


  1. the celestial firmament: 天空
  2. starry firmament: 星空
  3. the vast firmament above: 上辽阔的天空
  4. the boundless firmament: 无边的天穹
  5. the shimmering firmament: 闪烁的天空
  6. the expansive firmament: 广阔的天穹
  7. the azure firmament: 蔚蓝的天空
  8. the radiant firmament: 光辉的天穹
  9. the celestial firmament unfolds: 天空展开
  10. the ethereal firmament: 虚无的天空
  11. the majestic firmament: 雄伟的天空
  12. the resplendent firmament: 辉煌的天穹
  13. the heavenly firmament: 天堂般的天穹
  14. the vastness of the firmament: 天穹的广袤
  15. the tapestry of the firmament: 天穹的织锦
  16. the beauty of the firmament: 天穹的美丽
  17. the serenity of the firmament: 天穹的宁静
  18. the mystery of the firmament: 天穹的神秘
  19. gaze upon the firmament: 凝视天空
  20. explore the wonders of the firmament: 探索天穹的奇迹
  21. the constellations in the firmament: 天穹中的星座
  22. the planets in the firmament: 天穹中的行星
  23. the moon graces the firmament: 月亮点缀天穹
  24. the stars twinkle in the firmament: 星星在天穹中闪烁
  25. the sun illuminates the firmament: 太阳照亮天穹
  26. the colors of the firmament: 天穹的颜色
  27. the vast expanse of the firmament: 天穹的广袤空间
  28. the stillness of the firmament: 天穹的寂静
  29. the immensity of the firmament: 天穹的浩瀚
  30. the grandeur of the firmament: 天穹的壮丽
  31. the deep blue of the firmament: 天穹的深蓝
  32. the shimmering stars in the firmament: 天穹中闪烁的星星
  33. the clouds that adorn the firmament: 装点天穹的云彩
  34. the breathtaking beauty of the firmament: 天穹的惊人美景
  35. the tapestry of stars in the firmament: 天穹中星星的织锦
  36. the celestial bodies that populate the firmament: 充斥天穹的天体
  37. the ever-changing patterns of the firmament: 天穹中不断变化的图案
  38. the night sky ablaze with the firmament: 夜空中燃烧的天穹
  39. the tranquility of the firmament at dawn: 黎明时分的天穹宁静
  40. the cosmic wonders of the firmament: 天穹的宇宙奇观
  41. the vast canopy of the firmament: 天穹的广袤苍穹
  42. the brilliance of the stars against the firmament: 星星在天穹上的光辉
  43. the infinitude of the firmament: 天穹的无限
  44. the firmament stretching out before us: 伸展在我们面前的天穹
  45. the harmony of the celestial firmament: 天穹的和谐
  46. the dance of the constellations in the firmament: 天穹中星座的舞蹈
  47. the splendor of the firmament at night: 夜晚天穹的辉煌
  48. the stillness of the firmament at twilight: 黄昏时分的天穹宁静
  49. the vastness of the firmament encapsulating us: 天穹的广袤包围着我们
  50. the immensity of the firmament filling our senses: 天穹的浩瀚充满我们的感官



firmament (FER ma ment) This noun might sound as if it referred to terra firma, the earth, but instead it refers to the sky, the heavens. It’s usually used in a religious, historical, or poetic context.

•The boys’ school retained its traditional ways, starting chapel every day with the eighteenth-century hymn “The Spacious Firmament on High.”

•Herman Melville, in his powerful novel Moby-Dick, describes the sperm whale as having “one broad firmament of a forehead.”
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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苍穹(FER mament)这个名词听起来好像是指陆地、地球,但实际上是指天空、天空。它通常用于宗教、历史或诗歌背景。
•赫尔曼·梅尔维尔(Herman Melville)在其长篇小说《白鲸》(Moby Dick)中,将抹香鲸描述为“前额有一片宽阔的天空”

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
