
exultant (ex ULT unt) Here is yet another word meaning “extremely happy.” It has not very common noun forms (exultance and exultancy) and, unlike the five adjectives before it, there is a common verb form, exult, meaning, “to be very happy.” (Its Latin root—“a leaping dance step”—suggests its meaning.)

  • An exultant look came onto Ben Hur’s face as he realized that victory in the chariot race was certain.
  • One of W. B. Yeats’s poems paradoxically challenges a friend whose work has come to nothing to exult; we more ordinary folk are more likely to exult when our hard work pays off.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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狂喜(ex ULT unt)这里还有另一个词,意思是“非常快乐”。它没有很常见的名词形式(狂喜和狂喜),与前面的五个形容词不同,有一个常见的动词形式,狂喜,意思是,“非常快乐。”(它的拉丁词根-“跳跃的舞步”-暗示了它的意思。)

  • 当本·赫尔意识到战车比赛的胜利是板上钉钉的时候,他脸上露出了狂喜的表情
  • W·B·叶芝的一首诗自相矛盾地挑战了一位朋友,他的作品毫无收获;当我们的努力得到回报时,我们这些更普通的人更有可能欢欣鼓舞

