

[verb] force (someone) to leave a place, especially a country
[动词] 强迫(某人)离开某个地方,尤其是某个国家


Expel 是一个与小站(微信公众号:田间小站)之前推送过的 excel 较为形似的单词。该词由前缀 ex- (出)+ 词根 pel (驱动;推)构成,14世纪末由拉丁语 expellere (驱逐、赶走)进入英语后,即用来表示“驱逐、逐出”,主要指通过官方行动来强迫某人离开某个地方,尤指将某人从某个国家驱逐出境,比如:

  • 过渡政府驱逐了所有外交官。
    The interim government has expelled all foreign diplomats.

从这个概念出发,到了17世纪40年代后, expel 开始发展出常用含义指“开除、把……除名”,主要指剥夺某人在学校或其他组织中的成员资格或参与权,比如:

  • 校长有权开除学生。
    Students can be expelled at the discretion of the principal.
  • 真正的罪犯16岁时因为行为不端被学校开除了。
    The real culprit was expelled from school for bad behaviour at the age of 16.

此外, expel 还可以用作专业术语表示“排出、喷出”,主要指将气体、液体等从容器或身体器官中强制排出或喷出,比如:

The weary traveller took a deep breath, then expelled the air in short blasts.


Fear jabbed at his insides like needles as he wondered what was going to happen to him if he was expelled.

出自英国作家J·K·罗琳的奇幻小说《哈利·波特》系列的第五本《哈利·波特与凤凰社》(Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix)。


  • He can try to force SWIFT, a Belgium-based messaging system which 11,000 banks worldwide use to make cross-border payments, to expel members from the offending state.
    他可以尝试迫使总部位于比利时的报文传输系统 SWIFT (国际资金清算系统)驱除这个冒犯了美国的国家的成员银行,全球1.1万家银行使用 SWIFT 做跨境支付。
  • Most of the Americans have either been expelled or eventually released.


Expel – 开除,驱逐


  1. Expel from – 从…开除/驱逐出
    • The student was expelled from school for cheating on the exam. (该学生因在考试中作弊而被学校开除。)
  2. Expel someone from a place – 把某人从某地驱逐出去
    • The security guards expelled the trespasser from the premises. (保安把闯入者从场地驱逐出去。)
  3. Expel someone for something – 因某事而开除某人
    • The company expelled the employee for repeated violations of company policies. (公司因该员工多次违反公司政策而开除他。)
  4. Expel someone for misconduct – 因不当行为开除某人
    • The university expelled the student for engaging in academic misconduct. (该大学因该学生参与学术不端行为而开除他。)
  5. Expel someone for disciplinary reasons – 因违纪开除某人
    • The military academy expelled the cadet for serious disciplinary infractions. (军事学院因该学员严重违纪而开除他。)
  6. Expel someone for disruptive behavior – 因扰乱秩序行为开除某人
    • The teacher expelled the student for repeated disruptive behavior in the classroom. (老师因该学生在教室里多次扰乱秩序而开除他。)
  7. Expel someone for bullying – 因欺凌行为开除某人
    • The school expelled the student for bullying his classmates. (学校因该学生欺凌同学而开除他。)
  8. Expel someone from a team/club/organization – 从团队/俱乐部/组织中开除某人
    • The coach expelled the player from the team due to disciplinary issues. (教练因纪律问题将该队员从球队中开除。)
  9. Expel someone for drug use – 因吸毒行为开除某人
    • The company expelled the employee for testing positive for drugs. (公司因该员工药物检测呈阳性而开除他。)
  10. Expel someone for insubordination – 因不服从命令开除某人
    • The manager expelled the employee for repeated acts of insubordination. (经理因该员工多次不服从命令而开除他。)
  11. Expel someone for theft – 因偷窃行为开除某人
    • The store owner expelled the employee for stealing merchandise. (店主因该员工盗窃商品而开除他。)
  12. Expel someone for academic reasons – 因学业原因开除某人
    • The university expelled the student for consistently failing to meet academic requirements. (该大学因该学生持续未达到学业要求而开除他。)



evict: expel (someone) from a property, especially with the support of the law
oust: drive out or expel (someone) from a position or place
purge: remove (a group of people considered undesirable) from an organization or place in an abrupt or violent way

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
