expertise [ekspɜː’tiːz] n. 专门知识;专门技术;专家的意见
expertise 专门技术 ←词中词→ expert 专家
eg. The expert says that everyone should master at least a kind of expertise during his life.
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》
关于 “expertise“(专业知识、专长)的一些短语,附带中文解释:
- Extensive expertise: 广泛的专业知识
- Technical expertise: 技术专长
- Domain expertise: 领域专业知识
- expertise in a specific field: 特定领域的专业知识
- Professional expertise: 专业专长
- expertise development: 专业知识发展
- expertise sharing: 专业知识分享
- expertise transfer: 专业知识转移
- expertise evaluation: 专业知识评估
- expertise-based decision-making: 基于专业知识的决策
- Practical expertise: 实践经验
- Demonstrated expertise: 显著的专业知识
- Deep expertise: 深入的专业知识
- Broad expertise: 广泛的专业知识
- Specialized expertise: 专门化的专业知识
- Transferable expertise: 可转移的专业知识
- Cross-functional expertise: 跨领域的专业知识
- Valuable expertise: 有价值的专业知识
- Unique expertise: 独特的专业知识
- Niche expertise: 小众的专业知识
- expertise-driven solutions: 基于专业知识的解决方案
- Cutting-edge expertise: 尖端的专业知识
- expertise management: 专业知识管理
- Build expertise: 建立专业知识
- Leverage expertise: 利用专业知识
- Apply expertise: 应用专业知识
- Expand expertise: 扩展专业知识
- Share expertise: 分享专业知识
- Continuous expertise improvement: 持续的专业知识提升
- expertise-based consulting: 基于专业知识的咨询
- expertise-driven innovation: 基于专业知识的创新
- expertise assessment: 专业知识评估
- expertise recognition: 专业知识认可
- expertise integration: 专业知识整合
- expertise network: 专业知识网络
- expertise exchange: 专业知识交流
- expertise enhancement: 专业知识增强
- expertise-based training: 基于专业知识的培训
- Build upon existing expertise: 在现有专业知识基础上构建
- expertise-driven decision-making: 基于专业知识的决策
- expertise validation: 专业知识验证
- expertise gap: 专业知识差距
- Adapt expertise to new challenges: 将专业知识适应新挑战
- expertise portfolio: 专业知识组合
- Continuous learning and expertise development: 持续学习和专业知识发展
- expertise application in real-world scenarios: 专业知识在实际场景中的应用
- expertise-driven problem-solving: 基于专业知识的问题解决
- Acquire expertise through experience: 通过经验获得专业知识
- expertise sharing among colleagues: 同事之间的专业知识分享
- expertise-driven career advancement: 基于专业知识的职业发展