
eviscerate (ee VISS er ate) This verb can be used in two ways. It means “to disembowel or remove the entrails from a human or animal,” or, more figuratively, removing the significant meaning of a speech or argument.

  • Ancient Egyptians eviscerated their dead to prepare them for the process of mummification.
  • Followers of Charles Darwin eviscerated the arguments proposed by Creationists with the theory of evolution.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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掏内脏(ee VISS er ate)这个动词有两种用法。它的意思是“从人或动物身上开膛或去除内脏”,或者更形象地说,去除演讲或争论的重要意义。

  • 古埃及人将死者的内脏掏出来,为制作木乃伊做准备
  • 查尔斯·达尔文的追随者用进化论推翻了创世论者提出的论点



剧烈批评(Harsh Criticism):

  1. Eviscerate someone’s argument – 剖析某人的论点
  2. Eviscerate a theory – 彻底否定一个理论
  3. Eviscerate a proposal – 严厉批评一个提议
  4. Eviscerate a policy – 严厉批评一项政策
  5. Eviscerate a book/movie – 对一本书/电影进行尖锐批评

残酷击败(Utter Defeat):

  1. Eviscerate the competition – 彻底击败竞争对手
  2. Eviscerate an opponent – 彻底击败对手
  3. Eviscerate an adversary – 完全击败对手
  4. Eviscerate a team – 完全战胜一支球队
  5. Eviscerate an enemy – 彻底击败敌人

丧失重要组成部分(Remove Vital Parts):

  1. Eviscerate a document – 删除文件的重要部分
  2. Eviscerate a contract – 删除合同的关键内容
  3. Eviscerate a speech – 剪除演讲的重要部分
  4. Eviscerate a report – 删除报告的核心信息
  5. Eviscerate an article – 剥夺文章的关键部分

彻底摧毁(Completely Destroy):

  1. Eviscerate an organization – 彻底摧毁一个组织
  2. Eviscerate a business – 彻底摧毁一家企业
  3. Eviscerate a reputation – 彻底毁掉声誉
  4. Eviscerate someone’s career – 彻底毁掉某人的职业生涯
  5. Eviscerate someone’s dreams – 彻底摧毁某人的梦想

暴力行为(Violent Action):

  1. Eviscerate a victim – 用暴力手段对待受害者
  2. Eviscerate a prey – 对猎物进行剖腹处理
  3. Eviscerate a carcass – 剖析一具尸体
  4. Eviscerate an animal – 剖腹杀害一只动物
  5. Eviscerate a fish – 剖开一条鱼

其他用法(Other Usage):

  1. The critic eviscerated the performance with his scathing review – 评论家用尖刻的评论彻底批判了这场表演
  2. The scandal eviscerated the politician’s career – 这个丑闻彻底毁了那位政治家的职业生涯
  3. The hurricane eviscerated the coastal town – 飓风彻底摧毁了沿海小镇
  4. The company’s bankruptcy eviscerated the employees’ savings – 公司的破产彻底耗尽了员工的储蓄
  5. The surgeon skillfully eviscerated the tumor during the operation – 外科医生在手术中巧妙地剜除了肿瘤
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
