Everyone was telling me what a great party it was.
这个房♥子看起来有多漂亮 他们喜欢那些花儿
How beautiful the house looked. They loved the flowers…
小点心 天鹅
the hors d’oeuvres, the swans.
We even seemed to be getting away with only two parking attendants.
一切都进展的很顺利 除了一个小事情
Everything was running smoothly, except for one small detail.
安妮非常喜欢的叔叔 这位是本·班克斯
Annie’s very favorite uncle. This is Ben Banks.
I still hadn’t kissed the bride.
-恭喜 -安妮在哪 -安妮 她正在照相
-Congratulations. -Where’s Annie? -Annie. She’s having her picture taken.
-嗨 本 -你好吗 乔治
-Hi, Ben. -How are you, George?
好啊 本从康涅狄格州过来
Yes. Ben’s been back in Connecticut.
好的 孩子们 看着对方 非常好
Okay, kids. Look at each other. Very nice.
现在 请看着我
Now, turn towards me, please.
先生 不好意思 所有的出入都得经过前门
I’m sorry, sir. All traffic has to go through the front door.
桃瑞丝 见到你真是太好了 你好吗
Doris! It’s so good to see you! How are you?
-噢 我能拿一个吗 -对不起 最后一个已经卖♥♥完了
-Oh, could I have one of those? -Sorry. Just sold my last one.
嘿 一个纽扣 海军的 一定是你的
Hey, a button. It’s navy. This must be yours.
我们现在准备去帐篷了 宴席已经准备好了
We’re moving into the tent now. Dinner is served.
This way to the tent, please.
-呃 我们 我觉得我们应该回到 -安 安妮
-Uh, let’s… I think we have to go back in… -Ann… Annie!
一样 我也
As well, I…
难以置信 我从来没见过排的这么快的队
It was unbelievable. I had never seen a line form so fast.
It was as if they knew what the food was costing me.
终于 我进了帐篷
Finally, I made it into the tent.
I was ready to relax and taste the food I’d been hearing about…
听到过的食物 这时
for the past five months, when…
爸爸 爸爸 屋外来了几个警♥察♥ 他们想和你谈谈
Dad! Dad! There’s some cops out front, and they want to talk to you!
-警♥察♥ -我听说了 我们一起把这件事摆平
-Cops? -I’ve heard. We’ll handle dis togather.
我找到了乔治 我们正过去
I got George. Ve’re on our vay.
来吧 乔治 快点 快点
Come on, George. Pick it up. Pick it up.
亚当1到70号♥ 收到了 待命
One-Adam-seventy, roger. Standby.
让我来处理 乔治 把你的钱包给我
Let me handle this, George. Give me your wallet.
-亚当30号♥ 别管 -这是什么
-Adam-30, disregard. -What is this?
-看 卡梅伦 我说过的 -哇
-See, Cameron? I told ya. -Wow!
试着笑笑 就这样
Just try to smile. That’s all.
-这是你们家吗 -我
-This your house? -Me?
对 就是你 穿蓝色晚礼服的
Yeah, you. In the blue tux.
是 是 是我的
Yes. Yes, it is.
Do you have a permit for parking 200 cars in this street?
好吧 问 问题时 长官
Vell, the… the problem is, Officer,
dat we are supposed to haf four parking attendants.
-呃 不过两个得了流感 -好吧 你们最好把
-Uh, but two got de flu. -Well, you better get…
所有的车从这街上弄走 在消防车过来前
all these cars off this street before the fire marshall gets here.
好的 好的 能建议我们该怎么弄走吗
Fine, fine. Any sugjoostions what we do with them?
I don’t care what you do with them.
Just have them off this street within the next 30 minutes.
我们会的 长官 我们会处理的
Vill do, sir. Ve’ll take care of it.
不用担心 好吗
You’re not to worry, okay?
弗兰克 你在哪 蛋糕
Franck? Where are you? The cake…
呃 呃 乔治 里里需要我帮忙
Uh, uh, George. They need me inside.
呃 激动人心的时刻 蛋糕正在运出来
Uh, the big moment. The keck is being wheeled out!
-我 我 我会处理的 我正在过去
-I… I… I’ll handle this. -I’m on my vay!
Where’re we gonna get a couple extra drivers?
嘿 宝贝 我是你的男人转身 你会看到
Hey, baby, I’m your man Turn around, you’ll see
我不可能站在高高的 我不讲整洁
I may not stand tall and I don’t talk neat
But I’m gonna win your love for me
当心 宝贝 来寻找你的男人对我很酷
Watch out, baby, here comes your man Looking cool to me

顺便说一句 非常棒的婚礼 班克斯先生
By the way, great wedding, Mr Banks.
别担心 我什么也不吃
And don’t worry! I didn’t eat anything!
-我也什么都没吃 -我心自是晴空万里
-That makes two of us. -I got sunshine
On a cloudy day
-他在哪啊 -我不知道
-Where is he? -I don’t know.
When it’s cold outside
I’ve got the month of May
I guess you’ll say
What can make me feel this way
这是我的姑娘 我的姑娘 我的姑娘
It’s my girl My girl, my girl
I will feel aglow
Just thinking of you
And the way you look tonight
-我知道 -噢 你很妩媚
-I know. -Oh,but you’re lovely
With your smile so warm
And your cheeks so soft
There is nothing for me but to love you
Just the way you look tonight
Just the way you look tonight
Well, I had to admit…
the wedding appeared to be a complete success.
现在 我唯一需要的能让我高兴的事就是和新娘跳舞
Now, all I needed to make me happy was a dance with the bride.
-是时候了 -女士们 先生们
-It’s time. -Ladies and gentlemen…
一会之后 安妮·班克斯-麦肯兹夫人
in just a few moments, Mrs Annie Banks-MacKenzie
will be tossing her bouquet in the foyer.
-然后飞往夏威夷 -我们进去客厅吧 噢 对不起
-And then she’s off to Hawaii. -Let’s go in there. Oh, sorry.
-借过 谢谢 -这我不想错过
-Excuse me. Thank you. -This I was not going to miss.
-过来 -人群开始穿过起居室
-Coming through. -The mob was headed through the living room…
-于是我决定走近路 -对不起
-so I decided to take a shortcut. -Sorry.
-借过 谢谢 -真棒的婚礼 乔治
-Excuse me. Thank you. -Great wedding, George!
-玩得愉快 -谢谢 借过 -真棒的宴会 乔治
-Had a lovely time. -Thanks. Excuse me. -Great party, George.
Hurry up!
喔 哎 呀 呀 呀
Whoa! Ay-yi-yi-yi!

-我爸在哪 -我 我 我不知道
-Where’s my dad? -I… I… I don’t know.
-我没见过他 -小心 你背后
-I haven’t seen him. -Watch it. Behind you.
Excuse me.
-我该仍吗 -恩 好
-Should I throw it? -Yeah! Yes!
He missed it.
-拜拜 -让我们过去 让我们
-Bye-bye! -Let us through. Let us…

再见 查理
Goodbye, Charlie!
拜 布莱恩
Bye, Bryan!
-拜 -拜 -谢谢
-Bye! -Bye! -Thanks.
-拜 -玩得愉快
-Bye! -Have fun!
她走了 我的安妮已经走了
She was gone. My Annie was gone…
and I was too late to say goodbye.
When the last guest was gone…
and the last glass of champagne had been drunk…
we surveyed the damage.
这房♥子突然变得这么空荡荡 很好笑不是吗
It’s funny how empty a house can suddenly get, isn’t it?
是啊 很抱歉你还没机会向她说再见 乔治
Yeah. I’m sorry you didn’t get a chance to say goodbye to her, George.
噢 没事的
Oh, that’s all right.
但是 你知道的 我觉得她会真的很幸福的
But, you know, I think she’s going to be really happy.
噢 是啊 当然
Oh, yeah. Sure.
-喂 -爸
-Hello? -Dad!
嗨 你在哪
Hi! Where are you?
在机场 我们的飞机快要起飞了
At the airport. Our plane’s about to take off…
but I couldn’t leave without saying goodbye.
替我谢谢妈妈做的一切 好吗
Thank Mom for everything, okay?
And Dad…
I love you.
I love you very much.
我也爱你 甜心
I love you too, sweetheart.
谢谢你的电♥话♥ 蜜月愉快
Thanks for calling. And have a great honeymoon.
谢谢 我会的 拜
Thanks. I will. Bye.
Someday When I’m awfully low
-当时界感到很冷 -是安妮
-When the world is cold -That was Annie.
-噢 -我会感到温暖
-Oh. -I will feel aglow
Just thinking of you
And the way you look tonight
