因此 我们筹备不了这么多
Therefore, we are not getting up from this table…
until we cut this list down to the bare minimum.
现在 邀请你想邀请的人去教堂 把他们塞进
Now, invite as many people as you want to the church, pack ’em in…
建一个看台也未尝不可 但是在婚礼的那天
build a grandstand if you want, but we are not having…
more than 150 people in this house on the day of the wedding.
好了 现在我们开始清减人数
All right. Now let’s start eliminating.
好吧 吉姆·帕特和他的老婆
Okay, Jim Pepper and wife.
噢 好极了 拿我的一个朋友先开刀
Oh, great. Start with one of my guys.
好吧 那从我的朋友开始好了
Fine. We’ll start with one of mine.
I’ll cut Steve and Stephanie Turrill.
他们是我非常好的客户 他们
They’re very good clients of mine. They’re…
别多说了 他们已成历史了
Say no more. They’re history.
好了 吉姆·帕特和他的老婆
All right. Jim Pepper and wife.
I’ve known the guy for 20 years.
乔治 我们是十五年没见过他
You haven’t seen him in 15, George.
好吧 我就说我弄丢了他的住址
All right. I’ll say I lost his address.
现在这位是 你的表姐伊丽莎白
Now here’s somebody… your cousin Betsy,
the poet/waitress/picture framer.
我们不能删掉家人 我们知道这个婚礼
We can’t cut family. They know about the wedding.
我就邀请一个人 卡梅伦 妈妈说我能邀请一个人
I only invited one person: Cameron. Mom said I could have a friend there.
花250元 你能在婚礼后见到卡梅伦
For 250 bucks, you can see Cameron after the wedding.
好了 很好 少了五个 我们有进展了
All right. Very good. Five down. We’re rolling.
好吧 那哈里·科比呢 我们好多年没见过他了
All right. What about Harry Kirby? We haven’t seen him in ages.
-不知道 -哈里·科比去年不是死了吗
-I don’t know. -Didn’t Harry Kirby die last year?
对 很好
Yes! Good!
噢 对不起
Oh, uh, sorry.
-弗兰克·爱格霍弗是谁 -谁
-Who’s Franck Eggelhoffer? -What?
他是来协调婚礼的 难道我们不去请他
He’s coordinating the wedding, and then we’re not going to invite him?
当然 你认为我会付他15%%%
Exactly! Do you think I’m gonna pay a guy 15%%%…
plus an hourly,
plus an additional $500 to feed him and that assistant of his?
Have you lost your mind?
Can I put Cameron back on the list
if he promises not to eat?
知道么 这主意不错
You know, that’s not a bad idea.
Who else can we ask not to eat?
我父母 你母亲
My parents, your mother.
我们干脆向他们收费算了 那样我们还能够在婚礼上赚钱
Why don’t we just charge people? That way we can make money on the wedding.
安妮 安
Annie. A…
I was kidding.
“How to give a beautiful wedding on a small budget.
“Bake your own wedding cake.
“Find a good tailor and copy a designer dress.
Have a friend take the pictures.”
我那一刻开始 我决定不说话 任事情发展下去
From that moment on, I decided to shut my mouth and go with the flow.
My first move was to get the old tuxedo out of mothballs.
嘿 看起来不错 老天
Hey! Looking good, my man.
下来 嘿
Get down! Hey!
有什么新鲜事吗 猫咪 喔 喔 喔 喔 喔
What’s new, pussycat Whoa, whoa, whoa, oh
有什么新鲜事吗 猫咪 喔 喔 喔 喔 喔
What’s new, pussycat Whoa, whoa, whoa, oh
-喔 喔 -乔治
-Whoa, whoa -George!
-嘿 -安妮 他在这
-Hey -Annie, he’s up here.
小猫 小猫我爱你
Pussycat, pussycat I love you
Deed I do
Yes, I do
嘿 你们觉得怎么样 73年买♥♥的现在仍很合身
Hey, what do you think? Bought it in ’75 and it still fits.
-像手套一样合身 -是啊 你真的可以穿这个
-Like a glove. -Yes. It’s just, it’s a real way to go.
呃 也许
Um, maybe…
Maybe you could get a new tux.
呃 我们大家都穿的新衣服 而且
Uh, we’re all wearing new clothes, and…
什么 你不觉得我看起来很可爱吗
What? Don’t you think I look cute?
我是说 那儿会有好多单身女孩的
I mean, there will be a lot of single gals there.
-我去开 -噢 噢
-I’ll get it. -Oh, oh.
噢 顺便说下 好消息 教堂是免费的
Oh, by the way. Good news. The church is free.
-噢 总算有东西是免费的了 -我是指可以定到的话
-Oh, finally something is free. -I meant available.
噢 我喜欢 非常可爱
Oh, I like that. It’s very good.
噢 他们已经装上了百叶窗 有点像我记忆中妈妈的感觉
Oh, they’ve done the shutters. It’s like kind of an I Remember Mama touch.
噢 非常好 我们把它全换了吧 走吧
Oh, it’s very nice. We change it all though. Let’s go.
Franck and his crew had arrived to finalize all the details of the wedding.
First was an audition for a band singer.
伏拉雷 喔 喔
Volare Oh, oh
泰尔 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦
Cantare Oh,whoa,whoa,whoa,whoa
No wonder Annie’s happy heart sings
Bryan’s love has given her wings Hey!
Like birds of a feather A rainbow together
当我准备说 别打给我们
Just as I was about to say, “Don’t call us,
我们会联♥系♥你的 我听到
we’ll call you,” I heard…
霍华德 我们得把所有的家具都搬出去 腾出空间来
Howard, we’ll huf to move out all de furniture to huf any sort of room to…
噢 这衣服不错
Oh. Dis is a nice statement.
很有趣 班克斯夫人 有个问题
It’s lots of fun. Mrs Bonks, one kvestion…
霍华德 呃 弗兰克说什么要把就家具搬出去
Howard, uh, Franck was saying something about moving out the furniture.
We have to move it all out if we’re going to fit more
than 200 bodies in here.
-但是如果有人要坐下呢 -我们会带椅子来的
-But what if someone wants to sit down? -We bring in chairs.
好的 如果你们要带椅子来
Well, if you’re bringing in chairs,
then why are you moving the furniture out?
班克斯先生 我是靠这个吃饭的 相信我
Mr Bonks, I do dis for a loving, you know? Trust me.
A movink van must tek everything out.
这是一个额外的开支 噢 当然 好 好
It’s an extra expense. Oh, sure. Yah, yah.
但我们需要它 安妮
Bot we need it. Annie!
班克斯夫人 请过来这边
Mrs Bonks. Come this way, please.
那么 你们觉得歌♥手怎么样
So, vhat do you think of the zinger?
-我们还有其他人选 -我想见见他们
-We do have other choizes. -I’d like to see ’em.
好的 没问题
Good. That’ll be no problem.
各位 宴会策办人
My caterer, everyone,
这个世界上我最好的朋友 汉克·库什勒斯基
and my best friend in the whole world, Hanck Kucinetzki.

-嗨 -嗨
-Hi. -Hi.
If I cud have a mewmunt of yer time to discuss de monyo.
-“彩蛋” “彩蛋”我想想 -菜单 对
-“De monyo.” “De monyo.” Remind me? The menu! Yes. -No, the menu.
糟糕的是 汉克不会说英语 所以我来翻译
Onfortulley, Hanck doesn’t spake Anglish, so I will translit.
弗兰克 那可 那可是个大帮助
Franck, that’ll… that’ll be a big help.
这是汉克的建议 对于主餐 他想上小牛肉
Dis is vhat Hanck sugjoost. Fer the men kers, he vants to serf voll.
噢 真的吗 我对这个有个问题
Oh, really? I have a problem with that.
-对什么 -小牛肉 我看过
-With what? -With veal. I keep reading…
there’s a lot of inhumane treatment in the way they treat the calves.
我也看过 你真时髦 那就不要小牛肉了
I read that too. You’re very chic. No voll.
那么就剩海产品了 也很流行
So that leafs seafoot, which is also chic.
或者家禽 不时髦但也不贵
Or fowl, which is not chic but chip.
便宜 终于有个词我能听懂 第一个也是最后一个好消息
Cheap. Finally a word I understood. My first and last piece of good news.
-班克斯夫人 -什么
-Mrs Banks? -Yes?
One last thing.
-他在做什么 -我们需要更多的电来照亮房♥子和帐篷
-What is he doing? -We need more amps to light the house and the tent.
It’s cheaper than bringing in a new line.
In terms of the florals out front…
颜色要与天鹅相协调 对吧
we’re gonna color coordinate with the swans, right?
-天鹅 -我觉得好极了 -太好了
-Swans? -I think it’d be wonderful. -Perfect.
We’re having swans?
Franck thought it would be great…
会非常美好 想想看 当客人进屋的时候
to have swans waddling around the tulip border, you know, as the guests enter.
It would be really sweet.
-尼哪 我们没有郁金香花圃 -会有的
-Nina, we don’t have a tulip border. -You will.
How much is…
班克斯先生 出问题了
Mr Bonks, ve huff problus.
Hanck does not vant no vay to prepare chuckun.
-他不想什么 -弗兰克 帐篷是通过这里连接的吗
-He doesn’t what? -Franck, does the tent connect through here?
我正打算去修它 你得先推再拉
I’ve been meaning to fix that. You have to push, then pull.

噢 现在不要慌 我看看
Oh, now les not panic about anything. Les see.
