He went up to Mr. Calabrese and said,
“给你 老大 先这些”…
“Here you are, boss, on account”…
and left the bag on the table.
-然后怎么样 -拉布雷斯把纸包拿过去
-What happened then? -Calabrese took the money…
打开来数 然后他对托尼说…
opened it, counted it. And then he said to Tony…
“这是个什么烂包 钱全都弄油了”
“What the hell kind of bag is this? The money’s all greasy.”
然后托尼说 “对不起 我弄了些鸡蛋卷
And Tony says, “I’m sorry. I ordered some egg rolls.
They was kinda greasy.
It was the only bag I got.”
然后卡拉布雷斯先生说 “你这个狗♥日♥的♥
And Mr. Calabrese says, “You cocksucker.
“你要再把钱弄油了 你就给我补上两倍
“You give me greasy money again, you’ll owe me twice as much.
Now get the fuck outta here.”
然后他开始笑 于是大家都笑了
And he starts to laugh. And then everyone starts to laugh.
卡拉布雷斯先生 把包抛起来 对着开枪
Mr. Calabrese blows the bag up, pops it.
托尼装着中枪了 滑倒在桌子下
Tony makes believe he got shot, slides under the table.
此刻人人都在使劲的笑 笑得都要哭了
So, by now, everyone’s laughing so hard, they’re crying.
卡拉布雷斯先生 就把钱揣到兜里
But Mr. Calabrese short-pocketed the money.
谢谢 谢谢 马坤先生
Thank you. Thank you, Mr. McQueen.
Would you read that back, please?
“他走到卡拉布雷斯先生面前 说
“He went up to Mr. Calabrese and he said,
“给你 老大 先这些”…”
Here you are, boss, on account.”
先这些 有没有这种可能
On account. Isn’t it possible…
that Mr. Compagna owed Mr. Calabrese money…
and was simply repaying him?
-我不知道 -你没有回答这个问题
-I have no idea. -You didn’t answer the question.
会不会是 堪帕尼尔先生
Isn’t it possible that Mr. Compagna…
欠卡拉布雷斯先生的钱呢 是 还是 不是
owed Mr. Calabrese that money, yes or no?
好吧 是
Okay, yes.
No further questions.
You don’t mind if I call you Carl, do you?
你一直叫我卡尔 没道理现在就不叫了
You always called me Carl. No reason to stop now.
好的 卡罗
Okay, Carl.
Do you carry your gun on you at all times?
You’re not gonna shoot me
要是我问的问题不合适了 你会吗
if I ask you the wrong question, are you?
我保证 杰基
I assure you, Jackie,
开枪这种想法 从没出现在我的脑子里
the thought of shooting you never crossed my mind.
嗯 那很好
Well, that’s good.
把你的手放上来 让我能看到
Just keep your hands on the rail where I can see them anyway.
法官大人 我们是否正在进行严肃的审讯
Your Honor, we’re either in a serious trial here, or we’re not.
狄诺西尔先生此刻必须清楚自己的行为 所产生的后果
Mr. DiNorscio must know the consequences of his behavior by now.
You get him good.
This fuck-head is turning it into a fuckin’ vaudeville story.
-冷静点 尼克 -狄诺西尔先生 继续进行
-Calm down, Nick. -Mr. DiNorscio, proceed.
你认识我的父亲 对吗
Now, you knew my father, right?
Met him six years ago.
He threatened me at the New Brunswick courthouse.
-老爸 请您老站起来一下 -他是个骗子
-Pop, would you stand up? -He’s a liar!
A goddamn liar!
No remarks from the spectators.
还记得你去 路易斯堡监狱探望过我父亲吗
Now, you remember when you went to visit my pop in Lewisburg Penitentiary?
Very well.
-我弟弟拉尔夫和你一块去 对吗 -没错
-My brother Ralph went with you, right? -Correct.
那时 你们还算计着带些酒过去
Now, you was going up to bring up some liquor?
-偷偷带进去 -对
-You were gonna sneak it in? -Right.
那时你知道我弟弟是个酒鬼 对吗
Now, you knew my brother was a boozer, right?
-是的 人人都知道 -卡尔
-Yes. Everyone knew. -Carl…
you took my brother to see my father.
You knew he was a drunk when you left…
你又去给他买♥♥了更多的酒 对吗
and you still went and bought him more liquor, right?
It was his idea we go get some liquor for your father.
我们停下来 买♥♥了一些 他给自己拿了几瓶
We stopped, bought some. He picked up some for himself.
I had no intentions of ever abusing your brother’s problem.
But you’re an F.B.I. Agent.
你是一个把酒私带到进联邦监狱的 联邦调查局特工
You’re an F.B.I. Agent smuggling liquor into a federal pen!
Your brother’s the one insisted we go.
He was an alcoholic!
My father lives in a four-room apartment with my mother…
我弟弟就葬在 离那里4条街区远的公墓里
four blocks from the cemetery where my brother was buried.
是你把他害死了 卡尔
And you helped kill him, Carl.
I don’t believe I played any part in your brother’s death.
I think maybe you should look at yourself.
Is the sun ever gonna come out?
一会就爆热了 甜心 不用担心
It’ll burn off, sweetheart. Don’t you worry.
Fuckin’…Fuckin’ Jackie got his ass handed to him yesterday.
哦 我还是他妈的第一次 给一个联邦特工喝彩
Oh, first fuckin’ time I found myself rootin’ for a fed.
那个狗♥日♥的♥草包会害我们被吊死的 相信我
That fuckin’ douche bag’s gonna leave us hangin’. Trust me.
我认为你错了 尼克
I think you’re wrong, Nick.
Who the fuck are you to think I’m wrong?
我可以认为你错 尼克 这是一个崇尚自♥由♥的国家
I can think you’re wrong, Nick. It’s a free country.
嘿 屎脑袋 如果自♥由♥的话…
Hey, shit for brains, if it’s so fuckin’ free…
how come we’re over a year in the trial,
and they’re still holding our bail money, huh?
你这么聪明的 那当然了 这看看这张牌
You’re such a fuckin’ smart guy, answer me that. Look at this-gin.
嘿 比力尼 你怎么有个外号♥”艺术家”
Hey, Bellini, how come you got that nickname “Artist”?
卡罗 你告诉他
Tell him, Carlo.
你没听说过画家 比力尼吗
You never heard of the painter Bellini?
他是十六世纪一个伟大的画家 威尼斯人
He was a great Italian painter, 16th century from Venezia.
哦 对 这些屁事你怎么知道的 卡罗
Oh, yeah, how do you know all that shit, Carlo?
你说呢 想让我一辈子像你一样 什么都不知道么
What do you think, I wanna be ignorant all my life like you?
I’m interested in the great Italians.
-他是意大利人 -哦 操你 笨蛋
-He was Italian? -Oh, fuck you, ignoramus.
-他是个同性恋 -滚你♥妈♥的♥蛋
-He was a fag. -Get the fuck outta here.
呵 呵 他是个同性恋 我说得对吗 卡罗
Nah, nah. He was a fag, am I right, Carlo?
没错 尼克 你是怎么知道的
You’re right, Nick. How’d you know?
My great-grandfather fucked him.
你真不是东西 尼克
You’re somethin’ else, Nick.
那么 克劳斯先生
So, Mr. Kraus,
when did you become a cooperating witness for the F.B.I?
I got arrested for drugs.
The feds go talk to my lawyer,
然后他来找我 他说”理查”
and he comes to me and he says, “Charley”
What’s going on back there?
很抱歉 法官大人 纳伯力先生 好像滚下床了
I’m sorry, Your Honor. Mr. Napoli seems to have rolled off his bed.
他没事吧 纳伯力先生
Is he all right? Mr. Napoli?
纳伯力先生 你没事吧
Mr. Napoli, are you all right?
还好 我还好 法官大人
Okay. I’m okay, Your Honor.
-出什么事了 -我睡着了
-What happened? -I fell asleep.
I must have rolled off.
Can we get Mr. Napoli some coffee?
And can we put up the side rails on his bed?
什么 狄诺西尔先生
Yeah, Mr. DiNorscio?
可以进一步说话吗 法官大人
May I have a sidebar, Your Honor?
-我的狱警 -嘿 嘿 等我一下 杰基
-My marshals -Hey, hey, wait for me, Jackie.
My marshals have been giving me a hard time for weeks now.
别人想吃什么就有什么 我就不行
Everybody gets to eat what they want, and not me.
I gotta eat what they bring me.
我定了 花生酱 他们却给我弄花生碎块
I ordered, uh, creamy peanut butter, and they brought me chunky.
狄诺西尔先生 这不是我能管的范围
Please, Mr. DiNorscio, this isn’t my department.
Take it up at M.C.C.
午餐时间 一个半小时
Lunch. Hour and a half.
他小命都保不住了 还管什么午饭
He’s facing life, and all that stupid bastard can think about is lunch.
是啊 顾问律师
Yeah, lunch on this, counselor.
告诉我 杰基 哪一个比较舒服一些…
Tell me, Jackie, which is easier…
是在你那轻便小床上撒野 还是坐你那张椅子上
jerkin’ off in your cot or sittin’ up in your chair?
I like to rub around in my chair.
对 我猜到了
Yeah, I figured.
That’s why I had it removed.
-你 -杰基 你这是干嘛
-You mother -Jackie, what are you doing?
你这个混♥蛋♥ 你把我的椅子弄走了
