“你叫什么啊 人♥渣♥” 骂他们是巨婴 逼其中几个吸自己的大拇指
“what’s your name,scumbag”,I had couple of them sucking their thumbs.
然后我注意到利昂 他突然认真了起来
Then I noticed that Leon was suddenly,
一会拍那些士兵 一会拍我
He would tape them,then he would come to me.
我就想 有希望了
So I said yup,it’s working.
I ended up having to rehearse all this dialogue with Leon,
而李•厄米就在外面和部队一起 指挥他们行军
And Lee Ermey is out with the troops,marching them around.
Then I started doing that dialogue:
你们要是有痣 小包 疤 随便什么从头上凸起来
“If you have a mole,bump,scar or anythingelse protruding from your head,”
不管是什么 要是头上有凸起
“and by protruding I mean anything else sticking up out of your head,”
“theminute you sit in that chair…”
他说 停
He goes,”stop”.
我问怎么了 不是挺好的吗
I go,”What? It was going pretty good.”
他说 应该是只要你们坐”进”椅子
It’s “the minute you sit down in that chair”.
我就 切
And I went,pffft.
I knew that Leon would send the tape to Stanley,
Stanley would see the tape that night
And tomorrow I would have the job.
Plain and simple.
You knew that?
我心里知道 没错
In my mind I knew that,yes.
我把录像拿给斯坦利 跟他说你一定要看看这个
I took the tapes to Stanley, I said you’ve got to see this.
他看的时候忍♥不住笑 笑得几乎满地打滚
He couldn’t help laughing, I mean he was falling about all over the place.
I pretty much was counting on being called to the production office first thing the next morning,
And I was.
拍那部片时 我觉得我最艰巨的任务
The hardest thing I think I actually had to do on that film was
就是去那个人家里 给他斯坦利写的信
Go to this guy’s house, and give him a letter that Stanley had written
信上说 很抱歉通知你 但是…
Saying, “I’m really sorry to tell you, but…”
在艰难长久的考虑后 我决定让李•厄米饰演哈特曼教官
“After a painful lot of deliberation, I’ve decided to use Lee Ermey to play Sergeant Hartman.”
“But I’d like you to stay on and play the helicopter door gunner,”
“which is a very powerful role in a very powerful scene.”
诚敬 斯坦利•库布里克
“Sincerely, Stanley Kubrick”
太打击我了 我那段时间不想见任何人
Well, it crushed me. And I didn’t wanna be around people so…
I could see that they were…
所有东西都变模糊了 电视也是模糊的
Everything became like a blur to me, TV was kinda blurry.
我很恼火 八个月以来 那个角色都是属于我的
And I was angry because I had that role for 8 months,
That he couldn’t come to me as a man and talk to me about it.
He sent Leon with a letter.
The caliber of actors who’d probably sell their own mothers
Just to have the chance of working with Stanley…
你以为已经是你的了 突然间没了
You think you’ve got it, and then suddenly it’s gone.
It was not an easy thing to sit through,
我都为他心痛 真的
My heart bled for him, it really did.
作为斯坦利的助手 利昂时刻准备着迎接任何挑战
“As Stanley’s assistant, Leon is prepared to go for, and answer everything that might come up.”
这是份艰巨的工作 从利昂的脸上就能看出来
“It’s a huge undertaking. Leon’s face is a testament to that undertaking.”
“A road map of sleeplessness and concern.”
我爱利昂 但他让我感到难过
“I love Leon, but he makes me sad.”
我想要帮他 但不知该怎么帮 他已经选定自己的路了
“I wanna help him, but I don’t know how. He’s chosen his path.”
利昂来找我 说想要帮我练台词的时候 我是有疑心的
I was suspicious of Leon when he would come to me and say that he wanted to work on my lines.
Because I knew that he was that guy that was back there in the shadows,
Who was speaking to Stanley.
And I thought maybe, and I think the other actors working on the film thought that
Leon might have been some kind of spy
来监视看有没有人抽大♥麻♥啊 吸毒玩太嗨啊
That was going to see if somebody was smoking pot, or if somebody was doing drugs.
So everybody was kinda a little bit suspicious of Leon.
但其实 利昂只不过一心一意想帮大家做好最充足的准备
When in fact, all Leon wanted to do was to make sure that people were truly, deeply prepared.
Everybody was on edge.
What I realized was that with each day that went pass,
能看到 感受到斯坦利越来越紧绷 不安
I could see and feel Stanley getting more and more tense, and nervous.
我们有个艺术导演 都有过一次精神崩溃
We had an art director who had a nervous breakdown,
Simply because the work had to be done.
拍摄地点贝克顿煤气厂 基本是要先轰炸一番再重建一下
I mean Beckton had to be demolished and then kind of built again.
斯坦利派利昂给我 我就是利昂的项目
Stanley assigned Leon to me. I was Leon’s project.
“Do you think you’re Mickey Spillane?”
对 加上这句
That’s right, “you think you’re Mickey Spillane”…
李有好几个小时长的试镜录像 这些录像带
It was all the hours and hours and hours of Lee’s audition, and these tapes.
我们让人抄写下来 李的角色基本上就是从这大概800页的对白里拼凑出来的
We had them transcribed, and we actually stitched together Lee’s role from about 800 pages.
I know how hard he worked with Lee Ermey,
Because Lee’s dressing room was next door to my dressing room.
And I heard them playing catch with a ball.
有一天利昂生我气了 桌上有一碗水果
One day I pissed off Leon. There was a bowl of fruit,
他伸手拿起个橙子 然后扔了过来
He reached over, he picked up an orange, and he threw it at me.
我接住了 又扔回去
I caught it, and I threw it back.
我们一边来回扔那个橙子 我就练起了台词
And as we were tossing that orange back and forth, I started doing dialogue.
It didn’t matter to him how often we went through stuff,
内容那么多 他都不介意
How much we went through stuff.
我让他躺在地板上 闭着眼睛
I have him lying on his back on the floor with his eyes closed,
练他的对白 然后叫他加速加速加速
Just say the dialogue, and then speed it up and speed it up and speed it up.
So he was just saying it fast fast fast…
不是的 长官!
Sir, no, sir!
你是个死基佬吗! -不是的 长官!
Are you a peter puffer? -Sir, no, sir!
I bet you’re the kind of guy that would fuck a person in the ass
and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give him a reach-around.
Leon Vitali, I…
每天晚上他送我回去休息 第二天早上又来接我
He would drop me off in the evening, and then he would pick me up in the morning.
只要我在片场 他肯定也在
When I was there, he was there.
而我一天有14到20个小时在那 一周七天
And I was there anywhere 14, 20 hours a day, 7 days a week.
太厉害了 他都不睡觉的 斯坦利激励着他
It was amazing, he never slept. Stanley drove him.
如果没有利昂 我在《全金属外壳》里的表现
If it wasn’t for Leon Vitali, I doubt I would’ve done half the job
That I ended up doing in Full Metal Jacket.
你听着 二等兵”傻子”
Now you listen to me, Private Pyle.
And you listen good.
我要那把枪 现在就要
I want that weapon, and I want it now.
你把枪放下 放你脚边 然后往后退
You will place that rifle on the deck at your feet, and step back away from it.
What is your major malfunction, numbnuts?! Didn’t mommy and daddy show you enough attention…
And that is the one that opened all the doors, so…
I haven’t stopped working ever since.
It’s been a great life.
电影这会已经完成了 拍完了 都结束了
They’re done with the movie, the movie’s finished, shot, done.
And they decide to put the door gunner role back in.
He actually stayed at my house.
开始 -随着我们一遍遍过 我能注意到
Action. -And as we went through it, what you notice was that,
Little by little he was beginning to find nuances.
你杀过女人和小孩吗 -偶尔有
Any women and children? -Sometimes.
It really was a wonderful kind of process,
Of watching somebody get an understanding about something.
后来 我们终于要去拍摄了
And then, when we actually went to the place to shoot it.
我们先坐上直升飞机 我带着录像机
We went up in a helicopter and I took a video camera with me.
我们彩排 因为斯坦利当然不能自己去坐直升机
And we rehearsed it. Because Stanley, of course, he wasn’t gonna fly.
然后斯坦利大概中午到的 我们已经练了两三个小时了
Then Stanley arrived, about noon, and we’ve been doing this for about 2, 3 hours.
他们在小屋里布置好 放彩排录像
And then they set up the thing in the outhouse,
他说 “角度还是不对 去叫他 上去再来个13条”
He went, “This angle’s still off. Get him. Go up and do it 13 more times just like that.”
他的表演变得稍微平和一点 但是更突显其中的可怕
And it just became a little bit calmer, but more terrifying for him.
Anyone who runs is a VC.
站着不动的 就是训练有素的越共!
Anyone who stands still is a well-disciplined VC!
斯坦利来找我 说 你得做脚步模拟
Stanley came in to me and said: “You gotta do the foots and foley.”
什么意思? -你去做脚步声 做那些音效
“What do you mean?” -“You gotta do all the footsteps, and you do all the sound effects.”
然后还有这个 那个
“and then you do this, and do all that.”
我说 我不知道我行不行
I said, “I don’t know if I can do that.”
他就说 当然行了
And he said, sure you can.
And that’s how he always started me off on a new task.
我如果说 我不知道怎么做排版 他就说 你当然行了
If I ever said “I don’t know how to do layouts”, “sure you do”.
“I am the foley man”.
艾迪•蒂斯是我们的录音师 他和我两个人
Eddie Tise, who was our sound recordist, and I, just the two of us,
我们做了所有脚步音效 衣服的摩擦 枪♥械♥零件的咔咔声 所有所有
We did all the footsteps, and clothes rustle, and gear rattle, and everything.
每一个音效 包括妓♥女♥的音效哈哈哈
Every bit of sound. Including the hooker, hahaha.
换做是你 在拍了《全金属外壳》后 会像利昂那样转攻幕后吗
Would you, after Full Metal Jacket, do what Leon did, and actually switch gear,
Knowing what you know about Stanley?
Ha, ha… Umm…
不会 我觉得我不会在那部片以后 跟自己说
No, I think I could not have, after Full Metal Jacket, said “you know what,”
“啊我要去为斯坦利工作” 我太自私了
“I’m gonna go to work for Stanley.” I’m too selfish.
