制片:大卫·迪席拉 亚伦·马歇尔
我每次参加派对 都很担心别人不喜欢我
I always worry that maybe people aren’t gonna like me when I go to a party.
Isn’t that crazy?
当你害怕某样事物时 会不会有种反胃的感觉?
Do you ever get kind of a sick feeling in your stomach when you dread things?
我不想错过任何一场派对 但每次我去参加时…
I wouldn’t wanna miss a party, but every time I go to one…
…I keep feeling like the whole world’s against me.
See, I’ve spent my whole life in military academies.
My mother doesn’t have a place for me where she lives. . .
…and she doesn’t know what else to do with me.
你们不要误会我妈 她真的是个很善良的人
You mustn’t misunderstand about my mother. She’s really a lovely person.
我想男孩都觉得自己母亲最美 但我妈真的很美
I guess every boy thinks his mother is beautiful, but my mother really is.
她在写给我的每封信里都说 我们无法相聚让她很难过
She tells me in every letter how sorry she is that we’re not together more…
…but she has to think of her work.
我们也曾经相聚过 有一次她到旧金山来看我…
One time we were together, though. She met me in San Francisco once…
我们在一起整整两天 好像一对恋人一样
…and we were together for two whole days, just like we were sweethearts.
It was the most wonderful time I ever had.
Then I had to go back to the military academy.
Every time I walk into that barracks, I get a kind of. …
A kind of a… .
I’m sorry.
Kind of a depressed feeling.
那里都是冷冰冰的石墙 你明白我的意思吗?
It’s got hard, stone walls. You know what I mean?
我想我一直说我自己 一定让你觉得很烦
I guess I’ve bored you enough, telling you about myself.
Thank you.
抱歉,我忘了最后几句台词 我想我可能有点紧张
Sorry about that. I goofed up the last couple of lines. I guess I’m nervous.
That’s okay. You did very well.
I’m sorry.
Thank you. You play very well.
现在托斯夫太太 替你弹几个音,请你跟着唱
Now Mrs. Tossoff’s gonna play notes for you. Sing them back to us. Like so:
曲调对我来说,太低了 – 你是男高音?想从这开始吗?
It’s too low for me. -You’re a tenor? You want to start here?
Louder, please.
I’m so nervous.
我不会唱歌♥ – 可是你一定得唱
I’m not singing. -But you have to.
但我是要来跳舞的 – 你还是得要唱歌♥
But I came to dance. -You have to sing too.
还要表演、演奏乐器 – 3种都要?
And act, and play an instrument. -All three?
上面写的是表演艺术吧? – 你用不着每样都表演
It says “performing arts,” doesn’t it? -You don’t have to do everything.
这样根本没帮上忙,宝贝 – 谢谢,下一组,请快点
Sure as shit helps, baby. -Thank you. Next group, please. Hurry.
我喜欢你的鼻环 – 我很跟得上流行
Oh, I like your nose ring. -I’m into culture.
会不会痛?或是有异国风? – 请下音乐,史耐尔太太
Does that hurt, or is that ethnic? -Music, please, Mrs. Snell.
请集中注意力 我们今天要赶很多进度
Please pay attention. We have a lot to do today.
我恨我的脚 – 是啊,我也一样
I hate my legs. -Yeah. Me too.
我试过全世界所有节食餐 – 真的吗?我也一样
I’ve tried every diet in the whole world. -Really? Me too.
但就是无法控制内分泌 对不起!我太紧张了
But you can’t help your glands. I’m sorry! I’m just so nervous.
Relax! Come on, use your body.
小心,那部机器值7千元 – 是美金还是英磅?
Careful. That’s 7000 worth of machine. -Dollars or pounds?
不要碰效果器 我把它弄成锯齿状了
Don’t touch the rotary pods. I got it set on saw-tooth.
为什么他不吹短笛?感性一点 或者跟爸爸一样拉手风琴
Why can’t he play piccolo? Something sensible. Or the accordion, like Papa did.
就像你开计程车而非罗马战车 这就是所谓的进步
Same reason you drive a checker and not a Roman chariot. It’s progress.
我儿子的脑袋是未来式 他老爸也不会拉手风琴
My son’s head is into the future. And Papa could never play the accordion.
你认为自己很有才能吗? – 你是猪!懦夫!无♥耻♥
Do you think you’re talented? -You swine! You coward! You cad!
You dare judge me in my misfortitude?
You dare to ask me the question who is the father of my child?
你!你!我指到你,奈吉 – 下一位
You! You! I point to you, Nigel! -Next, please.
The next group of musicians can go to the fifth floor now, please.
姓名? – 对不起,小姐
Name? -Excuse me, miss.
你用不着问他的名字 他不是来试演,他是我的舞伴
You don’t need his name. He’s not here for the audition. He’s my partner.
他念那所学校? – 他没有上学
What school’s he from? -He ain’t into school.
他是来帮我伴舞的 但只有我参加试演
He’s just helping me out with my dancing. But it’s me who’s auditioning.
马胡兰,雪莉,我都填好了 我把你要的表格都填好了
Mulholland, Shirley. I’m all fixed up. I filled in all your papers and all.
He doesn’t go upstairs without filling in his name.
他叫做里洛,但试演的人是我 雪莉·马胡兰,古月胡
Leroy’s his name, but I’m auditioning. Shirley Mulholland. That’s two L’s.
不要叫他写字,他会很生气 – 他连话都不会讲吗?
And don’t ask him to do no writing. -Doesn’t he talk, even?
除非你认识他 他才会跟你讲话
He ain’t into conversation until you get to know him.
里洛姓什么? – 强生,里洛·强生 我们能上去了吗?
Leroy what? -Leroy Johnson. Can we go up now?
He’s not going up until he checks his knife.
我们待的时间不会久到惹麻烦 他只是来帮朋友的忙
We ain’t staying long enough for no trouble. He’s just helping a friend.
除非他把刀子交出来 否则谁的忙都帮不上
He’s not helping out anyone unless he checks his knife.
这是所表演艺术高中 我们在这里不砍人
This is the High School for Performing Arts. We don’t cut each other up here.
你想要? – 我想要
You want it? -I want it.
你确定想要? – 是的,我确定
You sure you want it? -Yeah, I’m sure.
保证你不会把它偷走? – 我保证
Promise you won’t steal it, now? -I promise.
谢谢,小姐 – 姓名?
Thanks, ma’am. -Name?
Don’t worry, baby. I got lots of knives.
你要为我们表演什么? – 我原本要唱歌♥的
What are you going to do for us? -I was gonna sing.
你不一定要唱,亲爱的 – 我们知道我们的权利
You don’t have to sing, honey. -We know our rights.
你不能拒绝她参加试演会 – 她不该在试演会中唱歌♥
You can’t refuse her an audition. -She’s not supposed to sing her audition.
对不起,希望你别介意 亲爱的,你用不着唱给我们听
Please, excuse me, if you don’t mind. Honey, you don’t have to sing for us…
因为这是戏剧科 – 只要她唱歌♥,这就是一出戏
…because this is the drama department. -When she sings, it is drama.
你叫什么名字?甜心 – 芬塞克
What’s your name, honey? -Finsecker.
Doris Finsecker.
你好 – 你好吗?
Hi. -How do you do?
你叫什么名字? – 雷夫·贾西
What’s your name? -Ralph Garci.
你的老师是哪一位? – 是我爸爸教我的
Who was your teacher? -Well, my father taught me.
他为政♥府♥单位工作 我不应该谈论这件事的
He’s doing work for the government. I’m not supposed to talk about it…
…but my father played some of the most beautiful symphonies…
是全世界最好听的 – 他弹奏什么乐器?
…in the whole world once. -What did he play?
And French horns.
English horns.
萨克斯风 还有别的吗?
Saxophones. -Anything else?
拉丁小手鼓、响葫芦等等 – 他教了你什么?
Bongos, maracas, that sort of stuff. -What did he teach you?
Why don’t you try the dance department.
你为何想念这所学校?桃乐丝 – 我该告诉他吗?
Why do you want to go to school here? -Should I tell him?
Yeah, tell him.
We can’t afford a professional children’s school.
好吧,如果你想唱就唱吧 然后我们要看你演戏
Okay. If you want to sing, go ahead. Then we’ll look at your acting.
I’m a little nervous.
别害羞,西拉,过来这里 你要表演什么?
Don’t be shy, Sheila. Come over here. What are you going to do?
我要表演《火烧摩天楼》 – 什么?
I’m doing The Towering lnferno. -What?
你知道的,就是那部电影? – 原来如此
You know, the movie? -Oh.
好,我饰演欧杰·辛普森 我在这栋大楼里
All right, I’m playing O.J. Simpson. I’m in this building.
到处都是火,可以吗? 所以我跑向电梯
There’s fire all around, right? So I go to the elevator.
把这个当作是专注训练 只要专注着 对着麦克风唱就是了
Think of it as a concentration exercise. Just sing to Michael…
不要去管别人 – 我想我办不到,我没办法凝视
…and don’t worry about anybody else. -I don’t think I can. I can’t just stare.
He won’t mind.
正在等电梯 – 按下按钮,桃乐丝
Waiting for the elevator. -Press the button, Doris.
Her brother Harvey.
Doesn’t come, so now I’m getting mad.
电梯终于来了,于是我进去了 好,四周都是人
Finally it comes, so I get in. Okay, and there’s people all around.
And they’re looking right at me.
是的,我爸爸教我 我现在不该谈论他
Yeah, my father taught me. I’m not supposed to talk about him right now.
He’s doing a little bit of work for the government, but… .
我爸爸非常有名 他跟无线电城舞团一起表演
My father is very, very famous. He danced with the Rockettes.
Sure. Would you begin, please?
我要为你们表演《苏万尼河》 – 很好
I’ll be doing “Swanee River” for you. -Okay.
And… .
亲爱的?《苏万尼河》 开始
Hon? “Swanee River,” please. Hit it.
Doris, what would you do if you don’t make it?
We’ll make it.
Next, please.
But I that am not shaped for sportive tricks…
…nor made to court an amorous looking glass…
…I that am– Cheated of– Oh, I’m sorry.
Why don’t you try the drama department.
如果又是这剪得不好 他会回答,我说的不是真的
If again “it was not well cut,” he’d answer, I spake not true:
This is called the Reply Churlish.
没有人在讨论 但一定有名额限制
Nobody talks about it, but there’s a quota system.
如果你是黑人,或跟我一样 是多波黎各人,机会会更大
