
euphoric (yoo FOR ik) This word generally suggests an extreme of hap-piness, a “wow” feeling. (Its origins in Greek are more modest; it literally means having good health, and indeed that should be a cause of great happiness.) The noun form is “euphoria.”

  • Mary Lou was understandably euphoric when she learned that she had just won the state lottery.
  • Ms. Bosco claims that her cat feels euphoric when he gets a fair ration of catnip; while it’s hard to know about an animal’s feelings, jumping up and down and tossing the shreds of catnip in the air does indeed suggest intense happiness.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
欣快感(yoo FOR ik)这个词通常表示极度的happiness,一种“哇”的感觉。(它在希腊语中的起源更为温和;它的字面意思是拥有良好的健康,事实上这应该是巨大幸福的原因。)名词形式是“欣快感”

  • 当玛丽·卢得知自己刚刚中了州彩票时,她欣喜若狂,这是可以理解的
  • 博斯科女士声称,当她的猫得到相当数量的猫薄荷时,它会感到愉悦;虽然很难了解动物的感受,但跳上跳下,把猫薄荷丝抛向空中,确实意味着强烈的幸福

