exorbitant 英 [ɪɡˈzɔːbɪtənt] 美 [ɪɡˈzɔːrbɪtənt]



  • Another focus for the government has been internet microlenders, lightly regulated institutions that often charge exorbitant interest rates.
  • Playing her role in a shadow economy that benefited others through the exorbitant rent she paid.


[adjective] (of a price or amount charged) unreasonably high


exorbitant源自于晚期拉丁语动词exorbitare(偏离),由ex-(出、外)和orbita(轨道、轨迹)构成,表示价格、数量、程度以及性格或倾向偏离了普遍接受的标准,比如过分的要求就可以说“an exorbitant demand”。除此之外,exorbitant还可以表示“不在法律范围之内的”,比如不在法律范围之内的案件就可以说“an exorbitant case”。


Remind yourself of the exorbitant price you can pay for worry in terms of your health.

出自戴尔·卡耐基(Dale Carnegie,1888年11月24日-1955年11月1日),美国著名人际关系学大师,西方现代人际关系教育的奠基人。他在1936年出版的著作《人性的弱点》(How to Win Friends and Influence People),至今仍被西方世界视为社交技巧的圣经之一。


exorbitant (ex ORB ih tant) From the Latin for “out of orbit,” this adjective expresses the concept of something that exceeds all fair bounds. It’s most commonly used to describe prices or numerical quantities.

  • “That new specialty food store has good things,” noted Nelson, “but the prices are truly exorbitant. I mean, how special can cole slaw be?”
  • The exorbitant number of demands his boss made of him lessened Selwyn’s pleasure in the new job.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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exorbitant(ex ORB ih tant)来自拉丁语,意思是 “超出轨道”,这个形容词表达了超出所有公平界限的概念。它最常用于描述价格或数字数量。




exorbitant” 是一个形容词,用来描述价格、费用等超出合理或过高的情况。这个词的英文定义是:unreasonably high or excessive.


  1. exorbitant prices – 极高的价格
  2. exorbitant fees – 过高的费用
  3. exorbitant rent – 高昂的租金
  4. exorbitant cost – 超出预算的成本
  5. exorbitant demands – 过分的要求
  6. exorbitant rates – 高额利率
  7. exorbitant bills – 昂贵的账单
  8. exorbitant charges – 过高的费用
  9. exorbitant inflation – 极高的通货膨胀
  10. exorbitant salaries – 过高的薪水
  11. exorbitant interest – 高额利息
  12. exorbitant premiums – 过高的保险费
  13. exorbitant pricing – 高昂定价
  14. exorbitant shipping costs – 高昂的运费
  15. exorbitant fines – 极高的罚款
  16. exorbitant medical bills – 昂贵的医疗账单
  17. exorbitant luxury – 过高的奢华
  18. exorbitant credit card fees – 高额信用卡费用
  19. exorbitant taxes – 高额税收
  20. exorbitant hotel rates – 高昂的酒店房价
  21. exorbitant tuition fees – 高昂的学费
  22. exorbitant airline tickets – 昂贵的机票
  23. exorbitant car prices – 极高的汽车价格
  24. exorbitant shopping expenses – 高昂的购物费用
  25. exorbitant energy costs – 极高的能源成本
  26. exorbitant overdraft fees – 高昂的透支费用
  27. exorbitant movie ticket prices – 过高的电影票价
  28. exorbitant restaurant bills – 高昂的餐厅账单
  29. exorbitant travel expenses – 高昂的旅行开支
  30. exorbitant property taxes – 高昂的物业税
  31. exorbitant legal fees – 高昂的法律费用
  32. exorbitant healthcare costs – 昂贵的医疗费用
  33. exorbitant import tariffs – 高额进口关税
  34. exorbitant data roaming charges – 昂贵的数据漫游费
  35. exorbitant cable TV prices – 极高的有线电视费用
  36. exorbitant software licensing fees – 高昂的软件许可费用
  37. exorbitant designer clothing prices – 高昂的设计师服装价格
  38. exorbitant wedding expenses – 高昂的婚礼费用
  39. exorbitant restaurant markups – 餐厅高额加价
  40. exorbitant parking fees – 高昂的停车费
  41. exorbitant airfare – 极高的机票价格
  42. exorbitant holiday package prices – 高昂的度假套餐价格
  43. exorbitant delivery charges – 高昂的送货费
  44. exorbitant car rental rates – 昂贵的租车费用
  45. exorbitant utility bills – 高昂的公用事业账单
  46. exorbitant wedding venue costs – 高昂的婚礼场地费用
  47. exorbitant art auction prices – 高昂的艺术品拍卖价格
  48. exorbitant ticket scalping – 高价门票倒卖
  49. exorbitant cell phone plan fees – 高昂的手机套餐费用
  50. exorbitant textbook prices – 极高的教科书价格



  • steep: (especially of prices) too much, or more than is reasonable
  • outrageous: shocking and morally unacceptable
  • usurious: a usurious price or rate of interest is one that is unfairly high
