fiasco 英 [fiˈæskəʊ] 美 [fiˈæskoʊ]



  • To answer that you have to understand Mr Aas’s fiasco better and peer into the complex cascades of liability that clearing houses manage.
  • South Korea’s Samsung, the global leader in smartphone sales, has all but disappeared from China, having failed to recover from the fiasco over its dangerously overheating Galaxy Note 7 batteries.
    智能手机销量全球领先的韩国三星则几乎消失,尚未从电池存在危险过热问题的盖乐世 Note 7 智能手机 的惨败中恢复过来。


[noun] a thing that is a complete failure, especially in a ludicrous or humiliating way
[名词] 完全失败的事情,尤指荒唐可笑的或令人蒙羞的


Fiasco 一词源自拉丁语 flasco (瓶子),与英语单词 flask (烧瓶、保温瓶、扁酒瓶)同源,19世纪进入英语时为一个剧院俚语,指“表演失败”,可能是影射自瓶子破碎。

在舞台上表演失败是件尴尬丢人的事情,因此后来 fiasco 就引申为“可耻的失败、可笑的结局”或者说“大败、惨败、彻底的失败”,比如:

  • 演出彻底搞砸了,一个演员忘了台词,另一个跌下了舞台。
    The show was a fiasco – one actor forgot his lines and another fell off the stage.
  • 以大败告终
    end in a fiasco


Failure is simply the non-presence of success. But a fiasco is a disaster of mythic proportions.

出自英国演员奥兰多·布鲁姆(Orlando Bloom,1977年1月13日-)。2001年起,他在电影《魔戒三部曲》中饰演精灵弓箭手莱戈拉斯一角,并一举成名。其知名作品还包括《特洛伊》、《天国王朝》、《加勒比海盗》系列、《霍比特人》系列。


fiasco” 指的是彻底的失败、惨败或大失败,通常用于形容计划、行动、事件等的灾难性失败。

以下是包含单词 “fiasco” 的 50 个短语及其中文解释:

  1. Political fiasco – 政治惨败
  2. Economic fiasco – 经济失败
  3. Diplomatic fiasco – 外交惨败
  4. Business fiasco – 商业失败
  5. Cultural fiasco – 文化惨败
  6. Military fiasco – 军事惨败
  7. Leadership fiasco – 领导力失败
  8. Organizational fiasco – 组织失败
  9. Public relations fiasco – 公共关系失败
  10. Marketing fiasco – 市场营销失败
  11. Product launch fiasco – 产品发布惨败
  12. Management fiasco – 管理失败
  13. Event planning fiasco – 活动策划失败
  14. Technology rollout fiasco – 技术推广惨败
  15. Project management fiasco – 项目管理失败
  16. Environmental policy fiasco – 环境政策惨败
  17. Educational policy fiasco – 教育政策惨败
  18. Health care reform fiasco – 医疗改革失败
  19. Financial reform fiasco – 金融改革失败
  20. Legal reform fiasco – 法律改革失败
  21. Economic stimulus fiasco – 经济刺激惨败
  22. Technology project fiasco – 科技项目失败
  23. Product recall fiasco – 产品召回惨败
  24. Infrastructure project fiasco – 基础设施项目失败
  25. Merger and acquisition fiasco – 合并与收购惨败
  26. Social policy fiasco – 社会政策失败
  27. Health care system fiasco – 医疗体系失败
  28. Educational system fiasco – 教育体系失败
  29. Financial system fiasco – 金融体系失败
  30. Political leadership fiasco – 政治领导失败
  31. Business venture fiasco – 商业冒险惨败
  32. Marketing campaign fiasco – 市场营销活动失败
  33. Product launch fiasco – 产品发布惨败
  34. Corporate strategy fiasco – 公司战略失败
  35. Innovation fiasco – 创新失败
  36. Product development fiasco – 产品开发惨败
  37. Public relations campaign fiasco – 公共关系活动失败
  38. Technology implementation fiasco – 技术实施失败
  39. Organizational change fiasco – 组织变革失败
  40. Project execution fiasco – 项目执行失败
  41. Government policy fiasco – 政府政策失败
  42. Leadership decision fiasco – 领导决策惨败
  43. Initiative failure fiasco – 倡议失败
  44. Community development fiasco – 社区发展惨败
  45. Financial investment fiasco – 金融投资失败
  46. Market expansion fiasco – 市场扩展失败
  47. International relations fiasco – 国际关系失败
  48. Human resources management fiasco – 人力资源管理失败
  49. Crisis management fiasco – 危机管理失败
  50. Strategic planning fiasco – 战略规划失败


fiasco (fee ASS ko) Interestingly, this noun may come from the Italian fare fiasco. It was used by the French for linguistic errors committed by Italian actors on the eighteenth-century French stage. It means “a complete failure.”

•Jonathan’s piano recital was a fiasco because he never practiced and couldn’t read music particularly well.

•All investors hope that there will never be another fiasco like the one experienced by Enron.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]


  • miscarriage: an unsuccessful outcome of something planned
  • abortion: an object or undertaking regarded by the speaker as unpleasant or badly made or carried out
  • debacle: a sudden and ignominious failure; a fiasco
