但同时他又像匹马 什么体力活都干
And at the same time he was a work horse. He’d do anything.
I mean, he’ll carry logs for you.
When you’re working with these kind of directors,
It’s like you’re sharing your blood with them.
尤其是合作密切的时候 像毒品的感觉
If you’re on the inside, I think it could be like a drug.
Film workers are slightly different than other people,
And that goes for theater workers too.
他们都是因为热爱而入行 工作时间长 经常都回不了家
They’re usually there for the love, they work worst hours, they’re usually not at home.
而且在剧组工作时 这些人会在几小时内就形成非常亲密的
And they do all this with a fantastic capacity of creating a functioning social unit
社交小圈子 感情很好
That is extremely intimate within hours.
记得有次我晚上去公♥司♥见我们的底片团队 他们当时在处理
I remember coming in at night and meeting the negative developing crew.
非常珍贵的底片 房♥间里完全没有光线
Precious negative. There’s no light in the room,
他们完全靠感觉 和触觉
Everything you do is by feeling, by touch.
有一次胶片机坏了 胶片掉了出来
Once there was a break on a developer,
And a guy basically wrapped himself in film, so that he could
迅速抽起来 再迅速泡回冲洗液里 就为了挽救那些胶片
Pull it over and quickly get it back into solution to save the film.
I mean this industry has been built on people like that.
你需要做的付出不是在一个普通的级别 而是最高的级别
And you’re not just doing it at this level, you’re doing it at this level.
You’re doing, you’re at the tip of the spear.
That is an absolutely intoxicating and addictive environment.
我并不是为创造力痴狂 它就是一个必需的要求
I don’t have an obsession for creativity, it just is a necessary requirement.
我们这些人要么热爱创造 欲罢不能
You either love it so much you can’t help it,
要么完全是个傻子 或者两种都占了
Or you’re a fucking idiot, or you’re a mixture of both.
你也很痴迷于创造力吗 -不知道 我没想过
Are you obsessive about creativity also? -I don’t know, I don’t think about it.
我是喜欢创作没错 工作很忙 不工作的时候 我就烹饪
I am creative, I work a lot, and when I’m not working, I’m cooking.
不烹饪的时候 我就做♥爱♥ 都是需要创意的事情
When I’m not cooking, I’m fucking. It’s all creative work.
在瑞典皇家戏剧院 我给一个非常优秀的瑞典导演做过几年助手
I worked as an assistant for a very very good Swedish director in the Royal Dramatic Theater for several years.
在他的舞台剧里演些小角色 主要干了很多副手的活
I did small roles in his plays and did a lot of assisted work.
And I loved it!
慢慢地 他的情绪就是你的情绪 他的想法就是你的想法
And after a while you feel how he feels, you think how he thinks.
And you learn to see what’s going on with his eyes.
And that’s a fantastic revelation as an assistant.
This was an vicarious experience.
我通过别人的超凡才能 去感受各种事物
I’m experiencing something through somebody else’s genius or whatever it is.
在工作时沉浸其中 不断学习
You go with it and you work with it, and then you learn from it.
跟上节奏 哪怕斯坦利突然说 我改主意了
And you get the hang of it. And then Stanley would suddenly say, “changed my mind”.
要从头开始做起 对我来说又有什么区别?
You’re starting all over again. What differences does it make to me?
我本来就是为他服务的 而他为他的电影服务
I’m at the service of him, because he’s at the service of his movie.
关键是 我愿意 我想要跟在斯坦利身边 和他一起工作
And the thing was that, I wanted, I wanted to be with Stanley, work with Stanley.
忙前忙后 我就是愿意
Do all that stuff. I just wanted to.
He was the most brilliant, fantastic filmmaker of the 20th century,
我能为他工作 是有多么荣幸 嗯?在他身边那么多年
And how honored was I, to be able to work for him, hmm? For all those years.
I’ve noticed for a very long time, since I was very young,
That how, what kind of impact Stanley had on him.
还有他们关系的重要性 虽然我自己有时候不高兴
How important that was. Even though I didn’t always like it,
但还是一直都知道 那是他的 怎么说呢 是他需要的东西
But kind of always known that, that was his, you know, that’s what he needed as well.
我的父亲 我是很爱他的
My dad, who I loved, I loved him.
小时候他会弹钢琴 然后唱《美丽大海》给我听
He’d sit down at a piano, and used to sing La Mer to me.
非常美好的记忆 我站在旁边 他一边弹着唱着 一边看着我
It was just wonderful to stand there, and he’d be playing, but he’d be looking at me while he was singing it.
让人感觉 是专门为我唱的
You felt like oh, this is just for me.
不管他能否理解吧 那首歌♥很多年来都渗透在我的心里
And whether he understood or not, that song permeated me over many years.
留下很深刻的印记 到现在都还是
So deeply that it really became, and still is,
非常美的一首歌♥ 我可以不厌其烦地反复听
One of those beautiful songs that I can hear over and over and over again.
第一次世界大战期间 我父亲还是个孩子 生活在比利时
During the First World War, when my father was a child and living in Belgium.
德国人去到了他家里 只有他和他妈妈在
The Germans had come to his house, there was just him and his mother there.
And his father was part of the resistance to the German invasion,
And they had come looking for him.
他妈妈 也许是不知道 也许是不肯说 没有透露他的行踪
And his mother either couldn’t or wouldn’t say what she knew about where he was,
They took her out into the backyard and they shot her,
And made my father watch the incident.
He was a very very volatile person for the rest of his life.
那时家庭生活是什么样的? -有时候挺爆♥炸♥性的
So what was the household like? -It could be explosive at times.
胆战心惊 在我印象中是这样的 -没错
Fraught, I think as… -Yes. -As I remember it. -Yes
是说父亲还在世的时候吗 那是啊
What, when father was alive? Oh yes.
You had to do just the slightest thing to get him to flip his tie.
I think we just tried not to put ourselves in the position which would engender any criticism.
I think that’s really what we tried to do.
尽量低调 不碍事 对吧?
Keep your heads down, and keep out of the way.
He died when I was eight.
I remember it was a beautiful summer morning.
妈妈和哥哥在粉刷家里的走廊 这个让我觉得很有意思
And what was funny for me, my mother and my older brother were painting the hallway.
我靠近她 然后说”我听到…” 我话还没说完 她就打断了我
I went to her and I said “I heard…”, and before I could say anything else, she just hushed me up.
然后我看着她的脸 这辈子从来没见过那么平和的一张脸
And I looked at her face, and I’ve never seen such a peaceful face in my life.
她说 “去你的房♥间吧 安静♥坐♥着 思考一下”
And she said, “go into your bedroom and just sit down quietly, and think.”
我一开始当然在想 以后我们再也不能跟他去电影院了
Of course I was thinking, well, we’ll never go to the cinema with him again,
We’ll never walk down to the sweet shop on the Sunday morning with him again;
继续想就发现 我也再也不会被他扇巴掌了
And then you also thought, well, I won’t ever get slapped by him again,
And I won’t have to watch him trying to kill my oldest brother again.
我一边想着这些事 一边听到安静的家里 只有刷子和涂料的声音
And while I was thinking all these things, all I could hear was these paintbrushes going whoosh.
Bit by bit, we kind of rebuilt our lives.
当然了 我们一家是学校的校工 每天晚上都还是要干活的
But of course, we were caretakers of the school so it meant that we had a job to do every night.
跟斯坦利一起的时候 我也慢慢领悟到了
When it came to Stanley, you see, I kind of got it in a way.
I just understood from my experience with my dad.
就是要退后一步 这样你就不会被虐待到
You take a step back, so you weren’t being abused.
保持着距离 不去对峙 不去回应
You just stood back, you didn’t confront, didn’t challenge.
就让他们自己发脾气去 发完了就没事了
You just let them blast their way out of whatever it was they had a problem with.
I think that’s what I bless Stanley for, more than anything else is,
He kinda helped me to understand who I am.
你既是在他手下为他工作 也和他并肩一起工作
The thing with Stanley was, you worked FOR him, but you also worked WITH him,
And he gave you that latitude.
重要的不是我想成为什么样的人 而是我本身是个什么样的人
It’s not about what I wanna be anymore, it’s about how I am.
华纳兄弟的老板有一次来伦敦出差 就在斯坦利去世前不久
You know, the head of Warner Brothers once said to me on a visit to London shortly before Stanley died.
他跟我说”他的制片成本那么低 真厉害”
He said, “It’s remarkable how low his production costs are.”
我说 是啊 说真的那是因为他什么都会做 他是库布里克啊…
And I said: “Well that’s because quite frankly he does everything. He’s Stanley Kubrick…”
“The only thing he doesn’t do is act.”
其实他演过一次 有过一次表演 是给利昂演的
He acted once actually, he did do a performance once, for Leon.
晚上好 很抱歉不能到场和各位相聚一堂
Good evening, I’m sorry not to be able to be with you tonight,
To receive this great honor.
工作人员带着提词卡来了 我负责拍摄
People came, they set up the cue cards, I had the camera.
一般来说 做提词卡的人会留下来操作提词卡
So, as usual, the guys who set up the cue card were gonna be there operating,
但斯坦利说 不不不 呃 还是请你离开吧
And Stanley said: “No no no, could you, could you go?”
我就只好一只手用摄像机 另一只手翻提词卡
So in the end I was operating the camera and having to operate the cue card at the same time.
And we did it again,
他要么说 哎呀 你翻提词卡翻得太快了
and it would be “man, you’re moving it too fast, the cue card.”
要么说 利昂你动作太慢了
Or “Leon you’re moving it too slow”.
拍好以后 他突然开始倒♥退♥着走
When he finished, he started walking backwards.
我就说 你这是闹哪出啊
And I said, “why are you doing that?”
他就一本正经地说 我就是 想来个正式的收尾啊
And he said: “Well, you know, kind of finishing it off you know.”
我说 我觉得如果给镜头来个模糊淡出 这样会更好吧
I said: “I think it would be better really, if I just kind of put a big fade on the camera,”
就让你淡出画面 慢慢变成黑屏
“so that you weren’t there anymore. It just went to black, you know.”
It was quite torturous for him.
I had a feeling that everything around Leon and Stanley
Was a studio for um, filmmaking.
各种大小事情 都是做电影的视角
High and low, small details, big things…
就像是来到了一个创造研讨会 非常有创造力的氛围
It was like coming to a creative workshop. Very creative atmosphere.
开始了吗利昂 -嗯
So, Leon? -Mmhmm.
有开始拍吗 哦 对你说过了
Have we been recording this? Oh you’ve been talking yeah.
还有别的假发套吗 -有
Have you any more wigs? -Yes.
Let’s try some.
You look like you lost weight.
他们通知我来伦敦试镜 就是我 斯坦利和利昂三个人
They asked me to come to London, it was just me and Stanley and Leon in the room.
Look at me.
Just angle your legs a bit straighter.
放松 你自在就行 但是换个姿势 -要走动吗
Well any way you want, but not the way you were. -Just moving?
你怎么样觉得自在就行 -哦…
Whatever you feel comfortable. -Oh…
你没做过模特类工作是吧? -没有
You haven’t been a model I see, huh? -No.
啊 这照片是《大开眼戒》的时候 我演红衣司仪
Oh these are from Eyes Wide Shut. When I was playing Red Cloak.
要化妆 收拾一下
For a bit of makeup, touch up.
虽然我不知道有什么用 我总是戴着面具哈哈哈
Although I never understood it, seeing I was wearing a mask.
他告诉你让你演司仪 当时是什么感觉? -啊呀 尴尬死了
What was the feeling when he called you, the MC… -Oh, well, embarrassed.
