
vt. 使免罪



exonerate 免除责任
ex-, 向外。-oner, 责任,词源同onus.


  1. exonerate someone from a crime – 使某人免罪
  2. exonerate a defendant – 宣判被告无罪
  3. exonerate an accused person – 开释被告
  4. exonerate oneself – 证明自己无罪
  5. exonerate an individual – 宣布某人无罪
  6. exonerate a suspect – 免除嫌疑
  7. exonerate a person of wrongdoing – 免除某人的不当行为
  8. exonerate someone from blame – 使某人免受责备
  9. exonerate a corporation from liability – 免除公司责任
  10. exonerate a public figure – 宣布公众人物清白
  11. exonerate a witness – 宣布证人无罪
  12. exonerate a team from cheating – 宣布团队没有作弊
  13. exonerate a teacher from accusations – 宣布教师无罪指控
  14. exonerate a police officer – 宣布警官无罪
  15. exonerate a government official – 免除政府官员的责任
  16. exonerate a politician – 宣布政治家清白
  17. exonerate a journalist – 宣布记者无罪
  18. exonerate a whistleblower – 免除举报人的责任
  19. exonerate a doctor of malpractice – 宣布医生无过失
  20. exonerate a researcher – 宣布研究人员无罪
  21. exonerate a soldier – 宣布士兵无罪
  22. exonerate an athlete from doping charges – 宣布运动员免受兴奋剂指控
  23. exonerate a scientist – 宣布科学家无罪
  24. exonerate a driver of negligence – 宣布驾驶员没有疏忽
  25. exonerate a judge from bias – 免除法官偏见
  26. exonerate a student from cheating – 宣布学生没有作弊
  27. exonerate a coach of wrongdoing – 免除教练的不当行为
  28. exonerate a company from fraud – 免除公司的欺诈行为
  29. exonerate a suspect of a crime – 免除嫌疑犯的罪行
  30. exonerate a parent from blame – 免除父母的责备
  31. exonerate a defendant of all charges – 宣判被告无罪
  32. exonerate a driver of a traffic violation – 宣布驾驶员没有交通违规行为
  33. exonerate a police officer of misconduct – 免除警官的不当行为
  34. exonerate a politician from corruption – 宣布政治家没有腐败行为
  35. exonerate a journalist of fabrication – 宣布记者没有捏造
  36. exonerate a student of plagiarism – 宣布学生没有剽窃行为
  37. exonerate a teacher of favoritism – 宣布教师没有偏袒行为
  38. exonerate a doctor of negligence – 免除医生的疏忽
  39. exonerate a lawyer from unethical behavior – 宣布律师没有不道德行为
  40. exonerate a witness of perjury – 宣布证人没有伪证行为
  41. exonerate a scientist of data manipulation – 宣布科学家没有数据篡改行为
  42. exonerate a soldier of misconduct – 宣布士兵没有不当行为
  43. exonerate a researcher of falsification – 宣布研究人员没有伪造行为
  44. exonerate a company of false advertising – 宣布公司没有虚假广告行为
  45. exonerate a driver of reckless driving – 宣布驾驶员没有鲁莽驾驶行为
  46. exonerate a coach of player mistreatment – 宣布教练没有对运动员虐待行为
  47. exonerate a politician of embezzlement – 宣布政治家没有贪污行为
  48. exonerate a journalist of defamation – 宣布记者没有诽谤行为
  49. exonerate a student of misconduct – 宣布学生没有不当行为
  50. exonerate a teacher of incompetence – 免除教师的无能


exonerate (eg ZAHN er ate) The root words have the idea of “laying down a burden.” And, indeed, if you are exonerated, you are freed from a respon-sibility or blame, whether in a legal matter or something less official.

  • Graham was accused of being the “redheaded boy” who threw an egg out the second floor of the school building onto a passerby in the street below, but he exonerated himself by having every student in his calculus class affirm that he was in the first floor calculus classroom at the time.
  • “No officer worth his salt,” said Major Rigsby-Radnor, “would want to be exonerated from his duty of fighting for Her Majesty Queen Griselda; in fact, I insist on leading the charge.”

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
免除责任(如ZAHN er ate)词根有“放下负担”的意思。事实上,如果你被免除责任,你就可以摆脱责任或指责,无论是在法律问题上还是在不太官方的事情上。

  • 格雷厄姆被指控是一个“红发男孩”,他从学校大楼的二楼向下面街道上的一名路人扔了一个鸡蛋,但他让微积分课上的每个学生都确认自己当时在一楼的微积分教室里,从而为自己开脱
  • 里格斯比·拉德诺少校说:“没有一个称职的军官愿意被免除为格里塞尔达女王陛下而战的责任;事实上,我坚持要领导这项指控。”


一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
