-好啦 怎么啦 -好吧
-Well, what is it? -Well…
-亲爱的 有什么事吗 -是的
-Honey, is something going on? -Yes.
是的 妈 呃 天哪 这种事很难跟父母讲
Yeah, it is, Mom. Uh… God, this is a hard thing to tell parents.
特别是跟我的父母讲 噢 天啊
Especially when they’re my parents. Oh, God.
亲爱的 说吧 什么大不了的
Honey, just say it. What’s the big deal?
-耶 -好
-Yeah. -Okay.
我在罗马碰到一个人 呃 他是美国人
I met somebody in Rome. Um, he’s an American.
呃 他实际上是洛杉矶人 而且 他叫布莱恩·麦肯兹
Uh, he’s from L.A., actually, and, um, his name’s Bryan MacKenzie.
And he’s this completely wonderful…
极好的 令人惊异的人 而且
wonderful, amazing man, and…
好吧 我们开始多次见面
Well, we, we started seeing each other…
而且 呃
a lot, and, um…
we fell in love.
我们真的相爱了 而且 呃
It actually happened. And, uh…
我们已经决定结婚了 也就是说我订婚了
we’ve decided to get married which means that I’m engaged!
我订婚了 我将要结婚了
I’m engaged! I’m getting married!
-恭喜你 -谢谢
-Congratulations. -Thank you.
哇 天啊 天啊
Well, my, my.
噢 这样 噢 我的 那是你的订婚戒指啊
Oh, so… Oh, my. And that’s your engagement ring, huh?
是啊 是啊 我们在罗马外的一个跳蚤市场买♥♥的
Yes, yes! We got it at a flea market outside of Rome.
The guy we bought it from said it was at least 100 years old.
-哇喔 -爸 别那样 说点什么吧
-Wow. -So, Dad. Stop it. Say something.
对 对不起 你刚才说什么
I-I’m sorry. What did you say?
爸 我在罗马遇到一个人 他非常好
Dad, I met a man in Rome, and he’s wonderful…
有才气 而且我们准备结婚了
and brilliant, and we’re getting married.
-妈 爸爸怎么了 -乔治
-Mom, what’s he doing? -George.
乔治 怎么了
George, what is it?
啊 这 这
Well. This is… This…
This is ridiculous.
-什么 -你 你 结婚太年轻了
-What? -You’re… You’re… You’re too young to get married.
太年轻 爸 我已经22岁了 如果我没搞错
Too young? Dad, I’m 22. If I’m not mistaken…
that’s, that’s a year older than Mom was when you guys got married.
-这绝不是真的 -噢 不 你 哈
-That is absolutely not true. -Oh, no, you… Ha!
You’re absolutely wrong.
-你嫁给我的时候是这个年龄吗 -不 我年轻些
-You were this age when I married you? -No! I was younger.
I was this age when she was born.
那 那 那没关系 时代不同了
That… That… That doesn’t matter. Times have changed.
你妈妈那时很成熟 而且 呃 22岁也不见得
You mother was mature, and, uh, 22 isn’t what it used to…
马蒂 把空调打开好吗 这而真热
Matty, would you turn on the air conditioner? It’s hot in here.
我原以为 原以为你不相信婚姻
I thought… I thought you didn’t believe in marriage.
I thought that it meant that a woman lost her identity.
I-I thought you wanted to get a job before you settled down…
so you could earn money and be your own person.
好吧 等等
All right. Hold on.
I didn’t think I believed in marriage until I met Bryan.
And Bryan’s not like any other guy I’ve ever known.
I want to be married to him.
And I’m not gonna lose my identity with him…
因为他不是一个无法抵抗 大男子主义的人
because he’s not some overpowering, macho guy.
我的意思是 他像你一样 爸 除了他才华横溢
I mean, he’s like you, Dad, except he’s brilliant.
He happens to love the fact that I want to be an architect.
He wants me to design a house for us to live in.
他说无论我在哪里工作 他都会搬来和我一起
He said he’d move anywhere I got a job.
乔治 给我一点而信任吧
Give me a little credit, George.
I’m not gonna marry some ape who wants me to wear…
go-go boots and an apron.
我告诉你你会喜欢他的 他是个天才
I’m telling you you’ll love him. He’s a genius.
And sweet.
And I… I love him more than anything in the world.
-布莱恩是做什么的 -谁是布莱恩
-What does Bryan do? -Who’s Bryan?
-我忘了他的名字 -他是个独♥立♥自主的通信顾问
-I forgot his name! -He’s an independent communications consultant.
-独♥立♥自主 -是的
-Independent? -Yes.
啊 也就是”失业”的代名词
Yeah. That’s code for “unemployed.”
太好了 你遇到一个我要去养活的失业的
This is perfect. You meet an unemployed…
amazingly brilliant non-ape that I’m going to have to support.
I suppose I’m going to have to hire him and fire some hard-working guy…
勤奋工作的员工 因为我的女婿
with three kids because my son-in-law…
the, the independent communications consultant…
can’t get a job anywhere else.
No wonder he’ll move anywhere you get a job.
你不许结婚 就这样 每其它好说的
You’re not getting married, and that’s it, and that’s final.
我也不喜欢你叫我乔治 啥时候开始这样叫的
And I don’t like you calling me George. I mean, when did this start?
爸 你有毛病啊
Daddy, what is wrong with you?
什么 你在告诉我你很喜欢这样
What? You’re telling me you’re happy about this ?
乔治 求你了 别像个神经错乱的父亲
George, please, will you stop acting like a lunatic father…
在她跑出家门和这个男孩结婚 我们将再也见不到她
and go out and talk to her before she runs out that door…
marries this kid and we never see her again?
All right.
“孩子”你怎么知道他是个孩子 他可能都45岁了
“Kid.” How do you know he’s a kid? He could be 45 years old.
An independent communications consultant…
does not mean he’s an unemployable non-ape.
Bryan happens to be a computer genius.
Companies send him all over the world hooking up these complex systems.
大银行和公♥司♥派他去 去东京
Major banks and corporations send him to, to Tokyo…
and Brazil and Geneva.
我的意思是 他是个天才
I mean, he’s… He’s a genius.
你说过了 这个天才多大了
You mentioned that. How old is this genius?
26岁 不是45岁
Twenty-six, not forty-five.
You guys still think I can’t hear you when you’re one room away.
如果你这么爱他 我知道我也会喜欢他的
If you love him so much, I know I’ll love him too.
-布莱恩 -麦肯兹
-Bryan? -Mackenzie.
Bryan MacKenzie.
-啊 -我等不及要见他了
-Yeah. -I can’t wait to meet him.
好啊 他一个小时之内会来这里见你
Good, ’cause he’ll be here in an hour to meet you.
I suppose you’re not in the mood for a little one-on-one?
-爸 我穿着高跟鞋 -来到合适的地方
-Daddy, I’m wearing heels. -Come to the right place.
I’ve got sunshine
On a cloudy day
When it’s cold outside
I’ve got the month of May
He’s got it behind the back.
-观众狂热起来 观众狂热起来 -我猜
-The crowd is going wild. The crowd is going wild. -I guess
-它在 它在 -你会问
-It’s… It’s… -You say
What can make me feel this way
我的女孩 我的女孩 我的女孩
My girl, my girl my girl
-说说你吧 我的女孩 -嘿
-Talking about my girl -Hey!
我的女孩 喔 喔
My girl, ooh-ooh
嘿 嘿 嘿
Hey, hey, hey
-嘿 嘿 嘿 -好
-Hey, hey, hey -Yes.
-爸 -好
-Dad! -Yes!
喔 旅行
Oh, traveling!
I don’t need no money
Fortune or fame
我得到了所有的财富 宝贝
I got all the riches, baby
-就这样 八个了 -一个人可以申请
-This is it. Eight up. -One man can claim.
-开始 -准备好了吗
-Go. -Ready?
Well, I guess
-你会说 -等等 -不
-You’ll say -Hold on. -No!
What can make me feel this way
等等 等等 等等 不 不 不 不 不
Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. No, no, no, no. No!
我的女孩 我的女孩 我的女孩
My girl, my girl my girl
-说说你吧 我的女孩 -好
-Talking about my girl -Yes!
我的女孩 说说你吧 我的女孩
My girl Talking about my girl
All right.
我心自是晴空万里 虽说天气阴郁多云
I’ve got sunshine on a cloudy day
With my girl
I’ve even got the month of May
你不会真的要结婚吧 是吗
You’re not really getting married, are you?
爸 别这样
Dad, stop!
-你能看到他吗 他长的怎么样 -他刚刚开车过去
-So can you see him? What does he look like? -He just drove up.
