
英 ['ekspɜːgeɪt]美 ['ɛkspɚɡet]



vt. 删除,删去


expurgate 纯化
ex-, 向外。purge, 清除,净化。


  • 定义:Expurgate 是一个动词,意为删除、删改或削减书籍、文本或其他作品中的不适当、冒犯或敏感内容,以使其更适合特定的读者群体或符合某种标准。
  • 例句
    1. The editor was instructed to expurgate any explicit language from the manuscript.(编辑被指示从手稿中删除任何露骨的语言。)
    2. The film adaptation had to be expurgated to meet the censorship requirements of certain countries.(电影改编必须删减以符合某些国家的审查要求。)
  • 小标题用法注意
  1. 删除不适当或冒犯内容
    • The publisher decided to expurgate the controversial chapter from the book to avoid controversy.(出版商决定删除这本书中有争议的章节,以避免争议。)
    • The profanity in the original script was expurgated to make the play suitable for a family audience.(原始剧本中的粗俗语言被删除,使该剧适合家庭观众。)
  2. 删改或削减敏感内容
    • The historian expurgated some details from the biography to protect the privacy of the subject.(历史学家从传记中删除了一些细节,以保护主题的隐私。)
    • The text underwent extensive expurgation to remove references that could be considered offensive.(文本经过大量删改,删除了可能被认为冒犯的引用。)
  3. 适应特定读者群体或标准
    • The children’s version of the novel was expurgated to make it suitable for young readers.(这本小说的儿童版被删改,以使其适合年轻读者。)
    • The magazine expurgates content that may be objectionable to its target demographic.(该杂志删减可能令目标读者群体反感的内容。)

总之,expurgate 是一个动词,意为删除、删改或削减书籍、文本或其他作品中的不适当、冒犯或敏感内容,以使其更适合特定的读者群体或符合某种标准。它可以描述删除不适当或冒犯内容、删改或削减敏感内容,以及适应特定读者群体或标准的情况。


  1. Remove objectionable material: 删除令人反感的内容
  2. Edit out offensive content: 删除冒犯性内容
  3. Censor the text: 对文本进行审查
  4. Purge inappropriate language: 清除不适当的语言
  5. Delete offensive passages: 删除冒犯性段落
  6. Redact sensitive information: 删除敏感信息
  7. Clean up the document: 清理文件
  8. Sanitize the text: 消除不雅之处
  9. Revise for appropriateness: 针对适宜性进行修订
  10. Filter out offensive content: 过滤冒犯性内容
  11. Tone down the objectionable parts: 降低令人反感的部分
  12. Modify the text to remove offensive elements: 修改文本以删除冒犯元素
  13. Cut out explicit language: 删减明确的用语
  14. Whitewash the document: 润色文件
  15. Soften the tone of the text: 缓和文本的语气



expurgate (EX purr gate) Purging turns literary with this verb. It means to “remove erroneous, obscene, or otherwise objectionable material from a book or other piece of writing before publication.” More often than not, we hear the word “unexpurgated” to describe works that have not been tampered with by overzealous editors.

  • In the early twentieth century, one had to go to Paris to obtain unexpurgated copies of James Joyce’s novel Ulysses.
  • As late as the 1970s, many American schools only taught expurgated copies of The Catcher in the Rye because parents and school administrators objected to J. D. Salinger’s use of foul language.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
“清除”(EX purr gate)“清除”用这个动词变成了文学。它的意思是“在出版前从书或其他作品中删除错误、淫秽或其他令人反感的材料”。我们经常听到“未经编辑篡改”这个词来描述那些没有被过分热心的编辑篡改过的作品。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
