He drove too fast.
好吧 等等 对了 乔治 你想见他吗
Well, wait. So, George, you want to meet him?
Do I want to meet him?
-噢 你好 -嗨 你好 我是布莱恩·麦肯兹
-Oh, hello. Hi. -Hello, I’m Brian MacKenzie.
很好 我是尼娜·班克斯
Good. I’m Nina Banks.
是啊 是啊 我在相片上认得出您
Yes. Yes, I recognize you from your picture.
-请进 -安妮带到罗马的那张
-Yes, come in, please. -The one Annie had with her in Rome.
是啊 噢 很好 快进来
Yes. Oh, good. Come in.
好的 你好 班克斯先生
Okay. Hello, Mr Banks.
It was the first time I ever hated the sound of my own name.
-嗨 -我听过很多关于您的事情
-Hi. -I’ve heard so much about you.
很高兴最后见到了您 先生
It’s great to finally meet you, sir.
先生 我的脑中闪现出两个词
“Sir.” Two words now crossed my mind:
“brown” and “nose.”
安妮多次提起您 我觉得我已经了解您了
Annie talks about you so much, I feel like I already know you.
-布莱恩 -噢 安妮
-Bryan. -Oh, Annie.
-这就是他 -噢 他只是 呃 只是
-So this is him. -Oh, he’s just… Uh, just.
有一点紧张 就像你们阅读得知的那些情形中
A little nervous. Just like one of those situations you read about…
you know, meeting the in-laws.
但是你们俩位都很好 我相信我也没有什么好紧张的
But you two seem great. I’m sure I have nothing to be nervous about.
但 呃 还是有点
But, uh, still, I…
我们 我们 进 呃 进去
Let’s, let’s, uh, uh, go into the, uh, uh, the, uh…
呃 好极了
The… uh… Great.
-我觉得他很可爱 -我不喜欢他
-I think he’s adorable. -I don’t like him.
-噢 乔治 看在上帝的份上 -他穿着耐克鞋
-Oh, George, for God… -He’s wearing Nikes.
-妈 马蒂在哪 -噢 他看电视的时候睡着了
-Mom, where’s Matty? -Oh, he fell asleep watching TV.
-噢 好吧 你明天再见他吧 -好的
-Oh, well, you’ll meet him tomorrow. -Okay.
-请坐 -这么说
-Sit down. -So.
Um, how did you two, uh, meet?
噢 在罗马的一所复兴的房♥子里
Oh. We were the only two people at this revival house in Rome…
for a midnight showing of Bringing Up Baby.
-我们在看到同样的地方时 -总是听到对方的笑声
-We kept hearing each other laugh. -And at all the same places.
秀结束后 我开车送他
Yeah. When it was over, I picked him up.
噢 不 不 不 我向你走过去问路
Oh, no, no, no. I went over to you to ask directions…
and then one thing led to another and…
就这样 接下来的三个月里
And that was it. For the next three months…
we never left each other’s sight.
我们一起去参观那些博物馆 聆听那些伟大的音乐会和歌♥剧
We went to all these museums, all these great concerts, the opera.
We traveled to the country.
Remember that place we stayed in Tuscany?
噢 和 呃
Oh, with the, uh…
呃 说一句吧 那不是一个四星级的旅馆
Uh, suffice it to say, it was not a four-star hotel.
不是 你们的女儿很勇敢
No. You have a very brave daughter.
布莱恩 准确的说你是干哪行的
Bryan, um, what is it exactly that you do?
Annie was saying something about computers.
噢 是的 我是一名独♥立♥自主的通信顾问
Uh, yes, uh, I’m an independent communications consultant.
Yeah, yeah, that part I heard.
听起来有点假 对吧 像一个不真实的工作
Sounds fake, right? Like it’s not a real job?
-不 我们不是那个意思 -那是我父亲说的
-No, we wouldn’t say that. No. -That’s what my dad said…
when he first heard what I was doing.
但 怎么说呢 就像这样
But, um, what it is, uh, in this case:
Uh, Pacific International Bank sent me to Rome to hook up…
the X-Dot connection to their European subsidiary.
呃 所有的欧洲电脑都是通过X-Dot 25网络通讯的
Um… Uh, all European computers, uh, communicate on the Dot 25 network.
而且 由于太平洋国际银行是一家位于洛杉矶的公♥司♥
And, uh, since Pacific International is an L.A.-based firm…
他们想按照欧洲协议标准来连接 于是我得对它们进行设置
they wanted to interface with standard European protocol, so I set ’em up.
噢 你为什么是独♥立♥自主的 那指什么
And, uh, why are you, uh, independent? What was that?
Because no one can afford to keep him on staff.
好吧 基本上我也这么认为 但是
Well, I guess that’s true, basically, but, uh…
您知道吗 开车来这得时候 我就试着假装是您
You know, driving down here, I tried to put myself in your place.
Your daughter comes home after spending four months in Rome…
我相信您迫不及待地要见她 然而
a-and I’m sure you couldn’t wait to see her, and she shocks you…
她带给您大吃一惊的消息 她要结婚了
with the news that she’s getting married.
And to somebody you’ve never met before.
I’m sure that must’ve been pretty…
um, heavy…
to use a word from your generation.
I just wanna say that I’m an upstanding citizen.
我 我从没订过婚
I’ve-I’ve never been engaged before.
I’ve, uh, never really been in love before.
呃 我觉得安妮是我认识的最好的人
And, uh, I think Annie’s the greatest person I’ve ever met.
And I can’t wait to marry her and…
one day have children and grandchildren.
And I’m gonna do my best to be supportive of her dreams.
And she’s a very gifted architect.
呃 我第一次见到她时很激动
Um… I’m just thrilled that I met her.
I love your daughter.
And the feelings that I have for her are never gonna change.
And I’m here to stay.
-噢 宝贝儿 -妈
-Oh, honey. -Mom.
I’m so happy for you.
没关系 班克斯先生 我们不需要拥抱
That’s okay, Mr Banks, We don’t have to hug.
-好吧 呃 也许以后会 -好的
-Well, uh, maybe later. -I know.
哇噢 那可是 呃
Well, that was just, um…
That was just the best thing I’ve ever heard anybody say.
-噢 好的 -我是说真的
-Oh. Good. -Well, I meant it.
好了 我想开车带他到圣马瑞诺周围转转
Listen, I want to take Bryan out for a drive, show him around San Marino.
-好的 亲爱的 不错 -安妮 外面有点冷
-Okay, honey. Good. -Annie, it’s a little nippy out.
-你最好穿件毛衣 -噢 爸 没关系 我挺暖和的
-You might want to put on a sweater. -Oh, Dad, it’s okay. I’m kinda warm.
真的 外面有点冷 而且你刚下飞机
Still, there’s a chill in the air, and you’ve been on a plane.
-爸 没事的 -安妮 外面确实有点冷
-Dad, I’m fine. -Annie, it is kinda cold out.
-是吗 -恩
-It is? -Yeah.
-好吧 谢谢 我去拿件夹克 -好的
-All right, thanks. I’ll get my jacket. -All right.
就在那时 我意识到我的好日子已经过去了
Right then, I realized my day had passed.
当然 她还会一直爱我 只是 不像从前了
She’ll always love me, of course, but not in the same way.
I was no longer the man in my little girl’s life.
I was like an old shoe, the kind we manufacture…
流行一时 几年之后就停产了
and get all excited about and then after a few years discontinue.
这就是现在的我 废弃先生
That was me now: Mr Discontinued.
妈 别等我们了 好吗 我们可能去喝点卡布奇诺
Mom? Don’t wait up, okay? We might stop for a cappuccino.
噢 好的 没事 晚安 布莱恩
Oh, okay, fine. Well, good night, Bryan.
晚安 呃 晚安 班克斯先生
Good night. Um, good night, Mr Banks.
噢 你可以叫我乔治 或者爸爸
Oh, you can call him George, or Dad.
-乔治就行了 -好的 呃
-George will be fine. -Okay. Uh…
I’ll say it next time I see you.
开车小心点 别忘了系紧你的避孕套
Drive carefully, and don’t forget to fasten your condom.
-爸 -安全带
-Dad! -Seat belt!
我是指 我是指安全带
I meant… I meant seat belt.
呃 我会让你♥爸♥上♥床♥睡觉的 今晚对他来说意义非凡
Um, I’m putting your father to bed. This has been a very big night for him.
-再见 -好的 晚安
-Bye. -Okay. -Well, good night.
-玩得开心 -再见 -晚安
-Have fun. -Bye. -Good night.
-再见 -再见 玩得开心 -再见
-Bye. -Bye-bye. Have fun. -Bye.
This is a great kid.
-长不了多久的 -要打赌吗
-It’ll never last. -Wanna bet?
尼娜 安妮对这小子太痴情了
Nina, Annie’s much too spirited for this kid.
他一点也不适合她 顶多两个月 一个月
He’s totally wrong for her. I give it two months, tops. One month.
他很适合安妮 乔治 跟你说
This is the right guy for Annie, George. I’m telling you,
I feel it in my bones.
-我是说 我们是两个幸运的父母 -幸运 噢
-I mean, we’re two lucky parents. We are. -Lucky? Oh!
那他笑起来呢 简直漏洞百出 他的那些看起来也太假了
What about his laugh? It was such a giveaway. It was so phoney with his…
-我觉得很诚挚 -噢 饶了我吧
-I thought it was totally sincere. -Oh, please.
那他那点演排过的演说呢 明显是书上的
What about that little rehearsed speech he gave? It was right out of a book.
How To Grease Your Future Mother-In-Law.
别说了 乔治 真的 我觉得他完全是真心的
You’re off here, George, really. I thought it was completely from his heart.
-你以为我为什么会哭 -好问题
-Why do you think I cried? -Good question.
-我也不知道你为什么会哭 -我都快失声了
-I don’t know why either of you cried. -I’m losing my voice.
Are my glands swollen or something?
我看看 没有 没有 亲爱的 没事
Let me see. No. No, honey, no.
And what about the way he kept touching her?
