
fiduciary (fih DOOSH ee err ee) This adjective means “holding in trust for another.” As a noun, it is “a person who acts on behalf of another’s inter-ests and is required to fulfill those obligations with the utmost good faith.” It comes from the Latin “fidere,” which means “to trust.” It is a word that is most often used for bank matters or legal documents.

  • In failing to diversify the stock portfolio, the banker breached his fiduciary duty to his client’s heirs.
  • In this regard, the banker was acting as a fiduciary, but a bad one.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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受托人(fih DOOSH ee err ee)这个形容词的意思是“为他人持有信托。”作为一个名词,它是“代表他人利益行事的人,并被要求以最大的诚意履行这些义务。”它来自拉丁语“fidre”,意思是“信任”。这个词最常用于银行事务或法律文件。

  • 由于未能使股票投资组合多样化,这位银行家违反了他对客户继承人的信托义务
  • 在这方面,这位银行家是在充当受托人的角色,但这是一个糟糕的角色

