
expiate (EX pee ate) This word can be used in a religious sense within Judaism, Christianity, and Greco-Roman paganism. It means “to get rid of any sense of estrangement between a Divine Power and an erring follower.” (You can see a hint of the root word “pious” in this verb.) It can also be used figuratively within an all-human context.

  • Odysseus sacrificed a spotless white bull to Hera in hopes of expiating any grudge that powerful goddess might be holding against him.
  • Jeremy sent an extravagant bouquet of lilacs and lilies to his cousin Rachel; would these flowers expiate her annoyance at his forgetting her dinner party?

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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赎罪(EX pee ate)这个词可以在犹太教、基督教和希腊罗马异教徒中的宗教意义上使用。它的意思是“摆脱神圣力量和犯错的追随者之间的隔阂感。”(你可以在这个动词中看到词根“虔诚”的暗示。)它也可以在全人类的上下文中象征性地使用。

  • 奥德修斯牺牲了一头一尘不染的白公牛给赫拉,希望能消除强大女神对他的怨恨
  • Jeremy送给他的堂妹Rachel一束奢华的紫丁香和百合花;这些花能弥补她因他忘记了她的晚宴而感到的烦恼吗



赎罪行为(Acts of Atonement):

  1. Expiate one’s sins – 赎罪自己的罪孽
  2. Seek to expiate – 力图赎罪
  3. Offer expiation – 提供赎罪
  4. Perform acts of expiation – 履行赎罪行为
  5. Make amends – 弥补过错
  6. Seek forgiveness – 寻求宽恕
  7. Atone for one’s mistakes – 为自己的错误赎罪
  8. Suffer for one’s transgressions – 为自己的过失受苦
  9. Repent and make restitution – 忏悔并偿还
  10. Engage in self-punishment – 自我惩罚

赎罪与救赎(Atonement and Redemption):

  1. Find redemption – 寻求救赎
  2. Receive divine forgiveness – 得到神的宽恕
  3. Achieve spiritual redemption – 实现灵魂的救赎
  4. Experience salvation – 经历拯救
  5. Seek redemption through good deeds – 通过善行寻求救赎
  6. Embrace a path of redemption – 接受救赎之路
  7. Redeem one’s soul – 拯救自己的灵魂
  8. Work towards redemption – 为救赎而努力
  9. Reconcile and redeem – 和解并救赎
  10. Obtain absolution – 获得宽恕

赎罪的象征与意义(Symbols and Significance of Atonement):

  1. Sacrificial offering – 牺牲奉献
  2. Blood atonement – 血的赎罪
  3. Cleansing ritual – 净化仪式
  4. Scapegoat symbolism – 替罪羊象征
  5. Restoration of harmony – 恢复和谐
  6. Renewal of the soul – 灵魂的更新
  7. Breaking free from guilt – 摆脱罪恶感
  8. Reparation for wrongdoing – 对错误的赔偿
  9. Transformation and renewal – 转变与重生
  10. Reconnection with the divine – 与神的重新连接
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
