她没有三个孩子要养 也不是失婚的失学妇女
Just because she’s not supporting 3 kids with no husband and no education…
doesn’t make her an idiot.
Just because she dresses like a lawyer…
并不表示她不是吃尽苦头 才有今天的地位
doesn’t mean she didn’t work her ass off in shit positions to earn her way.
很抱歉 , 我没念过法学院
Excuse me for not going to law school.
法学院 ? 你只要上过 礼仪学校我就心满意足
Law school? At this point I’d settle for charm school.
Mr. Linwood.
Oh, God.
鲍伯 ?
大桥路6 0 8 6号♥
6086 Bridge Road…
Hinkley, California.
电♥话♥7 1 4 …
4 5 5 …
Okay, now, if you could walk me through…
all of the elements of…
Annabelle’s illnesses.
Specific details.
在第一次看医生之前多久 发现她的症状…
When the symptoms began prior to the first medical visit.
希望各位不要加上 情绪上的反应
If you could reserve sentimental embellishments, I’d appreciate it…
because they’re not gonna help you in court.
I just need facts, dates, time.
我知道泰瑞莎很冷淡 但他们说她是个好律师
I know Theresa isn’t real warm, but they say she’s a good lawyer.
她问过的问题你都问过了 我一切都告诉过你了
She asked the same questions you asked. I already told you everything.
我不要她再到我家来 她很傲慢 , 安娜贝尔不喜欢
I don’t want her here again. She’s kinda stuck-up, and she upsets Annabelle.
如果你们不喜欢泰瑞莎的话 也不要紧
Okay, if you don’t like Theresa, that’s okay.
你们知道安娜贝尔 对我来说意义重大
You know how important Annabelle is to me.
Ed and I are still here for you.
我两天前打电♥话♥给艾德 他到现在还没回电
I called Ed two days ago, Erin. He still hasn’t called me back.
我也不想这么说 , 但是…
Now, I hate to say this, but…
everyone’s pretty upset about this arbitration thing.
什么 ?
Pamela’s written a letter in the Hinkley News…
telling everybody to get new lawyers…
that we’ve been lied to.
是真的吗 ?
Is it true?
你们有骗我们吗 ?
Did you? Did you?
我说的都是实话 我会查清楚的
I’m telling you the truth, and I will get to the bottom of this.
Don’t lie to us.
-我会处理这件事的 -我们信任你…
– I’ll take care of this, I promise. – We’re trusting you, so–
谢谢 , 我再跟你们联络
Thanks. I’ll talk to you soon.
好 , 再见
All right. Bye-bye.
I’m not saying it’s not a strong case.
如果真的不行 法官就不会驳回抗辩
If it wasn’t a strong case, every demurrer wouldn’t have been dismissed.
I wouldn’t be here.
What I am saying is, we still don’t have a smoking gun…
旧金山总部 和辛克利有关的证据
that ties San Francisco to Hinkley…
证明在 1 9 8 7年之前
something that proves that prior to 1 987…
P G & E总公♥司♥知道 辛克利的水质有问题
PG&E Corporate knew the water was bad in Hinkley…
and did nothing about it.
艾琳 , 你今天不是请病假吗 ?
Hey, Erin. I thought you were taking a sick day.
So did I.
里面是怎么回事 ?
What’s going on in there?
P G & E会议
Meeting about the PG&E thing.
-你确定吗 ? -确定
– Are you sure? – Yep.
我们一定要找到证据 否则无法大胜
We can find it, or we don’t have a big win.
我可以告退一下吗 ?
Can I take a brief break here for a moment?
I’ll be right back.
你在做什么 ?
What are you doing?
如果你叫我别激动的话 我就勒死你
If you tell me to relax, I’m gonna choke you with that fucking tie.
-你自己说不舒服 -你根本是在放屁 !
– You told me you weren’t feeling great. – Oh, that is bullshit!
如果你要我上班 就算我快死了你也不管
If I was on my death bed, if it helped you, you’d drag me out of it.
你怎么可以把这一切夺走 ?
How could you take this away from me?
-我没有夺走什么东西 -放屁 !
– Nobody’s taking anything. – Bullshit!
你把我放逐边疆 要我跟速记员做笔记
You stuck me in Siberia, dictating to some goddamn steno clerk…
so you could finish this without me.
他们搞砸了 , 艾琳 你听到了吗 ? 他们承认了
They screwed up, Erin. Do I have your attention now? They admit it.
他们写的裁决庭企划书 对辛克利居民而言
The arbitration proposal they submitted could have been written in Sanskrit…
for all the sense it made to the people in Hinkley.
我知道 , 我跟泰德谈过 潘蜜拉根本拒接我的电♥话♥
I know. I spoke to Ted. Pamela Duncan wouldn’t even get on the phone with me.
她写的那封信让人心浮动 她说我们是小偷
She’s got everybody seeing red with that letter she wrote. She called us thieves.
-我们的案子快完了 -为什么 ?
– The whole thing is falling apart. – Why? Why?
因为我们在上裁决庭之前 必须要征得原告同意
Because before we go to arbitration, we have to get the plaintiffs to agree.
-多少个 ? -通常要7 0 %的人
– How many? – Usually they require about 7 0%.
P G & E要求9 0 % 所以几乎要人人同意
PG&E is demanding 90. In other words, everybody.
你懂吗 ? 这次是认真的
Now do you understand? This is serious.
艾德 , 难道我不认真吗 ?
And what, Ed? I’m not serious?
You’re emotional. You’re erratic.
你说话不用大脑 你什么事都当做是针对你
You say whatever comes into your head. You make this personal, and it isn’t.
不是针对我 ?
Not personal?
那是我的工作 , 我的血汗 我牺牲和孩子相处的时间
That is my work, my sweat, my time away from my kids.
那还叫做不针对我个人 那我就不知道什么是…
If that’s not personal, I don’t know what is–
Hey, come on.
Come on.
Go home. Get well.
你病成这样 , 帮不了我
Because you’re no good to me sick.
I need you. All right?
This case needs you.
你有没有告诉他们 ?
Did you tell them that?
Binding arbitration isn’t all that different from a trial.
It’s overseen by a judge.
Evidence is presented in much the same way.
然后由陪审团判决 ?
Then a jury decides?
不 , 对不起 我忘了提这一点
Oh, no, sorry. I forgot to mention that.
There’s no jury in binding arbitration.
No jury, no appeals.
那我们不满意裁决结果怎么办 ?
What option do we have if we don’t like the result?
不怎么办 法官说了就算
None. The judge’s decision is final.
-我不喜欢 -但我们不认为这有问题
– Not a good answer. – But we don’t think that’s a problem.
As I already told you…
你们绝对可以争取到五千万 到四亿元的赔偿
it’s definitely between 50 and 400 million dollars.
到底是多少 ? 这两者有天坏之别
Well, which? There’s a big difference there.
I wouldn’t like to speculate at this point.
赔偿金怎么分 ?
Well, how does it get divided?
谁拿到多少 ?
Yeah, who gets what?
我两年前就开始看医生了 比很多人要早许多
My medical bills started two years ago, before some of the other people here.
我女儿看医生的次数 比他多多了
My daughter has been in and out of hospitals a lot more than his.
It shouldn’t matter when it started.
Just a minute, please.
People, listen, please.
Please, the point we have to address tonight is getting everyone to agree…
that going binding arbitration…
认为这样比缠讼十年 才拿到钱好多了
is preferable to a trial that could last ten years before you see any money.
也许我们之中有人 愿意等上十年
Maybe some of us want to wait ten years.
我们一定要达成共识 否则就没有希望
Everyone has to agree, or no one has a chance.
Those of you about to leave, keep this date in mind–
1 9 7 8
1 97 8.
That’s the year of the Love Canal controversy.
Those people are still waiting for their money.
2 0年后你们会在哪里 ?
Think about where you’ll be in 1 5 or 20 years.
各位 , 这的确是个重大的决定
Look, everyone, is this a big decision? Absolutely.
但是我绝对坚信 这不是出♥卖♥♥♥你们
But I do not believe, and I wouldn’t say this otherwise, this is a sell-out.
只有这样才能立即 帮你们争取到赔偿
This is the best shot at getting everyone some money now.
You and I both know…
在座有些人 可能等不了多久了
there are people in this room who can’t afford to wait…
who need to take that chance.
你们要让他们干等下去吗 ?
Are you gonna make them wait?
一共有多少个 ?
So, how many altogether?
Well, we got just about everybody that came here tonight…
现在还缺 1 5 0份
but that still leaves us about 1 50 short.
Oh, shit.
We’ll have to go door-to-door.
