
n. 四肢,骨端;末端,极限(extremity复数形式);手足


“Extremities” 是一个名词,指的是身体的四肢,即手和脚。以下是与 “extremities” 相关的50个短语,附上中文解释:

  1. Cold extremities: 冷的四肢
  2. Numb extremities: 麻木的四肢
  3. Warm extremities: 温暖的四肢
  4. Peripheral extremities: 外周四肢
  5. Swollen extremities: 肿胀的四肢
  6. Tingling extremities: 刺痛的四肢
  7. Pain in extremities: 四肢疼痛
  8. Limbs and extremities: 肢体和四肢
  9. Peripheral vascular extremities: 外周血管的四肢
  10. Control of extremities: 对四肢的控制
  11. Sensation in extremities: 四肢的感觉
  12. Loss of extremities: 失去四肢
  13. Bilateral extremities: 双侧四肢
  14. Upper extremities: 上肢
  15. Lower extremities: 下肢
  16. Examination of extremities: 对四肢的检查
  17. Injury to extremities: 对四肢的伤害
  18. Motor function of extremities: 四肢的运动功能
  19. Burning sensation in extremities: 四肢的灼烧感
  20. Paralysis of extremities: 四肢瘫痪
  21. Weakness in extremities: 四肢无力
  22. Neurological examination of extremities: 对四肢的神经系统检查
  23. Edema in the extremities: 四肢水肿
  24. Blood flow to extremities: 流向四肢的血液
  25. Fracture of extremities: 四肢骨折
  26. Circulation in the extremities: 四肢的循环
  27. Peripheral neuropathy in extremities: 四肢的外周神经病变
  28. Muscle weakness in extremities: 四肢的肌肉无力
  29. Amputation of extremities: 截肢
  30. Rehabilitation of extremities: 四肢康复
  31. Loss of sensation in extremities: 四肢感觉丧失
  32. Trauma to extremities: 四肢创伤
  33. Cyanosis of extremities: 四肢发绀
  34. Impaired circulation in extremities: 四肢循环受损
  35. Blood vessels in the extremities: 四肢的血管
  36. Peripheral artery disease in extremities: 四肢的外周动脉疾病
  37. Pulses in the extremities: 四肢的脉搏
  38. Joint pain in extremities: 四肢关节疼痛
  39. Motor control of extremities: 四肢的运动控制
  40. Exercising the extremities: 运动四肢
  41. Complications in extremities: 四肢并发症
  42. Treatment of extremities injuries: 四肢伤害的治疗
  43. Examination of sensation in extremities: 检查四肢的感觉
  44. Restoration of extremities function: 恢复四肢功能
  45. Nerve damage in extremities: 四肢神经损伤
  46. Inflammation in extremities: 四肢的炎症
  47. Assessment of extremities strength: 评估四肢力量
  48. Vascular disorders in extremities: 四肢的血管疾病
  49. Arthritis in extremities: 四肢的关节炎
  50. Examination of extremities reflexes: 检查四肢的反射


一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
