To make that single moment work
我就想 真是太令人赞叹了 就这一个人的想法 催生了这一切
And I thought,it’s so amazing that one man’s idea should spawn all this
这一切就是真正的电影制♥作♥ 非常让我着迷
This goes into making a movie. And that intrigued me so much
哈哈哈生鸡蛋 -当你拍斯坦利的片子时 最好时刻备着一打生鸡蛋
The raw egg. -When you’re shooting with Stanley,you better have a dozen raw eggs.
But do you know what they gave me for lunch before that?
啊 别说了 炒蛋吗
Oh stop it! Scrambled?
半熟的鸡肉 和番茄 西红柿
Semi-raw chicken,and tomatoes,tomatoes
全部搅拌在一起 我当时真的好想吐
And it was all mixed together. I was so vomitous
但真的到了片场要开拍了 我又吐不出来
But the moment I go on the set,and it was like,nothing
所以斯坦利说 给他吃个生鸡蛋
And so Stanley said,give him a raw egg
你知道他在你身上看到了什么吗 他看到了影片真正的结尾
Actually you know what he saw in you? He saw a way out of the movie
他看到了结局 -对 他…
He saw an ending. – Yeah,he…
总得有个人去终结巴里•林登 必须得有这么个人
Somebody has to get Barry Lyndon,somebody has to get him
Who can it be?
It was in July,we shot the last scene
It was sad to know that these were gonna be the last couple of days of shooting
我就觉得 唉 这个告别会不好受啊
I kind of thought: “Poof,well,this is gonna be quite tough actually
我跟斯坦利说 我开始对你那些技术领域的事情
I said to Stanley that,I’m beginning to get quite interested in your whole
越来越感兴趣了 还有所有电影制♥作♥的幕后过程
Sort of technical side of it,and everything that has to go into the making of a movie
And I’d be quite interested to work in that area
他对我说 利昂你如果是认真的
And he said to me,”if you really are serious about it Leon,”
那就去做吧 做了再告诉我
“do something about it and let me know”
后来他送了我一个圣诞礼物 很美的一本艺术画册
And he gave me a Christmas gift,a beautiful art book.
写着”亲爱的利昂 感谢你付出的杰出才艺 精力和善意”
It says “Dear Leon,Thank you for your great talent,energy and kindness.”
“诚敬 斯坦利”
当时我差点哭了 非常感动
It almost brought tears to my eyes. It was so touching
A Treasury of Great Master Drawings
后来《巴里•林登》上映了 我开始收到各种派对的邀请
And then Barry Lyndon came out,and I started getting invites to a lot of parties
也有人联♥系♥上我 想要做我的媒体经纪人
And there was somebody who contacted me and wanted to be my press agent
我每去参加一个派对 都会遇到这样的人 他们都觉得
And the more of these parties I went to,the more people I met who just thought
It was the most fantastic film they’ve ever seen
天啊 出演斯坦利•库布里克的电影了!
Wow! A Stanley Kubrick film,bloody hell!
他前途无量啊 真的 我当时都不敢相信
This guy is going places,you know. I couldn’t believe it
Things were kind of happening in parallel in a positive way
And I was offered a season of the Royal Shakespeare Company
Which when I had early thoughts of being an actor
I would’ve given anything to be a part of
And I had offers for the National Theater too
But what I had understood for myself was
我下一次拍电影时 只要一有机会
The first chance I got,the next movie that I was gonna get to work on
I would ask if I could work in the cutting room
哪怕去泡茶 打杂 我无所谓
I’d make tea,anything. I don’t care
然后就有一部瑞典爱尔兰合拍片 讲科学怪人的
There was a Swedish-Irish co-production of Frankenstein
我跟导演聊上了 他也看了《巴里•林登》
I talked to the director,and he’d seen Barry Lyndon
He said I can work well as Frankenstein
我就说好啊 另外我在想
So I said great,I said I was wondering if at the end of it,
I could work in the cutting room
我想熟悉这个过程 你也不用额外付我钱
Just get to know that process,and I said you don’t have to pay me or anything
他说 你这么想做的话 那好啊
And he said,”sure,if you really want to”
Let me tell you about myself
I started a whole period where I worked in the cutting room
一直到整部影片都剪辑好 混好音 发行了
Until the whole thing was assembled and mixed and released
然后我就告诉斯坦利 我做了哪些事情
So I did that and I let Stanley know that’s what I’d done
我起步比较慢 后来他寄了本书给我
I kind of started off very slowly. He sent me a book
Which was called The Shining
封面上还是贴着张小纸条 写着”读这本书”
And there was a little note on the front,he wrote “read this book”
还是那个道理 斯坦利叫我读 我当然就读
And again,it was like,well if Stanley says I gotta read it,I gotta read it
电♥话♥响了 我接起来 对面那头的声音说
The phone rang,I picked it up,and the voice on the other end said:
书你读了吗 觉得怎么样?
“Did you read it? What do you think?”
我说 这个要拍的话应该很精彩
I said,it could be a really exciting project
他就问 那你愿不愿意去美国 找一个合适的小男孩来演丹尼?
He said to me: “Now would you like to go to America and find a little boy to play Danny?”
哈哈哈 当然了 我非常愿意去美国找个小男孩演丹尼
Haha,yeah,I would like to go to America to find a little boy to play Danny.
And I actually just,you know,just said no to every offer of an acting job
在我看来 我已经有最好的机会了
Mission accomplished,is how I saw it
我当时挺震惊的 他不演戏了
I think I was rather amazed that he stopped acting
Because I thought he was such a good actor,
也想做演员 他是享受的
and wanted to be an actor,and enjoyed it.
简直说不通啊 他刚到达职业生涯的最高峰
It’s a paradox isn’t it. He was at the height of his career,
然后他决定 不继续演戏了
And he decides,not to carry on acting.
我完全惊呆了 他突然就退居幕后的工作了
I was dumbfounded. And he suddenly go to the other side of the camera.
Something I could never see myself doing.
I had been there now,16 months.
终于他们说可以回家了 我头也不回就逃了
So as soon as they said I could go home,I fled.
我想说不定他们还要叫我回去 赶紧逃
Thinking they’d probably try to call me back,so I fled.
But apparently they had some kind of um,connection.
像利昂•维塔利这么一个人 一个演员 他有自己的人生
Why would someone like Leon Vitali,who was an actor,he had his life,
有自己的事业 为什么会为了另一个人搁置这一切?
He had his work,put all that on hold for another individual?
And I think because you recognize in that individual
Something that you don’t see in 90% of the human race.
他是个大♥师♥ 人一辈子遇不上几个大♥师♥
He was a master. You don’t meet that many masters in your lifetime
You’re lucky if you meet one.
Leon is one of the only actors who has ever,you know,
完全交出自己的事业 只为了跟一位电影人密切合作
Surrendered his career to work closely with a filmmaker
这位电影人还是很了不得的 不仅因为斯坦利•库布里克的行业地位
Let’s be honest,a filmmaker of Stanley Kubrick’s,not only his statue,
But his mystique.
看到这么一箱子东西 就会感叹
You look at a box like this, and then just think:
这就是年复一年累积下来的 陈旧无趣的材料
“This is years of dealing with all the triteous of,”
记录着在电影行业里拍点什么 一切所需的元素
“what you have to do inside the film industry to make something work.”
各种部门之间的联络记录 没完没了
All the correspondences and all the bullshit,
Hmph there’s a lot of that.
有各种笔记 哪个版本有哪些不好啊
There’s footage notes about what’s wrong with the print,you know,
你就得从头到尾看 一帧帧地看 然后把笔记发给他们
So you have to look at everything,frame by frame,and send them notes.
斯坦利的许多偏执里 其中一点就是什么都得写下来
One of Stanley’s manias was,you had to write everything down.
他会说”写下来 记得要看你之前写了什么”
“Write it down. Remember to look at what you’ve written down.”
可以这么说 我跟随斯坦利的时间里 有一半都在写写写
You could say I spent half my time with Stanley writing down things.
We were always working with all of Stanley’s titles,all the time.
他任何一部作品 都有世界某个角落
There wasn’t a single one of his movies that somewhere in the world
想要一份 拿去放映
Didn’t want to get a print of,and didn’t want to screen.
比如特殊展览需要的版本 要到芬兰 法国 德国
Whether it was a special exhibition print in Finland,France,Germany,
瑞典 需要《光荣之路》和《杀手》 还有丹麦
Sweden,with Paths of Glory and The Killing,and Denmark.
And the thing is we were working on something completely different,
Full Metal Jacket at this time.
啊 这个是丹尼•劳埃德的 记录他的工作时间 我叫它谎言笔记
Oh this is Danny Lloyd’s. This is a record of times,I call it book of lies.
英国法律里 对儿童演员的工时限制是很严的
By law in England,They were very strict about child actors.
You could only film within 20 minutes inside any hour.
斯坦利那会有点担心 就叫我记录详细时间
Stanley started to get nervous and Stanley said “I want you to keep the times”.
所以当然 就有了这本”谎言笔记”
Well of course,it is where it becomes the book of lies.
When is his last day of shooting?
March 27th,1979.
晚上好 托伦斯先生 -晚上好
Good evening,Mr. Torrance. -Good evening
我先去了丹佛 计划是我会录像每一个试镜的孩子
I went to Denver first. The idea was that I would video every child.
We would ask them an initial set of questions that all of them would get.
总共有四千多个小孩 人数最多的是芝加哥
There were 4,000 kids. The biggest number were in Chicago.
我最早的记忆 就是4岁时 爸爸妈妈在厨房♥里说话
The first thing I remember,I’m 4 years old,and my parents,talking in the kitchen,
什么之前把我的照片寄过去了 现在我们要一起去芝加哥试镜
Something about sending my picture in,and now we have to go to Chicago for an audition.
到了以后发现我们穿得太随便了 好多孩子
We’re underdressed,and there’s so many kids there,
就觉得 我们肯定没希望
and you know,”we don’t have a chance”.
我对他说 你好 你是丹尼吗 他不回答
And I said: “Hi,are you Danny?” and he wouldn’t answer.
For some reason I got down on my haunches,you know,
To get myself the same level,
我说 我是利昂 你知道你为什么来这里吗
And said: “I’m Leon. Alright,you know why you’ve come here?”
他就这么呆坐在椅子里 像这样
He was sitting in the chair like,that.
然后他妈妈说 说话呀 丹尼 我们大老远过来
And his mum said,”come on,Danny. We’ve come all this way.”
他就突然说 好吧 然后他牵着我的手
And suddenly he said “okay”,and so he took my hand,
And we walked into this room.
然后我们在椅子里坐下来 大概相隔30厘米
Then we sat on a chair about a foot away from each other,
And just stared at each other like this.
然后他说 哇 我很喜欢你的西装
And then he said: “Gee,I really like your suit.”
就这样 从那一刻起 我们打开了话匣子
And that was it,from that moment,we were talking.
真的 利昂真是个非常好的人 从那时起
Boy,Leon was really,so nice. From then on,you know,
