我们在丹麦买♥♥的 我们家里所有的
We got it in Denmark. All the…
Quite a lot of my family’s from Copenhagen.
-真的吗 -噢 是的 平衡感也不错对吧
-Is that right? -Oh, yeah. Doesn’t it have a wonderful sense of balance?
-噢 太精美了 -我将把它放到花♥园♥里
-Oh, it’s amazing. -I was going to put it in the garden.
实际上 呃 呃 布莱恩在丹麦呆过好几个夏天
Well, actually, uh, uh, Bryan spent quite a few summers in Denmark.
呃 现在他说的丹麦语比乔安娜的还要好
Uh, he now speaks better Danish than, than Joanna.
N… Is that a fact?
And we’re planning a trip back this summer.
I think this is a very beautiful spread here.
-噢 谢谢 -好了 我们应该 应当等乔治吗
-Oh, thank you. -Well, shall… should we wait for George?
-也许我应该 呃 看看乔治在干什么 -算了
-Maybe I should, uh, check on George. -No.
-走开 -噢 老天
-Release! -Oh, man.
哇喔 没开玩笑吧 真的 进展的很顺利
Wow. No kidding? Really? It went great?
呃 要顺利得多 我是说 好的不能再好了
Uh, better than great. I mean, it, just, just couldn’t have gone better.
上帝 我放心了
God, I’m so relieved.
我是说 谁知道这些事情会出什么乱子呢
I mean, who knows what can happen at these things, you know?
-好极了 -现在我感觉婚礼正式举♥行♥了
-This is great. -Now I feel like the wedding’s officially on.
呃 爸 感觉起来很好 好极了
Um, Dad, that looks so good. This looks great.
呃 布莱恩的妈妈跟着她的直系亲属取得名字
Um, Bryan’s mom called with the names of her immediate family.
-这是个玩笑吧 -非但不是个玩笑
-Is this a joke? -Not only is it not a joke…
but eight of them are from Copenhagen and well…
it’s the bride’s family’s responsibility to…
Do you have any idea what a round-trip ticket from Denmark costs?
想想看 八张来回旅程的机票
Try eight round-trip tickets.
实际上 是九张
Well, actually, it’s nine.
你看 乔安娜的 呃 表妹吉特
You see, Joanna’s, uh, cousin Gitte…
显然是个体型相当庞大的女人 所以她需要两个座位
is apparently a rather large woman so she needs two seats.
She can lop over into the aisle for all I care
’cause there’s no way I’m pay…
嗨 大家 对不起我迟到了
Hi, everyone. Sorry I’m late.
-嗨 没关系 -过的怎么样 嗨
-Hi. -That’s okay. -How’re you doing? Hi.
-你好 -嘿 伙计 -嗨
-Hello. -Hey, dude. -Hi.
-噢 接着 -噢 谢谢
-Oh. Here you are. -Oh. Well, thank you.
-丹麦语的意思是”不用谢”-噢 谢谢
-It’s “you’re welcome” in Danish. -Ah, thanks.
看起来好极了 我听说您是一位烤肉高手 爸
This looks great. I hear you’re a whiz at the barbecue, Dad.
好吧 你们两个想过要办什么样的婚礼没
Well. So have you two given any thought to what kind of wedding you want?
-恩 我们商量过 -是的 想要什么样的
-Well, we’ve talked about it. -Yes, and what do you think?
隆重的 简约的 或者
Big? Small? Or…
不会很隆重 我们没有那么多的朋友
Well, it can’t be too big. We don’t have that many friends.
也就是说在附近举♥行♥一个简约的 然后
So we’re talking in the small vicinity, then?
不 她没说”简约”她只是说不太隆重
Well, no, she didn’t say “small.” She said not too big.
恩 但是一点也不花俏或者铺张 是吧
Yeah, but nothing fancy or overblown, right?
-对 -对
-Right. -Right.
有点”简约而不简单”的道理 是吧 安妮
So kind of the “less is more” theory, huh, Annie?
The reason I’m asking all these questions is I have a great idea…
where we can have this lovely, not small but not too big wedding.
你知道 在哪
You do? Where?
在我们最爱的餐馆 我们吃过15年的地方
At our favorite restaurant, the place we’ve been eating at for 15 years.
最好的 烤肉坑
The best. The Steak Pit.
-爸 认真点 -我认为你并不想”坑”这个字
-Dad, get serious. -I don’t think you want the word “pit”…
出现在婚礼请柬上 乔治
on a wedding invitation, George.
真的 爸 带着锯屑的肋骨在地板上
Really, Dad, a rib joint with sawdust on the floor…
isn’t exactly what I had in mind for my wedding.
-决无冒犯的意思 -好吧 请问
-No offence. -Well, excuse me.
你心目中的地方在哪 贝弗利山酒店
What did you have in mind, the Beverly Hills Hotel?
不是 其实 我希望在
No. Actually, what I’d like is to have…
一座教堂里举办我的婚礼 在这儿招待客人
my wedding in a church and have the reception here.
-噢 -那正是我希望的
-Oh. -That’s what I was hoping for.
Don’t I have the greatest Dad in the world?
-嗨 -嗨 -嗨
-Hi. -Hi. -Hi.
Can we have some burgers?
好的 这是新娘汉堡和你的新郎汉堡
Okay, here’s the bride burger and your groom burger.
呃 好好享用 现在 去那边看变戏法
And, uh, enjoy ’em. Now, go on over there and see the jugglers.
我梦想的婚礼 一个烤肉婚礼
My dream wedding, a barbecue wedding.
-比烤肉坑的点子要好 -是啊
-This is a better idea than the Steak Pit. -Yeah.
我们得弄一些 呃 野餐桌还有
We’ll get some, uh, picnic tables and,
呃 油煎薄饼纸和气球
uh, crepe paper and balloons.
邀请我们所有最好的朋友 我将做我最拿手的鳄梨色拉酱
You know, invite all our best pals. I’ll make my famous guacamole.
在家里举办的婚礼 多么美妙的主意
A wedding at home. This is a great idea.
好主意 野餐桌 油煎薄饼纸
Great idea. Picnic tables, crepe paper,
气球 让你身处在烤肉野餐中
balloons, you at the barbecue.
-噢 乔治 -你有什么不中意的
-Oh, George. -What don’t you like about that?
Why have you been acting so crazy since the moment
Annie told you she was getting married?
我行为一点都不古怪 我只是表现的
You know, I haven’t been acting crazy. I’ve simply acted…
像任何一个正常的 有血性的美国父亲一样
Like any normal, red-blooded American dad.
正常 恩哈 好吧 掉进麦肯兹家的游泳池
Normal? Uh-huh. Okay. Falling in the MacKenzie’s pool.
Suggesting the Steak Pit as a wedding reception.
噢 几乎每晚都看美国最高通缉犯 寻找布莱恩的面孔
Oh, watching America’s Most Wanted every night, looking for Bryan’s face.
现在又是这个野餐方案 乔治 婚礼是件大事
And now this picnic scenario. George, a wedding is a big deal!
似乎每个人都知道 除了你 而且事实上
Everybody seems to understand this but you. And as a matter of fact…
现在我跟你说件事 你别抓狂 布莱恩的母亲
N-Now don’t go nuts when I tell you this, but when Bryan’s mom…
打电♥话♥来告诉我她的想法 她想他们也许
called with her list, she suggested that they might just wanna…
pitch in and help with the cost of the wedding.
我说 嘿 我们也许没有罗德岛那么大的房♥子
You know, hey, we may not have a house the size of Rhode Island,
but we’re not poverty-stricken.
We can certainly afford to give our daughter a proper wedding.
独特 你不用戴厨师帽 对吧 乔治
Proper. Not you in a chef’s hat, right, George?
谁说过什么关于厨师帽的事 什么时候说的
Who said anything about a chef’s hat? When did this come up?
是 我还不了解你
Yes, but I know you.
我说完了 噢 瞧
I’m close. Oh, look.
I just really saw this whole thing differently.
比如说 我想叫一个婚礼协调人来筹划使整个婚礼
Like, I wanted to call a wedding coordinator to make the whole thing…
真正地 真正地美好 而你却想找烤肉坑的加布
really, really beautiful, and you want to call Gabe at the Steak Pit.
等等 婚礼协调人 什么是婚礼协调人
Wait a minute. Wedding coordinator? What’s a wedding coordinator?
-协调婚礼的人 -有什么好协调的
-A person who coordinates weddings. -What’s to coordinate?
好吧 有请柬 鲜花
Well, there’s the invitations and the flowers,
食物 乐队 还有摄影师
the food, the band, the photographer.
乔治 干嘛又给我使那样的脸色
George, why are you giving me that look again?
A lot of people hire wedding coordinators.
尼娜 我们的生意做的很成功
Nina, you and I run successful businesses.
We can certainly pull together one smallish wedding.
-是 好吧 -我们不需要什么特殊的婚礼协调者
-Yeah, okay. -We don’t need some fancy wedding coordinator.
好 乔治 我们忘了这事 好吧
Okay, George, then let’s just forget it, okay?
因为 你知道 我真的受不了了
Because, you know, I just really can’t take this.
我受不了这样无休止的争吵 你还是 呃
I’m not used to all this arguing, so just, uh…
好 我也不想吵
Fine. I don’t want to argue.
还是 帮我个忙 好么 乔治 上楼去 我还要
Just… Do me a favor, okay, George? Just go on upstairs and I’ll…
-把这里的收拾完 -好 好 我上楼去
-finish up down here. -Fine. Fine. I’ll go upstairs.
不管怎样 我想提醒你一下
However, I would like to remind you
what happened to what’s-his-name down the street.
他女儿结婚了而这事几乎让他精神崩溃 还记得吗
His daughter got married and the thing practically broke him. Remember?
-记得 -你和我可能总有一天
-I remember. -You and I could end up…
shuffling along the sidewalk in our bathrobes.
-只是一个笑话 -令人捧腹
-That was a joke. -Hilarious.
噢 好了 我去 我去见婚礼协调人
Oh, all right. I’ll go. I’ll meet the wedding coordinator.
你也知道我不想去 但我还是要去
You know I don’t want to, but I’ll go…
如果你坚持要去我去的话 对吧
if you still want me to go, all right?
-好吗 -好
-Okay? -Okay.
女士们 现在 让我来和他们说 好么
Now, let me do the talking, girls, okay?
Well, I negotiate better than you.
-现在那小子叫什么 -弗兰克
-Now what’s this guy’s name? -Franck.
-弗兰克 -弗兰克
-Frank. -Franck.
-弗兰克 -弗兰克
-Franck? -Franck.
-弗兰克 弗兰克 弗兰克 -噢 就是这了
-Franck. Franck. Franck. -Oh, this is it.
好的 我们进去吧
Okay, here we go.
-噢 妈 -不 不 这太
-Ah, Mom. -No. No. This is just…
-噢 老天 安妮 -太令人惊讶了
-Oh, my, Annie. -This is amazing.
