


Queen Elizabeth is running this show. The men in her court should be thinking about how to add to the glory of the Elizabethan Age and how to foil those pesky Spanish who got far too much influence in England when her older sister Mary was on the throne after their father Henry VIII was succeeded by their sickly half brother. Elizabeth thinks Michael Ingolby can do great things. Michael is mostly thinking about one of Elizabeth’s ladies in waiting, Cynthia. Soon his mind is on survival when Elizabeth sends him on a voyage to Spain.
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sir william hamilton, a widower of mature years, is british ambassador to the court of naples. emma who comes for a visit with her mother wouldn’t cut the grade with london society but she gets along well with the queen of naples. emma likes being lady hamilton and life goes smoothly until lord nelson pays a visit. sir william decides at first to let his young wife have her fling and pretends not to know what is going on. but the real life lovers, whose first screen romance was in “fire over england” (1937) have an even more burning passion for each other in this film.


劳伦斯·奥利弗与费雯·丽都将[英伦战火]这部电影归功于爱情的火花,两人像片中一样,在地下关系中相爱,挥别各自破碎的婚姻后如愿相守。但是几年之前,奥利弗却被曝出有一段将近二十年的婚外情,并曾对费雯·丽施暴。然而往事无可追,银幕上他仍然是迷人的奥利维尔男爵。 ​​​​(《看电影》杂志)

2 评论

  1. 有些地方带着点儿老电影的浮夸,故事比较稀松,年轻时的费雯丽和奥利佛的确是一对璧人,镜头拉进费雯丽的脸的时候真是让人难以呼吸,她的脸简直就是masterpiece啊~~~
