Damn your sorceress soul! You keep him here like one of your snakes!
我告诉过你不准这样! 我告诉过你不准这样!
I told you not! I told you not.
你必须服从我 永不
You’ll obey me. I will not.
你必须服从我 不然我就亲手杀了你
You’ll obey me, or I’ll kill you with my own hands.
Let her go! No! Stop! Papa!
服从我! 陛下 别这样!
Obey me! Your Majesty! No!
In the name of the gods.
他永远不会是你的 永远不会!
He will never be yours! Never!
In my womb, I carried my avenger!
我相信 就在这样的环境下成长
In the world he grew up to…
… i’ve come to believe it was in friendship that Alexander found his sanity.
当你站在前线 面对北方的蛮族时
You don’t need much to fight.
When you’re in the front ranks of a battle, facing some Northern barbarian tribe…
勇气并不在你的脚底 佩迪克斯
…courage won’t be in the soles of your feet, Perdiccas.
也不在你铠甲的厚度 菲洛塔斯
Or in the thickness of your tunic, Philotas.
也不在你的肚子里 尼阿克斯
Or in the lining of your stomach, Nearchus.
It’s in the heart of a man.
你们不用每天吃饭 也不用每顿都吃饱 托勒密
You don’t need to eat every day or until you’re full, Ptolemy.
等你急行军完毕后 能喝到一碗热汤
You don’t need to lie in bed in a morning…
我们不用早上都躺在床上 喀山德
…when you can have some good bean soup, Cassander, after a forced night march.
Come on, Alexander.
Where’s your hunger to twist Hephaistion’s head off?
是否他比你强壮? 那就攻他另一面
Is he stronger than you? Then beat him another way.
谁会尊你为国王? 你以为是你父亲?
Who will respect you as a king? You think because of your father?
战争首要原则 是让你的士兵听从你 不能多 也不能少
The first rule of war is to do what you ask your men to do. No more, no less.
太好了 赫菲斯提安 就是这样
Good, Hephaistion. That’s it.
干得好 摔得真精彩 赫菲斯提安 这才是我想要的
Well done. Good wrestling, Hephaistion. That’s what I want.
好了 好了
Come, come, come.
你做得不错 但是你还是输了
You did well, but you lost.
现在你们两个人互相祝贺下 来
Now, both of you, congratulate the other. Go on.
要我让你赢吗 亚历山大?
Would you want me to let you win, Alexander?
You’re right.
但我向你发誓 有天我会打败你的 赫菲斯提安
But I promise you, I will beat you one day, Hephaistion.
后来有人说 亚历山大从没输过
It was said later that Alexander was never defeated…
… except by Hephaistion’s thighs.
Although an inferior race…
…the Persians control at least four-fifths of the known world.
From Ethiopia and Egypt in the south…
…to Caucasus and the two inland seas in the north…
Philip brought such as Aristotle from Athens to educate our rough people.
They rule, and we sit around like frogs.
老师? 怎么?
Master? Yes?
老师! 说啊
Master! Out with it!
为什么波斯人那么残暴? 得了 尼阿克斯
Why are the Persians so cruel? Oh, come on, Nearchus.
That is not the subject for today, Nearchus.
But it is true that the Oriental races are known for their barbarity…
…and their slavish devotion to their senses.
这还不算 他们阉♥割♥像你们一样大的幼童
Which are so dull, they castrate young boys…
…such as yourselves, for their sexual pleasure.
是的 穷奢极欲让人毁灭
Yes. Excess in all things is the undoing of men.
That is why we Greeks are superior.
We practice control of our senses.
Moderation, we hope.
那阿喀琉斯在特洛伊又算什么呢 老师?
Then what of Achilles at Troy, master?
他不过分吗? 阿喀琉斯只是缺少约束
Was he not excessive? Achilles simply lacks restraint.
He dominates others so completely that even when he withdraws from battle…
…crazed with grief over his dead lover, Patroclus…
他将自己的部队陷入极大的危险中 他真是个极端自私的人
…he seriously endangers his own army. He is a deeply selfish man.
Would you say the love between Achilles and Patroclus is a corrupting one?
如果男人出于性♥欲♥同床共枕 那是对情感的屈服
When men lie together in lust, it is a surrender to the passions…
…and does nothing for the excellence in us.
其他的放纵也是如此 喀山德 嫉妒也是
Nor does any other excess, Cassander, jealousy among them.
But when men lie together, and knowledge and virtue are passed between them…
…that is pure and excellent.
When they compete to bring out the good, the best in each other…
…this is the love between men that can build a city-state…
…and lift us from our frog pond.
但男人能同样爱一个女人吗 老师?
But can a man love a woman equally, master?
女人? 当然不能
A woman? Of course not.
女人都是情感的奴隶 赫菲斯提安
A woman is a slave to her passion, Hephaistion.
哦 一般都有例外 但我们必须尊敬她们
Oh, naturally there are exceptions, and we must honor them.
Such as Pallas Athena, goddess of wisdom and war.
但永远别忘记 她也是从…宙斯腰部出生的 而不是头部
But never forget, she is sprung not from the loins of Zeus, but from his mind.
现在 小家伙们 你们思考下
Now, you think on all this, my young frogs…
…for in you resides the future of Greek civilization.
To strive for honor is the highest purpose of all.
To rule over our baser emotions.
跟随我们非凡的部分– 理智
To follow reason, the divine part in each of you.
…to love excellence is truly to love the gods.
现在 你就不要再打扰我了
Now, will you stop distracting me?
Back to geography and things that we know.
有无可能…埃及的母亲河– 尼罗河
Is it possible that the source of Egypt’s mighty River Nile…
…could rise in these distant mountains of the outer earth?
如果是这样 那么有经验的航海家就能找到水道
If so, an experienced navigator could find his way here…
沿着这条河向东 深入印度的大平原
…by this river east, down into the great plains of India…
…out into the eastern ocean at end of the world…
…and by this route up the Nile…
回到埃及 再进入地中海回到希腊
…back to Egypt, into the Middle Sea and home to Greece.
Now, if only these frogs could look outward…
…and act on their favored position at the center…
…Greece could rule the world.
老师 为什么在神话里…你提到的地方都是已知的?
Why is it, master, in myth, these lands you speak of are known?
India, where Herakles and Dionysus traveled.
所有去过东方的人 忒修斯…伊阿宋阿喀琉斯都是成功者
All these men who went east, Theseus, Jason, Achilles, were victorious.
From generation to generation, their stories have been passed on.
为什么? 除非其中包含着真♥相♥
Why? Unless there was truth to them?
亚马孙的传说? 弥诺陶洛斯? 梅杜萨? 伊卡罗斯飞向太阳?
Tales of Amazons? Minotaurs, Gorgons, Icarus flying into the sun? No, Alexander.
不 亚历山大 只有普通人才会…相信这些传说 因为他们什么都信
Only common people believe these tales, as they believe most anything.
We are here precisely to educate ourselves against such foolish passions.
但是按你所说 我们比波斯人高等 为什么我们不能统治他们
But if we are superior to the Persians, as you say, why do we not rule them?
It is It has always been our Greek dream to go east.
My father long wants it.
The East has a way of swallowing men and their dreams.
但是 想到正是这些神话…带领我们实现最伟大的荣耀
But still, to think it’s these myths that lead us forward to the greatest glory…
…why is it wrong to act on them?
我只能警示你 不能教导你
I can only warn you, not teach you.
Beware of what you dream for.
The gods have a way of punishing such pride.
他现在更加雄心万丈 计划着攻打波斯
And growing more ambitious, he now planned the invasion of Persia.
你就只能做到这样 克雷塔斯? 回队伍里去 我亲自来驯服它
The best you can do, Cleitus? Back to the phalanx with you, I’ll ride him myself.
没人能上那畜牲的背 陛下
No one will ride that beast, Your Majesty.
Not with your leg.
He’s been beaten far too often.
高贵的国王 它是只性格高傲的动物 当然了
My noble king, he’s a high-spirited animal, yes.
High-spirited and worthy of Philip of Macedon.
For three and a half talents…
因为是你 我可是一分钱也没赚
…I couldn’t make a profit on him, but for you-
为什么我非要这样一匹畜牲 有我老婆还不够吗?
Why would I want such a beast? I already have a wife.
Do I seem so old?
镇定 镇定 拉住他!
Stay down, stay down. Hold him!
骑它肯定会摔断脖子的 它没上过战场把它卖♥♥给屠夫吧
A broken neck comes free. He’s too nervous for battle. Sell him for meat.
替我买♥♥下它吧 父亲 我要骑它
Buy him for me, Father. I’ll ride him.
And if you don’t?
我自己付钱 用什么付? 你的歌♥喉?
I’ll pay for him myself. With what, your singing voice?
I’ll pay you!
我说这匹马肯定不能骑 小伙子 它是疯的
I tell you, that horse can’t be ridden, lad. His mind is broken.
它可以驯服的 我就能
He can be ridden. By me.
如果你能做到 我就买♥♥下它
If you can rule that horse, I’ll make him yours…
…at half the price.
