯 ♪
♪ Who knows? ♪
♪ 谁又明了 ♪
♪ Come, all you no-hopers ♪
♪ 来吧 无用的 ♪
♪ You jokers and rogues ♪
♪ 滑稽的 无赖的人 ♪
He’d have bloody loved this.
He would, my darlin’. He would.
他会的 我亲爱的 他一定会的
Now, let’s go and have a look at that damn fool, shall we?
走吧 我们去看看那个傻子
Come on!
♪ Though it’s gale force ♪
♪ 即使狂风暴雨 ♪
♪ Let’s steer a course ♪
♪ 也要掌舵徜徉 ♪
♪ For sanity ♪
♪ 极端清醒 ♪
♪ Come, all you no-hopers ♪
♪ 来吧 无用的 ♪
♪ You jokers and rogues ♪
♪ 滑稽的 无赖的人 ♪
You’re not the first to fall afoul of the sea,
and you won’t be the last.
Just like King Canute!
♪ Come, all you no-hopers ♪
♪ 来吧 无用的 ♪
What are we gonna do?
♪ You jokers and rogues ♪
♪ 滑稽的 无赖的人 ♪
When the tide goes out, we’ll use
等潮水退了 我们用
Dad’s old tractor to drag it back in.
Engine’ll be buggered, mind.
估计引擎扛不住了 小心
♪ Let’s find out where it goes ♪
♪ 等你探明去往何方 ♪
♪ It might be a ladder to the stars ♪
♪ 也许是通往星星的天梯 ♪
Well, I definitely can’t go back now.
♪ Who knows? ♪
♪ 谁又明了 ♪
♪ Come, all you no-hopers ♪
♪ 来吧 无用的 ♪
♪ You jokers ♪
♪ 滑稽的 ♪
♪ And rogues ♪
♪ 无赖的人 ♪
♪ I wish I was a fisherman Tumblin’ on the seas ♪
♪ 我愿做个渔民 徜徉海上 ♪
♪ Far away from dry land And its bitter memories ♪
♪ 远离陆地 逃离回忆 ♪
♪ Castin’ out my sweet line With abandonment and love ♪
♪ 舍家弃爱 ♪
♪ No ceiling bearin’ down on me Save the starry sky above ♪
♪ 没有天花板的压♥迫♥ 只有夜空的蓝色 ♪
♪ With light in my head And you in my arms ♪
♪ 头顶月光 怀搂心爱的你 ♪
♪ What shall we do With the drunken sailor? ♪
♪ 如何对待烂醉的水手 ♪
♪ What shall we do With the drunken sailor? ♪
♪ 如何对待烂醉的水手 ♪
♪ What shall we do with the drunken sailor ♪
♪ 如何对待烂醉的水手 ♪
♪ Early in the mornin’? ♪
♪ 清晨便醉怎么办好 ♪
♪ Hooray, up she rises Hooray, up she rises ♪
♪ 嘿哟 涨潮了 嘿哟 涨潮了 ♪
♪ Hooray, up she rises ♪
♪ 嘿哟 涨潮了 ♪
♪ Early in the mornin’ ♪
♪ 清晨便醉怎么办好 ♪
♪ Put him in a leaky boat And make him bail ‘er ♪
♪ 把他扔漏水船里 让他舀水 ♪
♪ Put him in a leaky boat And make him bail ‘er ♪
♪ 把他扔漏水船里 让他舀水 ♪
♪ Put him in a leaky boat And make him bail ‘er ♪
♪ 把他扔漏水船里 让他舀水 ♪
♪ Early in the mornin’ ♪
♪ 清晨便醉怎么办好 ♪
♪ Hooray, up she rises Hooray, up she rises ♪
♪ 嘿哟 涨潮了 嘿哟 涨潮了 ♪
♪ Hooray, up she rises ♪
♪ 嘿哟 涨潮了 ♪
♪ Early in the mornin’ ♪
♪ 清晨便醉怎么办好 ♪
♪ Put him in a corsair And make him pull ‘er ♪
♪ 把他扔进海盗船里 让他划桨 ♪
♪ Put him in a corsair And make him pull ‘er ♪
♪ 把他扔进海盗船里 让他划桨 ♪
♪ Put him in a corsair And make him pull ‘er ♪
♪ 把他扔进海盗船里 让他划桨 ♪
♪ Early in the mornin’ ♪
♪ 清晨便醉怎么办好 ♪
♪ Hooray, up she rises Hooray, up she rises ♪
♪ 嘿哟 涨潮了 嘿哟 涨潮了 ♪
♪ Hooray, up she rises ♪
♪ 嘿哟 涨潮了 ♪
♪ Early in the mornin’ ♪
♪ 清晨便醉怎么办好 ♪
♪ Put him in the brig Until he’s sober ♪
♪ 把他扔进双桅船里 等他醒酒 ♪
♪ Put him in the brig until he’s sober ♪
♪ 把他扔进双桅船里 等他醒酒 ♪
♪ Put him in the brig until he’s sober ♪
♪ 把他扔进双桅船里 等他醒酒 ♪
♪ Early in the mornin’ ♪
♪ 清晨便醉怎么办好 ♪
♪ Hooray, up she rises Hooray, up she rises ♪
♪ 嘿哟 涨潮了 嘿哟 涨潮了 ♪
♪ Hooray, up she rises ♪
♪ 嘿哟 涨潮了 ♪
♪ Early in the mornin’ ♪
♪ 清晨便醉怎么办好 ♪
♪ Make him sleep With the captain’s daughter ♪
♪ 让他跟船长的女儿睡在一起 ♪
♪ Make him sleep With the captain’s daughter ♪
♪ 让他跟船长的女儿睡在一起 ♪
♪ Make him sleep With the captain’s daughter ♪
♪ 让他跟船长的女儿睡在一起 ♪
♪ Early in the mornin’ ♪
♪ 清晨便醉怎么办好 ♪
♪ Hooray, up she rises Hooray, up she rises ♪
♪ 嘿哟 涨潮了 嘿哟 涨潮了 ♪
♪ Hooray, up she rises ♪
♪ 嘿哟 涨潮了 ♪
♪ Early in the mornin’ ♪
♪ 清晨便醉怎么办好 ♪
♪ Have you seen the captain’s daughter? ♪
♪ 你看见船长的女儿了吗 ♪
♪ Have you seen the captain’s daughter? ♪
♪ 你看见船长的女儿了吗 ♪
♪ Have you seen the captain’s daughter ♪
♪ 你看见船长的女儿了吗 ♪
♪ Early in the mornin’? ♪
♪ 一大早哪去了 ♪
♪ Hooray, up she rises Hooray, up she rises ♪
♪ 嘿哟 涨潮了 嘿哟 涨潮了 ♪
♪ Hooray, up she rises ♪
♪ 嘿哟 涨潮了 ♪
♪ Early in the mornin’ ♪
♪ 清晨便醉怎么办好 ♪
♪ Keelhaulin’, keelhaulin’ ♪
♪ 把他绑在船底 从船头拖到船尾 ♪
♪ Keelhaulin’, keelhaulin’ ♪
♪ 把他绑在船底 从船头拖到船尾 ♪
♪ Keelhaulin’, keelhaulin’ ♪
♪ 把他绑在船底 从船头拖到船尾 ♪
♪ Early in the mornin’ ♪
♪ 清晨便醉怎么办好 ♪
♪ Hooray, up she rises ♪
♪ 嘿哟 涨潮了 ♪
♪ Hooray, and up she rises ♪
♪ 嘿哟 涨潮了 ♪
♪ Hooray, up she rises ♪
♪ 嘿哟 涨潮了 ♪
♪ Early in the mornin’ ♪
♪ 清晨便醉怎么办好 ♪
♪ For all the small people And the tall people ♪
♪ 致矮小的人 高大的人 ♪
♪ For the dispossessed and the observers ♪
♪ 致倾家荡产的人 袖手旁观的人 ♪
♪ For all the brokenhearted and the recently departed ♪
♪ 致伤心欲绝的人 刚刚分离的人 ♪
♪ For the unwashed and the unheard ♪
♪ 致肮脏不洁的人 默默无闻的人 ♪
♪ Mother Nature Don’t draw straight lines ♪
♪ 大自然丰富多彩 人各不同 ♪
♪ Broken moulds in a grand design ♪
♪ 《大设计》房♥中也会长霉 ♪
♪ We look a mess, but we’re doing fine ♪
♪ 生活看似一团糟 实则乐在其中 ♪
♪ We’re card carrying lifelong members ♪
♪ 我们本就是这花花世界的 ♪
♪ Of the union of different kinds ♪
♪ 合法公民啊 ♪
♪ For all the lonely faces In those empty spaces ♪
♪ 致身处陌生环境的孤独的人 ♪
♪ For the unloved and the denied ♪
♪ 致没有人爱的人 被排斥的人 ♪
♪ For the little wheel Turning bigger deal ♪
♪ 致辛勤耕作 却默默无闻的人 ♪
♪ For all dreams that bloom And those that die ♪
♪ 致梦想成真的人 破灭的人 ♪
♪ Mother Nature Don’t draw straight lines ♪
♪ 大自然丰富多彩 人各不同 ♪
♪ Broken moulds in a grand design ♪
♪ 《大设计》房♥中也会长霉 ♪
♪ We look a mess, but we’re doing fine ♪
♪ 生活看似一团糟 实则乐在其中 ♪
♪ We’re card carrying lifelong members ♪
♪ 我们本就是这花花世界的 ♪
♪ Of the union of different kinds ♪
♪ 合法公民啊 ♪
♪ It’s why the oak tree bends ♪
♪ 这便是橡树在风中弯曲的 ♪
♪ In the wind that blows, my friend ♪
♪ 答案啊 朋友 ♪
♪ And the river finds its end in the sea ♪
♪ 河水最终总会汇入海洋啊 ♪
♪ Yes, it does ♪
♪ 事实如此啊 ♪
♪ Mother Nature Don’t draw straight lines ♪
♪ 大自然丰富多彩 人各不同 ♪
♪ We’re broken moulds in a grand design ♪
♪ 我们便是《大设计》房♥中长的霉 ♪
♪ We look a mess, but we’re doing fine ♪
♪ 生活看似一团糟 实则乐在其中 ♪
