Number nine, and a new entry. It’s Fisherman’s Friends.
♪ 来吧 无用的 滑稽的 无赖的人 ♪
♪ Come, all you no-hopers You jokers and rogues ♪
♪ 我们在路上游荡 等你探明去往何方 ♪
♪ We’re on the road to nowhere Let’s find out where it goes ♪
♪ 也许是通往星星的天梯 谁又明了 ♪
♪ It might be a ladder to the stars Who knows? ♪
♪ 来吧 无用的 ♪
♪ Come, all you no-hopers ♪
♪ 滑稽的 无赖的人 ♪
♪ You jokers and rogues ♪
我就知道我们做得到 我就知道
I knew we were on to a winner! I knew it!
♪ 抛荒弃野 ♪
♪ Leave all your furrows ♪
♪ 丢下梦想 ♪
♪ And your dreams where they lie ♪
♪ 和工厂 和办公 ♪
♪ The factories and offices ♪
♪ 统统吻别 ♪
♪ Kiss them all goodbye ♪
♪ 不妨沉沦天马行空的造梦 ♪
♪ Have a little faith In the dream-maker in the sky ♪
♪ 坚定了信念 ♪
♪ There’s glory in ♪
♪ 终有回报 ♪
♪ Believing in ♪
♪ 旁观者将记下这荣耀 ♪
♪ And it’s all in the beholder’s eye ♪
Get the drinks in for all!
♪ 来吧 无用的 ♪
♪ Come, all you no-hopers ♪
♪ 滑稽的 无赖的人 ♪
♪ You jokers and rogues ♪
♪ 我们在路上游荡 ♪
♪ We’re on the road to nowhere ♪
我怎么说来的 伙计们 信心的跳跃
What’d I tell you, boys? A leap of faith!
♪ 等你探明去往何方 ♪
♪ Let’s find out where it goes ♪
♪ 也许是通往星星的天梯 谁又明了 ♪
♪ It might be a ladder to the stars Who knows? ♪
♪ 来吧 无用的 ♪
♪ Come, all you no-hopers ♪
♪ 滑稽的 无赖的人 ♪
♪ You jokers and rogues ♪
You’re gonna be popular with the local tourist board.
Enough to be an honorary Cornishman?
不够 你还得再加把劲
No, you have to try harder than that.
-什么事 -是你的车停在海湾上了吗
– Yeah? – Did you leave your car in the bay?
Did you park your car down on the harbour?
-是我的 -是你的吗
– Yeah. – Yeah?
不 天呐 不要啊
No! Oh, no, no, no!
♪ 我们共同举杯 ♪
♪ So raise a glass ♪
He’s only parked his car down on the harbour!
On the harbour?
♪ 来吧 无用的 ♪
♪ Come, all you no-hopers ♪
♪ 滑稽的 无赖的人 ♪
♪ You jokers and rogues ♪
♪ 我们在路上游荡 ♪
♪ We’re on the road to nowhere ♪
♪ 等你探明去往何方 ♪
♪ Let’s find out where it goes ♪
♪ 也许是通往星星的天梯 ♪
♪ It might be a ladder to the stars ♪
♪ 谁又明了 ♪
♪ Who knows? ♪
♪ 来吧 无用的 ♪
♪ Come, all you no-hopers ♪
♪ 滑稽的 无赖的人 ♪
♪ You jokers and rogues ♪
He’d have bloody loved this.
他会的 我亲爱的 他一定会的
He would, my darlin’. He would.
走吧 我们去看看那个傻子
Now, let’s go and have a look at that damn fool, shall we?
Come on!
♪ 即使狂风暴雨 ♪
♪ Though it’s gale force ♪
♪ 也要掌舵徜徉 ♪
♪ Let’s steer a course ♪
♪ 极端清醒 ♪
♪ For sanity ♪
♪ 来吧 无用的 ♪
♪ Come, all you no-hopers ♪
♪ 滑稽的 无赖的人 ♪
♪ You jokers and rogues ♪
You’re not the first to fall afoul of the sea,
and you won’t be the last.
Just like King Canute!
♪ 来吧 无用的 ♪
♪ Come, all you no-hopers ♪
What are we gonna do?
♪ 滑稽的 无赖的人 ♪
♪ You jokers and rogues ♪
等潮水退了 我们用
When the tide goes out, we’ll use
Dad’s old tractor to drag it back in.
估计引擎扛不住了 小心
Engine’ll be buggered, mind.
♪ 等你探明去往何方 ♪
♪ Let’s find out where it goes ♪
♪ 也许是通往星星的天梯 ♪
♪ It might be a ladder to the stars ♪
Well, I definitely can’t go back now.
♪ 谁又明了 ♪
♪ Who knows? ♪
♪ 来吧 无用的 ♪
♪ Come, all you no-hopers ♪
♪ 滑稽的 ♪
♪ You jokers ♪
♪ 无赖的人 ♪
♪ And rogues ♪
♪ 我愿做个渔民 徜徉海上 ♪
♪ I wish I was a fisherman Tumblin’ on the seas ♪
该乐队在2011年2月在BBC第二电台民谣颁奖中获”优秀传统奖” 他们在全英国大部分地区进行了巡演 并在格拉斯顿伯里音乐节的金字塔舞台上表演
在他们合体的30余年里 由于一些特殊情况和不幸 成员有所变化 但渔民的朋友的精神始终如一 友谊第一 音乐第二

尽管他们功成名就 但夏季的每个周五 人们仍能看见他们在艾萨克港唱着水手号♥子 做着他们最擅长的事 收入则捐献当地慈善机构
献给我们的朋友 特雷弗和保罗
♪ 远离陆地 逃离回忆 ♪
♪ Far away from dry land And its bitter memories ♪
♪ 舍家弃爱 ♪
♪ Castin’ out my sweet line With abandonment and love ♪
♪ 没有天花板的压♥迫♥ 只有夜空的蓝色 ♪
♪ No ceiling bearin’ down on me Save the starry sky above ♪
♪ 头顶月光 怀搂心爱的你 ♪
♪ With light in my head And you in my arms ♪
♪ 如何对待烂醉的水手 ♪
♪ What shall we do With the drunken sailor? ♪
♪ 如何对待烂醉的水手 ♪
♪ What shall we do With the drunken sailor? ♪
♪ 如何对待烂醉的水手 ♪
♪ What shall we do with the drunken sailor ♪
♪ 清晨便醉怎么办好 ♪
♪ Early in the mornin’? ♪
♪ 嘿哟 涨潮了 嘿哟 涨潮了 ♪
♪ Hooray, up she rises Hooray, up she rises ♪
♪ 嘿哟 涨潮了 ♪
♪ Hooray, up she rises ♪
♪ 清晨便醉怎么办好 ♪
♪ Early in the mornin’ ♪
♪ 把他扔漏水船里 让他舀水 ♪
♪ Put him in a leaky boat And make him bail ‘er ♪
♪ 把他扔漏水船里 让他舀水 ♪
♪ Put him in a leaky boat And make him bail ‘er ♪
♪ 把他扔漏水船里 让他舀水 ♪
♪ Put him in a leaky boat And make him bail ‘er ♪
♪ 清晨便醉怎么办好 ♪
♪ Early in the mornin’ ♪
♪ 嘿哟 涨潮了 嘿哟 涨潮了 ♪
♪ Hooray, up she rises Hooray, up she rises ♪
♪ 嘿哟 涨潮了 ♪
♪ Hooray, up she rises ♪
♪ 清晨便醉怎么办好 ♪
♪ Early in the mornin’ ♪
♪ 把他扔进海盗船里 让他划桨 ♪
♪ Put him in a corsair And make him pull ‘er ♪
♪ 把他扔进海盗船里 让他划桨 ♪
♪ Put him in a corsair And make him pull ‘er ♪
♪ 把他扔进海盗船里 让他划桨 ♪
♪ Put him in a corsair And make him pull ‘er ♪
♪ 清晨便醉怎么办好 ♪
♪ Early in the mornin’ ♪
♪ 嘿哟 涨潮了 嘿哟 涨潮了 ♪
♪ Hooray, up she rises Hooray, up she rises ♪
♪ 嘿哟 涨潮了 ♪
♪ Hooray, up she rises ♪
♪ 清晨便醉怎么办好 ♪
♪ Early in the mornin’ ♪
♪ 把他扔进双桅船里 等他醒酒 ♪
♪ Put him in the brig Until he’s sober ♪
♪ 把他扔进双桅船里 等他醒酒 ♪
♪ Put him in the brig until he’s sober ♪
♪ 把他扔进双桅船里 等他醒酒 ♪
♪ Put him in the brig until he’s sober ♪
♪ 清晨便醉怎么办好 ♪
♪ Early in the mornin’ ♪
♪ 嘿哟 涨潮了 嘿哟 涨潮了 ♪
♪ Hooray, up she rises Hooray, up she rises ♪
♪ 嘿哟 涨潮了 ♪
♪ Hooray, up she rises ♪
♪ 清晨便醉怎么办好 ♪
♪ Early in the mornin’ ♪
♪ 让他跟船长的女儿睡在一起 ♪
♪ Make him sleep With the captain’s daughter ♪
♪ 让他跟船长的女儿睡在一起 ♪
♪ Make him sleep With the captain’s daughter ♪
♪ 让他跟船长的女儿睡在一起 ♪
♪ Make him sleep With the captain’s daughter ♪
♪ 清晨便醉怎么办好 ♪
♪ Early in the mornin’ ♪
♪ 嘿哟 涨潮了 嘿哟 涨潮了 ♪
♪ Hooray, up she rises Hooray, up she rises ♪
♪ 嘿哟 涨潮了 ♪
♪ Hooray, up she rises ♪
♪ 清晨便醉怎么办好 ♪
♪ Early in the mornin’ ♪
♪ 你看见船长的女儿了吗 ♪
♪ Have you seen the captain’s daughter? ♪
♪ 你看见船长的女儿了吗 ♪
♪ Have you seen the captain’s daughter? ♪
♪ 你看见船长的女儿了吗 ♪
♪ Have you seen the captain’s daughter ♪
♪ 一大早哪去了 ♪
♪ Early in the mornin’? ♪
♪ 嘿哟 涨潮了 嘿哟 涨潮了 ♪
♪ Hooray, up she rises Hooray, up she rises ♪
♪ 嘿哟 涨潮了 ♪
♪ Hooray, up she rises ♪
♪ 清晨便醉怎么办好 ♪
♪ Early in the mornin’ ♪
♪ 把他绑在船底 从船头拖到船尾 ♪
♪ Keelhaulin’, keelhaulin’ ♪
♪ 把他绑在船底 从船头拖到船尾 ♪
♪ Keelhaulin’, keelhaulin’ ♪
♪ 把他绑在船底 从船头拖到船尾 ♪
♪ Keelhaulin’, keelhaulin’ ♪
♪ 清晨便醉怎么办好 ♪
♪ Early in the mornin’ ♪
♪ 嘿哟 涨潮了 ♪
♪ Hooray, up she rises ♪
♪ 嘿哟 涨潮了 ♪
♪ Hooray, and up she rises ♪
♪ 嘿哟 涨潮了 ♪
♪ Hooray, up she rises ♪
♪ 清晨便醉怎么办好 ♪
♪ Early in the mornin’ ♪
♪ 致矮小的人 高大的人 ♪
♪ For all the small people And the tall people ♪
♪ 致倾家荡产的人 袖手旁观的人 ♪
♪ For the dispossessed and the observers ♪
♪ 致伤心欲绝的人 刚刚分离的人 ♪
♪ For all the brokenhearted and the recently departed ♪
