Because I was actually doing the screen test for the MC.
I’ve seen about 30, 35 actors.
当时在试镜的是一个还蛮知名的演员 突然间电♥话♥来了
And I’m auditioning, it was a really well-known actor, and suddenly this phone call came through.
我一接起来 他就说 利昂 我决定了 你来演
So I picked up the phone, and he said, “Leon, I just decided, you’re gonna play it.”
然后就挂了 一句多余的都没有
And put the phone down. That was it.
May I have the password, please.
I just felt that I could build on it for every take.
And you weren’t afraid of going too far or going over the top.
可以继续探索 一直继续 就和拍《巴里•林登》时的感觉一模一样
You could just keep going, and keep going. Just like when I was working on Barry Lyndon.
我们每天都得处理这个 灯光的布置
This is what we had to do everyday, they were the lighting plans.
每天晚上我们都巡视一番 大概凌晨1点的时候
So we went around together, every night, like 1 a.m.,
and we would take the readings from the lights.
And then I had to send the fax to the DOP, with the laid out plan of every light.
But isn’t that what the cinematographer supposed to do themselves?
是啊 但是斯坦利从来不放心别人
Yes, but you know, Stanley never trusted anybody.
He just didn’t.
对很多人来说肯定很不好受 你想 他们都是行业顶尖
It must have been very difficult for people, you know, who are serious professionals,
要去承受那种 怎么说呢 说好听点是检查吧
Just to go through that kind of, I don’t know, examination? For one of the better word.
But he had this specific look that he want?
是的 而且一旦找到想要的就不想改了
Yeah he did, and he wanted to keep it, once he found it.
有一天利昂把我叫到一边 跟我说
On one of the days Leon pulled me aside and he said:
你知道吗 斯坦利只看了你一个人的试镜带
“You know, Stanley really only saw your tape.”
我说 这样啊 谢谢你的鼓励利昂 很赞
And I was like, “Oh, thanks Leon, that’s really cool.”
他就说 不我说真的 我只给了他你一个人的试镜
He said, “No, really, yours is the only tape I put in.”
然后斯坦利看了就说 很好 就这么定下来了
“So you know, Stanley looked at it and went, ‘great’. And that’s happened.”
所以告诉你一声 你那天表现很棒 我就知道叫你来试镜没错
“So just letting you know, you were great on the day, and that’s why I booked you.”
“Really glad you’re part of this.”
我就说哇利昂 真的多谢了哥们 真的
And I said ah Leon, thank you man, this is really
that’s a lot of high praise coming from you.
利昂永远在工作 都不睡的 我根本想不起来他什么时候睡过
Leon, he was always working, never sleeping. I don’t know when he slept at all.
蒙面舞会那场戏 我要演8个不同的角色 包括红斗篷司仪
In the masked ball scene, I’m playing 8 different people, including the Red Cloak.
有时候拍完了一条 斯坦利会说
You know we’d finish a take, and Stanley’d say,
利昂 下去找我们两个星期前拍的那段
“Leon, go down and find the shot that we took like, two weeks ago.”
我那会穿着一身的戏服 15厘米高的厚鞋子 长长的袍子
I was on these 6-inch high platforms and this full dress costume.
就得这么跑过一条走廊 因为他从来不愿意等
I had to run down this corridor, cuz it had to be “now, now”,
And then I have to search through all these slates,
把菲林放到编辑台上 等他下来一起看
And put it up on the Steenbeck, and he’d come down and we’d look at it.
然后他说 很好 走 回去继续
And he said, “Great, now get back up there.”
我就只好又跑回拍摄现场 大家继续之前的拍摄工作
So I’d be running back up to the set, and then we were up and running again.
You know this is what Stanley grew to look like,
能看出来他的劳累 外界有些人说难听的话
and you could see he was kind of tired. I mean some people have said, unkindly,
说他失去才能了 但是我跟你说
That they thought he’d lost it. But I can tell you,
如果你也每天在他身边待着 就绝不会这么想
if you were there with him everyday, that was the last thing.
他和我 加上玛格丽特•亚当斯 他的协调员
He and I, and Margaret Adams, who was his coordinator,
我们总是工作室里最后三个人 凌晨三四点的时候
We were the last people at the studio, and it would be 3 or 4 in the morning.
But there was a ritual which we always had,
收工以后 等所有人都离开工作室了
When it was a wrap, and when everyone left the studio,
他会进我办公室来 说我们谈一谈
He would come into my office and say, “let’s have a talk”.
And then we talk about everything that had gone well that day,
谁很努力 谁不努力 然后要看头一天或者再前一天拍摄的画面
Who tried hard, who didn’t. We’re always looking at materials shot yesterday or the day before or whatever.
那会我们忙着拍新片 同时威尼斯电影节又宣布了
We were shooting, and at the same time, Venice Film Festival had announced that
they were going to celebrate the filmmaker Stanley Kubrick.
他们就需要他所有作品的片子 我就得在实验室里赶工出来
But they needed copies of all his films, so I was, having to crank those out the lab.
而且 我们那时在做《发条橙》新的中间底片
And at the same time, we were making a new internegative of Clockwork Orange.
再来 我还得做对白教练 选角 一大堆各种别的事
And at the same time, I was dialogue coaching, casting, and god knows what.
And I just thought I was gonna explode.
He was getting tireder, and tireder, and tireder.
You know there were some days when we were driving home from this location in Norfolk,
他下车的时候 我就在担心
And when he got out the car, you kind of thought,
感觉他好像连大门都走不到 哪怕车就停在门口
He’s not even gonna find the way to the front door, but we’re parked right in front of it.
If he bent down to the floor to pick something up,
Then I had to bend down and pick Stanley up.
I think that last week was totally exhausting for him.
那天是星期六下午 我要去超♥市♥
On the Saturday afternoon I went down to the supermarket.
有人打我电♥话♥ 我接了 是斯坦利
My phone rang and I answered it, and it was Stanley.
我就站着 靠在我车上 我们说了两个半小时的话
I was standing, leaning up against my car, and we were talking for 2.5 hours.
感觉很怪异 纯粹是因为他就像我初次见到他时一样温和友好
It was eerie, simply because it was that same kind of gentleness as the very first day I met him.
他第一次说”你好利昂 我是斯坦利”的那种感觉
When he said, “Hello Leon, I’m Stanley”.
整个对话都很理智 谨慎 而且温柔
Everything was rational, and measured, and gentle.
More relaxed than it had been for quite a while,
because you’re in the middle of this mayhem.
但那次确实很放松 真的
But it was. It was.
That was the last contact I had with him,
然后星期天早上清晨 他就走了
And then of course, early hours of Sunday morning is when he died.
听别人说 看上去他是
I was told that it looked as if he had been
想要去够一个氧气瓶 在他卧室里
trying to reach for an oxygen bottle that he had in his bedroom.
斯坦利•库布里克去世 享年70岁… 充满争议的电影大♥师♥…
Stanley Kubrick has died at the age of 70… Controversial master of cinema…
库布里克是电影界最伟大且最具争议的导演之一 于今日去世
Stanley Kubrick, one of film’s greatest, yet most controversial, died today.
他的作品备受同行推崇 比如《2001:太空漫游》和《发条橙》
Kubrick was revered by peers for movies like 2001: A Space Odyssey, and A Clockwork Orange.
He just finished what was to be his last film, Eyes Wide Shut.
The studio was in shock for a while.
而且因为斯坦利他 还在为交货这件事收尾
And because Stanley, when he was making the film and getting it ready for delivery,
As a finished piece of work, as a finished film to the studio.
That part of it was now missing.
So there was Leon Vitali who was the key factor in all of this.
He’d been through the process of making the film.
利昂他们几个人 我把他们叫做”库布里克马棚”
Leon Vitali was probably the most important person from
what I call “The Kubrick Stable”.
I have to tell you it was a very touching scene at the Dorset Hotel.
利昂站在那 双眼哭得通红 但是决心十足
There was Leon, eyes reddened with tears, but determined
面对着华纳董事会 华纳技术部总监
in the face of General Board of Company, the head of Warner Brothers Technical,
还有库布里克的小舅子 他下定决心要尽他所能
Stanley Kubrick’s brother in law. Determined that he was going to do whatever he could,
按照斯坦利的设想 去完成《大开眼戒》
To finish Eyes Wide Shut, as Stanley would’ve wanted it.
And that’s the greatest compliment I can pay,
因为那不仅需要个人能力 还是个很艰巨的承诺
Because that speaks not of personal kudos, but of a commitment too.
这个你无比熟悉 一起相处了30年的人
The person that you know, you had this relationship with for 30 years,
朝夕相处 都牺牲了自己的生活 他现在不在了
Every single day, sacrificed your life, they’re gone.
And now you’re left to do this last piece of their work.
And then you’re having a bunch of other people,
不把你放眼里不尊敬你 总是踩低你
Like not respecting you and treating you like shit about it.
当时很糟糕 是一段很糟糕的日子
It was bad. It was a bad time.
在那之前 他们那一套行事标准是可行的
It was easier to work and live by those standards and that code,
I think it was harder as an assistant to demand the same.
很困难? -是啊
Wasn’t easy? -No.
他还在世的时候 当然我们也有些事需要争取 但有他在
When he was alive, we fought the battles of course, we did. But he was there.
And everything was about him.
现在是所有其他人自认为 他有些什么想法
Now it was about what everybody thought he was about.
I mean there were people just crawling out the woodwork,
来阻碍我们的工作 一副他们说了算的架子
Being as obstructive like they wanted to be the ones who were gonna
Now tell us how things were gonna be done.
And sort of sticking that picture up there in my office,
我有时候就可以看着照片 跟自己说
I could just look at that picture and I just thought:
“Well no, this is why you’re doing it.”
Everything in this picture doesn’t really even describe the rest of it.
Because at that time I was also checking every single transfer from every country in the world.
拿去美国放映的菲林 每五卷里就有一卷
1 in 5 prints that were shown in theaters in America,
Was checked from the first to the last reel.
当时光美国 我记得好像就有两千五百卷吧
I think there was something like 2,500 prints that came to America?
你怎么病倒的? -我来跟你说啊
So how did you collapse? -I’m gonna tell you this,
And it’s not to make myself a hero or anything like that.
我在实验室里连续忙了两阵 每次36小时
I did two 36-hour sessions in the screening room at the lab.
我时不时就得打个电♥话♥ 跟他们说
And I had to make a call every now and then, to say:
“Could somebody come down here and keep their eye on the print?”
因为我要跑一边去呕吐 就有那么严重
Because I had to run off and throw up. I was so sick.
I was so sick.
Our working days were anything 15, 18 hours.
Leon was doing 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
我不想说这个了 -我都不知道他有没有睡过
I don’t think I wanna talk about this. -I don’t know when he ever slept.
华纳最后还是发♥售♥了多碟DVD套装 因为他们之前已经大力宣传过了
They had released the DVD set, because they’d done so much heavy advertising
Timed with the release of Eyes Wide Shut.
